Assassin's Creed IV

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Aug 18, 2006
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It seems a poster for "Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag" has been leaked.


Is that Connor? The costume looks like his some pirate parts added.

Perhaps the new protagonist thing just meant the modern day hero who'll use the Animus?

Anyway I'm totally up for a pirate game, hopefully this will be the first good pirate game.
First screenshot:


Today I am bringing you the first rumored image and information known of Assassin's Creed: Black Flag. The main characters name is Edward Kenway, father of Haytham Kenway from Assassin's Creed 3. Edward is known as a Privateer, Assassin and occasional pirate. The games location is set in the Caribbean on multiple islands including Jamaica, Cuba and the Bahamas.

The current game is running on the Xbox 360, but has plans for next generation console's as well. Finally, Darby McDevitt is the lead script writer, with tie in's from previous Assassin's Creed games.

So they're making a game out of the fan favorite aspect of AC3 and showcasing the more interesting side of the family, eh?
Do they really have to call this ACIV though? It seems like more of a spin-off from ACIII than anything else.

Also, as cool as the boat stuff was, I hope it still has its action because I don't know how I'd feel about a game centered around Naval combat.
I hope we can free roam with the boat. Travel to those different islands the same way we could travel from one city to the other via horse in ACIII
I hope we can free roam with the boat. Travel to those different islands the same way we could travel from one city to the other via horse in ACIII
It would be very reminiscent of Windwaker, which pretty much had no load time while you were sailing in the sea. I think it would depend on how big and detailed the islands are.
This just makes me really sad that awesome looking Pirates of the Caribbean game got canceled.
First off...pirates are cool.

Second...I'm already more excited for this game than I was the previous game. :p
Hopefully they'll go back to Connor and have him in France after this.

What if instead of having a character using the animus, Connor uses some sort of Native American technique/magic to get training from his grandfather's adventures?
This just makes me really sad that awesome looking Pirates of the Caribbean game got canceled.

Yea no kidding.

Hopefully this can fill the void of epic high seas swashbuckling action.
Considering that the naval battles were one of my favorite aspects of AC3, I'm pretty excited by this news. Hopefully they'll expand on that aspect but still give us some proper assassination missions.
Prediction: Your boat will have a hidden blade and you will stab other boats. :o
So, the modern day dude(tte) will still be related to Desmond. Unless they are doing something freaky with his body once they stole it.
I'm on board. Especially if we get more Haytham.

What if instead of having a character using the animus, Connor uses some sort of Native American technique/magic to get training from his grandfather's adventures?

This would be really cool.
I think that's what The Tyranny of King Washington is ultimately about.
On second thought, maybe these are deliberate leaks and we're being trolled.

Also that screen shot looks like Ned Stark.
Well there is a rumored Ubisoft conference tomorrow that will talk about ACIV, so we should know by tomorrow.
The Black Flag rumor came out a month or so ago, but no one was sure whether it would be ACIV or just an extension of ACIII.

Nice to see that they're still keeping it in the family, even though they originally said they were moving on from the Desmond story. (Or is it possible that another of Kenway's descendants is a modern-day Assassin, too....?)

So, if Edward is Haytham's father, that would put him right smack in the ideal time and setting for a full-on pirates game, which is apparently what we're getting. Early 18th century "Pirates of the Caribbean" (minus Jack Sparrow) will put Edward in the same seas/era as Blackbeard, Captain Kidd, Henry Morgan (of spiced rum fame), Anne Bonny and Mary Read, Calico Jack, The Dread Pirate Roberts....

Arrrrrr. Get yer pirate on, matey.
Yea that sounds awesome. Battling Black Beard? Count me the hell in.
I hope it covers that the major majority of pirates where actually honest men who turned to piracy because they where sick of how horrible life was as a sailor in the Royal Navy and the East India Trading Company (Which could be that eras equivalent of Abstergo).
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