Anime that would make great film adaptations


Nov 24, 2007
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With Transformers being a blockbuster and DBZ in production, don't you they should do other animes.

I think they should do:
Death Note(I know they made 1 in Japan and it was a big hit)
Full Metal Alchemist
Outlaw Star
Rurouni Kenshin
Gundam Wing
This topic has been brought up many times before. And I never get tired of posting this ...

Gungrave in Martin Scorsese's hands (The Departed, The Goodfellas) :wow: or Alex Proyas's hands (The Crow, Dark City)

Peacemaker Kurogane in Edward Zwick's hands (The Last Samurai)

Fullmetal Alchemist in Peter Jackson's hands (Lord of the Rings, King Kong) :wow:

Naruto in a combination of both Ten Shimoyama's (Shinobi: Heart Under Blade) & Stephen Chow's (Kung fu Hustle, Shaolin Soccer) hands :word:

Afro Samurai or Samurai Champloo in Quentin Tarantino's (Kill Bill) hands
Robotech I think, and they are making a live action Robotech.

Fullmetal Alchemist, I don't think could ever work as live action. I feel it would lose a lot of the charm the animation has.

I think the live action version of Voltron is going to be terrible based on that script they are producing.

Bleach, I dunno. I really just love the characters as they are. I don't want to see them played by some Hollywood punks and yanks that can't act.
Mobile Suit Gundam - Characters are better developed than any other Gundam series. Just need to update some of the mech designs, but not as convoluted
as the recent series.

Robotech - Cool aerial flights and the like with a great story.

Galaxy Express 999 - But based off the Anime movies instead of the manga. It might work if shot mostly green screen with some small sets like "300" and "Sin City"

Akira - But based off the manga. It would well as a two part movie separated where Akira first shows up.

Ghost in the Shell - Matrix based itself off of it, so it could be a big success.

Cowboy Bebop - But only if Yoko Kanno does the music.
Cowboy beebop
Outlaw star
and maybe Naruto
are ones I can think of off the top of my head.
I hope Ghost In The Shell, AKIRA, and Cowboy Bebop never become live action propeties. AKIRA's being remade as a Hollywood live action movie = bad news.

Not everything was meant to be a Hollywood live action movie.

These movies or shows were huge achievements for anime and animation. For live action I'd doubt they would even be a drop in the bucket.
Rurouni Kenshin
Bubblegum Crisis.. (I would love to see this happen with the right script/budget/actors)

Who wouldn't love 4 hot ladies in some hardsuits on motorcycles battling it out with Boomers?

Macross/Robotech would be a good adaptation.

Ghost in the Shell of course!

A bunch of others!

Just because these would make a good adaptation doesn't mean that it would turn out well. Too many factors that would ruin it like we seen before! Bad Story, not enough budget, wrong actors for the roles, and etc.

Anyone remember Guyver?? Even tho the "The Dark Hero" Guyver II wasn't as bad as the first but still bleh!!!!
The only people so far that have made really good live action adaptations of Japanese manga/anime are the Japanese filmmaking industry.
The only people so far that have made really good live action adaptations of Japanese manga/anime are the Japanese filmmaking industry.

They've made some really bad ones as well, just like America with comic movies. "Devil Man" was atrocious. Just because it is made in Japan doesn't make it great. Japan's movie special effects are years behind America. Some are Sci-Fi channel quality. Casshern was creative on how they used their sfx so it looked better.

The non sci-fi Manga adapations range from bad to good as well. Nana, Touch and GTO were good. But Nana 2 wasn't that great and there are others of course.

Ideally a movie like Akira would have the backing of an American company to help support the budget needed to faithfully pull it off, but have a Japanese cast.
Live action movie adaptations eh? Something Gundam (preferably a new universe; let's see something original), Trinity Blood possibly, and Le Chevalier D'Eon.
They've made some really bad ones as well, just like America with comic movies. "Devil Man" was atrocious. Just because it is made in Japan doesn't make it great. Japan's movie special effects are years behind America. Some are Sci-Fi channel quality. Casshern was creative on how they used their sfx so it looked better.

The non sci-fi Manga adapations range from bad to good as well. Nana, Touch and GTO were good. But Nana 2 wasn't that great and there are others of course.

Ideally a movie like Akira would have the backing of an American company to help support the budget needed to faithfully pull it off, but have a Japanese cast.
The FX aren't as good so they have better focus on acting and story since they can't rely as much on CGI.

Ryuuk's CGI wasn't the best in Death Note but he still looked awesome.

Also a lot of these properties weren't made for mainstream American audiences. Anime even though it's become more widespread in the US is still really a cult artform, and I don't see Joe moviegoer really caring about a faithful version of AKIRA.
Akira the anime film was made for visuals, and unfortunately, the live action would be as well. I think the Akira manga has a very great story that was lacking in its anime counter part. I liked the story enough to want it to be faithful. That was the problem with the X anime movie as well.

