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This is a continuation thread, the old thread is [split]292482[/split]
But atheism has become a religion. Money is being spent to try and convert others to that viewpoint. There are atheist bilboards. I have seen people preaching how there is no god. I have seen people handing out pamphlets on my college campus. Atheism is becoming organized.
I just find it ironic that it has become a movement. I don't like theists or atheists that try and shove their view point down other people's throats or try and convert other people. I have no problem with either side when they keep those beliefs to themselves and I would say the majority of theists and atheists are tolerant and level headed. I am of course speaking in terms of this generation's theists.
Atheism is not the default setting. Otherwise religion would have never been invented. It is human to have beliefs in something more than itself. I would agree that atheism is probably the more rational setting but I wouldn't say it is the default setting that an outside influence has to turn on to activate it. It may even be a product of our id. Who knows.
But atheism has become a religion. Money is being spent to try and convert others to that viewpoint. There are atheist bilboards. I have seen people preaching how there is no god. I have seen people handing out pamphlets on my college campus. Atheism is becoming organized.
I just find it ironic that it has become a movement. I don't like theists or atheists that try and shove their view point down other people's throats or try and convert other people. I have no problem with either side when they keep those beliefs to themselves and I would say the majority of theists and atheists are tolerant and level headed. I am of course speaking in terms of this generation's theists.
Atheism is not the default setting. Otherwise religion would have never been invented. It is human to have beliefs in something more than itself. I would agree that atheism is probably the more rational setting but I wouldn't say it is the default setting that an outside influence has to turn on to activate it. It may even be a product of our id. Who knows.
What a dumb thing to say. So when man finally evolved enough to be considered a man, the first thing out of his mouth was "Praise the lord!" No, socially, and probably due to fear, man gradually thought of the idea of a god or gods in order to comfort them against the harsh realities of nature. It's a human tendency to come up with ideas that comfort us in times of hardship (which early human life certainly was). I mean, if some kid thought up a magical invisible friend that he hung out with in order to comfort him because he parents beat him and he didn't have any friends, we'd probably think he was developing some psychotic issues caused by his hardship. But what he's doing isn't really any different than what early man was doing when they came up with religion.Religion has been around since the beginning of man. Either it is not the default setting or there are actual deities.
Religion has been around since the beginning of man. Either it is not the default setting or there are actual deities.
I agree...not all atheists are part of the popular movement but you can't deny it isn't happening. Atheism is becoming a religion.
Once again, if atheism is the default setting on human beings then religion would have never been invented. We would have no imaginations. Our minds would solely be wired for logical and rational thinking.What a dumb thing to say. So when man finally evolved enough to be considered a man, the first thing out of his mouth was "Praise the lord!" No, socially, and probably due to fear, man gradually thought of the idea of a god or gods in order to comfort them against the harsh realities of nature. It's a human tendency to come up with ideas that comfort us in times of hardship (which early human life certainly was). I mean, if some kid thought up a magical invisible friend that he hung out with in order to comfort him because he parents beat him and he didn't have any friends, we'd probably think he was developing some psychotic issues caused by his hardship. But what he's doing isn't really any different than what early man was doing when they came up with religion.
What the hell does having an imagination have to do with not being religious? The bridge you're using to make your point doesn't make any sense at all. You can not believe in religious stuff initially and still have an imagination (by your logic nobody that is an athiest could ever produce art or entertainment? Or even engage in creative thinking? Huh?). And you can also still be talked into believing in religion even if athiesm is your natural and logical default mindset. There are plenty of people that don't want or need things that I've had to sell in the past. Their default stance would certainly be "I don't need or want that thing" but I sure as hell have been able to convince them otherwise.Once again, if atheism is the default setting on human beings then religion would have never been invented. We would have no imaginations. Our minds would solely be wired for logical and rational thinking.
But for some reason we as humans are wired to have an imagination and hope. We have these things because it is beneficial to our species and it is an evolved trait. It's scientifically proven that people in a hospital have greater recovery rates if they are given hope. If you tell a cancer patient that they are going to die because there is no hope then they likely won't live as long as a comparable patient who is told that there is hope. So what's the first thing that man hopes for as a human being? That there is more to life than what we see in front of us.
