Arclight's main power comes from her hands, right?..
Well, I just find it interesting that Mota is wearing those purple gloves that seem to stick out from the rest of her attire...
Two more reasons why I'm pretty sold on the Arclight idea is how Kinberg referenced how the reason why they didn't keep Avalanche in the film was because his powers would've been redundant...
Now think about this old-timers...The first set photos where we caught glimpses of Omahyra on the set was around the same time the Avalanche rumors were still fizzing around...Maybe something was going on with that..
Another thing to notice is Arclight's comic name (Philippa Sontag), which hints at some kind of hispanic descent, in which Omahyra Mota has..Actually, upon further research, I have found that Arclight IS Mexican (Stacy-X is confirmed to be American in the comics)...We know that it's one thing to have an Australian play a Canadian, but this is just a little different...(since ethnicity would a partial factor for Arclight; i.e., Deathstrike)
From an alternate X-Men site:
Powers: superhuman strength, endurance, reflexes, and resistance to injury, generate seismic energies around her hands that cause shockwaves and earth tremors...Sounds very similar to Avalanche now doesn't it?
Real Name: Phillipa Sontag
Nationality: Mexican
Occupation: Assassin
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Unrevealed
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Unrevealed
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Marauders
Base Of Operations: Unrevealed
First Appearance: X-FACTOR #10
History: Arclight is a member of the Marauders, a group of mutants who slay other superhuman mutants. On the orders of their employer, Mister Sinister, the Marauders carried out the so-called "mutant massacre,"in which they slew most of the Morlocks, the mutants living in tunnel's beneath New York City.In the course of the massacre, the Marauders, including Arclight clashed with various superhuman champions, including the X-Men. Arclight and the other Marauders have also battled the X-Men on subsequent occasions
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 126 lbs.
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Purple (dyed)
Powers: Arclight sends shockwaves through anything she hits. She usually uses her power to throw foes off balance or to smash things. At times she has been seen involved in a relationship with Scalphunter, but due to the impermanent nature of their lives, it's likely that nothing between them is serious.
Strength level: Arclight possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) roughly 50 tons.
Known superhuman powers: Arclight possesses superhuman strength.
Weapons: None
Notes: None
Also note that her hair and eyes are usually purple in the comics...Perhaps to visually isolate and/or individualize herself from the more recognizable Psylocke, the X3 costume designers decided not give her straight-up purple hair and instead go with the purple gloves (which also, as I mentioned, excenuiates(sp?) her powers)...
Another thing to analyze is the unusual hair style..They gave her short hair with an ARC (a half-circle swoop) that comes down to her forehead...Most of the few photos that I've found of Arclight online similarly has her hair down short and over forehead and near her eyes...Not exactly in a slicked swoop, but the base of the style is still there..
If you've been following the movie-making process of these movies so far, you've got to admit that these kinds of details are there for a reason..