Anyway, the recent Star Wars movie made me want a Macross live action movie, though the Robotech one is supposed to provide us that. I still want something more authentic to the original anime to keep its Japanese feel.

I heard Production IG is already in talks of getting Ghost in the Shell live action. Maybe the Watchowski brothers will do it. Though I don't like how the live action Speed Racer looks right now.
I always thought a macross/robotech 3 parter would be good... I think about it all the time.

Part I - would be everything from the crash to the escape ending with the battle in space around macross island floating in space

Part II - would be the journey back to earth, ending with the destruction of toronto, and exile of the ship and city back into space

Part III - would be the arrival of the mega fleet, and the destruction of earth.

-keep the realism that they've incorperated into later properties (ie. mac zero), as well as the outright crazy impossible to understand stuff. Pretty much just stick to the original macross,,, just chop it all down to fit into a (1hr, 1hr, 1.5hr) miniseries, or a 3 part full out movie bid

-I always thought the concept would work well, and is being done very well right now on tv (ie. Battlestar Galactica is pretty much Macross... but adapted a lot). And from an international stand point, the movie could be done in various languages... with a heavy use of subtitle (i.e. on the base, english, in macross city, japanese, etc.). To make the film marketable to both markets, while not having to deal with language/production issues.

-I'm a nut, I think it would be so good if done well... and I hate to say it... but I totally see brad pitt as the drunken Roy Fokker
After watching Gungrave I'm thinking that could be adapted well into live action.

PS Superfreak, what is that in your avy?
Ive always thought that manga/Anime had better potential than comic books. I would love to see Voltron on screen. It would show all those stupid power ranger loves up and show were it all originated.

Ive alwasy wanted to see an Akira adaption ever since I saw it. I always thought the seen where his arm starts merging with his chair looked insaine. I would also love to see the tripped out toys attacking too.
I would say no to Akira, mostly due to its "Masterpiece" status. It should be left alone.
Avangarde - Superfreak's avvy is from Battlestar Galactica when Adama jumps into the atmosphere of New Caprica.
I would love to see Voltron on screen. It would show all those stupid power ranger loves up and show were it all originated.

There are talks of making a Voltron movie. The script I heard of doesn't sound that great and is literally trying to make it like Power Rangers being all PC in a Haim Saban kind of way. Which would be bad!!!!

I say I, My, Me Strawberry Eggs would make a good live action movie. It's a pretty simple story and it can realistically work. And I would also like to see one of History's Strongest Disciple Ken'ichi. The fights for the MOST part have a real life theatrical like approach to it that can be pulled off. Though it only goes over the top in the last 10th of the show. And another favorite of mine, Chobits, would be a great show to make live action.
Record of Lodoss War :D which is pretty much a LotR movie :D

Berserk :o

Trigun... It would be beautiful

Samurai Champloo... if it does comes out, it should be a two part movie...

Cowboy Bebop can be done... it's not that hard to translate to the movies and the style of Watanabe tends to be based on Hollywood :huh:
I can't believe I've been forgetting this, I say Hajime no Ippo would make most idealistically make a great live action J-Drama series. The One Pound Gospel one is coming out next month.
Ive always thought that manga/Anime had better potential than comic books. I would love to see Voltron on screen. It would show all those stupid power ranger loves up and show were it all originated.

Ive alwasy wanted to see an Akira adaption ever since I saw it. I always thought the seen where his arm starts merging with his chair looked insaine. I would also love to see the tripped out toys attacking too.

I never really got that impression. While comics are definitely known for over the topness, manga sort of takes it, and ACCELERATES it into pure fantasy that should, and could only be told from an animated sort of way. Or else it tends to look really cheesy, campy, and outright not cool.

But like I said, comics are known for it, as well. Nobody wants to see an Iron Fist movie, where Danny actually uses the comic book Iron Fist costume.
While comics are definitely known for over the topness, manga sort of takes it, and ACCELERATES it into pure fantasy that should, and could only be told from an animated sort of way.

Exactly. One huge example would be Prince of Tennis. There's really no explanation why jr. high kids have abilities that exceed the pro level and have all these super powers like the cyclone smash (where Ryoma can hit the ball so hard that when the ball passes by you, it makes you go flying) and the Tezuka zone (where Tezuka can make the ball come to him "psychically" as long as the ball is spinning).
Exactly. One huge example would be Prince of Tennis. There's really no explanation why jr. high kids have abilities that exceed the pro level

Well, it wasn't really like all of them exceed pro level, only a couple from each school.

and have all these super powers like the cyclone smash

How's the cyclone smash a super power? I see it more like an exaggerated special move just like every other special move they had in the show.

(where Ryoma can hit the ball so hard that when the ball passes by you, it makes you go flying)

:huh: It never sent anyone flying, it was just there to show how powerful the smash was.

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