Aquaman's Totally Rockin' Art Thread!!


Nov 24, 2005
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the namesake..

a wip...

and what you've seen in the spider-man new costume thread...
good stuff man glad you started your own thread. I've been thinking alot about the movie version of namor and his costume (cause i'm more a marvel guy) but that first one make me think of aquaman movie duds. Both of tragically underused and misunderstood by the way.
Thanks Ramore, I completely agree that they are underused and misunderstood. Out of all the characters I really think aquaman has more potential than any of the rest of the characters, especially in terms of cinema. I really want to see an epicly(not a word)-spectacular Aquaman movie sometime in the future.
Yeah i know and whoever gets to the epic undrwater adventure first will own it and every after will look like it's copying you know. I thought marvel was gonna be first but aquaman has been getting real play what with the new show and all in the works it him being the main thing on entourage.
another work in progress...

inspired by DorkyFresh's batman vs league of shadow ninjas.
Forgot to say,the second one with Daredevil and etc is totally awesome.
here's a christmas card I've made for my friends this year. each of the people in the picture is one of my friends...but looking a bit more like a little kid...



base colors

and finally some crappy shading

Here's a thing I did while I was in Hawaii over christmas break. Its a character called Scribbles the cat. Its from a comic strip that I have in my school newspaper. Something I'd eventually want to turn into an online strip. Haven't posted in a while due to lack of scanner.
Aquaman said:

Here's a thing I did while I was in Hawaii over christmas break. Its a character called Scribbles the cat. Its from a comic strip that I have in my school newspaper. Something I'd eventually want to turn into an online strip. Haven't posted in a while due to lack of scanner.

was there a specific reason why you choose the blue background? it makes the lava man a bit too cool (as in cold). If you had a orangey, reddy, yellowy thing then the image would read a lot hotter.
The Question, Thats not Stan and Wendy but I can see the resemblence.

CyberMonkeyTron, I tried using a very contrasting background with something green or the final one blue. I might go back and try a more fiery background. I guess I never thought to do a yellowish color.

Wildcard, thanks. I appreciate that. I've actually grown accustomed to the new Spidey costume. To me, its a good temporary change.

And thanks to everyone else for the comments.
really cool stuff. the christmas card is cute. and i like your spidey costume design
oh and do u have anymore stuff on Scribbles? i'd like to see some of your comic strips
here's the most recent comic. I've been having a little difficulty saving the others small enough to upload. hopefully I can get those up soon.

As for a little background, the comic is in my school's paper, and its a little parody of our principal this year. This most recent one plays off the fact that our principal is involved in some sorta problem with a student who threatened to kill him on his xanga.

Here's the volcano monster one with a different background

and a background I made
Forgot about this one. Its a wallpaper of Scribble's arch nemesis
doodle I did in my AP US History class today...

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