So no, I don't think it is a dumb thing to say that atheism is the default setting when man automatically reverts to it. If you want to continue with that line of thinking then that means that religion is an adapted trait and would therefore make that theist a better survivor than the atheist as you have even mentioned that belief in something more is beneficial. So wouldn't it be logical for you to be a theist?
I hope it's pretty clear that I'm not trying to do that. Like I said in the first post, I think religion can be a positive force at times, and in my last post I agree that it was created way back when in order to make surviving easier as a species. I also don't think it's a dumb thing to be religious, hell, when I have weak moments of frustration I think about there being a god, partially because my parents conditioned me, and partially because during those weak moments I'm not thinking logically and I'm just trying to comfort myself. So I do it too, I just don't rationally believe any of it with a clear head.If you're going to take a stance on it you should have a deeper line or argument than simply belittling the opposition.
It is the default setting, if you were a human and nobody told you about religion, then you would be an athiest. You don't have to discover or be told about athiesm to be an athiest, you're one by default until someone tells you about religion. As there's no physician evidence of religion in life, unless someone told you about religion, you'd have no reason to think of it or believe it.
And the people that turn athiesm into a "religion" are simply just a**holes. I frankly don't personally know any athiests that try to turn it into a movement, though I do hear of them. It's stupid to make it a movement, by its very nature it shouldn't be a movement. You don't have to know or study anything (or even know of the term "athiest") to be an athiest, it's simply a logical lack of believing in something supernatural or irrational. That's it. With religion, you have to know the tenets of the religion, you have to know who the players in the religion are, what they did, what they stand for, what you're supposed to do to be in good favor with the religion, you have to believe in things told to you that you can't find any physical proof for. That's completely different than athiesm, and it makes sense for religion to be a movement (though I find it annoying as a movement nonetheless). Athiesm is simply not doing or believing that stuff, because you feel there's no logical reason to. It shouldn't technically be able to be a movement, nor is it a any sort of outside the box thinking. Like I said it's the default mode. Whether one knew it or not, if you didn't have an outside person tell you about religion, you would just logically not think about religion and you'd be an athiest, even if nobody ever talked to you about what athiesm is either. Do you know any relgions that work that way? Could you accidentally believe in christianity if nobody ever told you about it, or you never read about it? No, of course not. But you would certainly be an athiest if nobody ever told you about religion/athiesm.
To be honest, that thing you described earlier sounds like athiesm to me. Having a "reverence" for the physical things around you that sustain your life doesn't sound like a religion to me at all, it just sounds like common sense and an appreciation for living, and the things that you use to survive.That depends on how you define religion.
Take my animism example. The earliest of people had no religion, but they had a reverence for nature, they were small roaming groups that nothing but their intrinsic knowledge of life. They understood the "circle of life" and everything had a sort of religious aspect to it. The water, the land, the birds, the mammals even rocks had a sort of divinity to them, and I can't say that even though there was no actual God or gods that this could really be considered atheism.
The ones that are turning it into a movement do so out of a fear for the irrationality that goes with blind faith. It's a pipe dream though, the very nature of religion preserves religion.
The only people that "convert" to atheism were moderates to begin with, the more extreme factions will never raise their children to be anything else but what they are, religion is a living organism, and like any living organism its driving force is to get itself into the next generation, to spread and multiply.
So if it's all tl;dr I'm not convinced atheism is the default.
Edited to add, upon rereading your post, are you saying athiesm IS the default setting? Because in that case I agree with you. I'm having trouble telling which side of the fence you're on about that actually, as your post seems to be arguing for one thing but then concluding with the opposite.
I hope it's pretty clear that I'm not trying to do that. Like I said in the first post, I think religion can be a positive force at times, and in my last post I agree that it was created way back when in order to make surviving easier as a species. I also don't think it's a dumb thing to be religious, hell, when I have weak moments of frustration I think about there being a god, partially because my parents conditioned me, and partially because during those weak moments I'm not thinking logically and I'm just trying to comfort myself. So I do it too, I just don't rationally believe any of it with a clear head.
No I don't think it is the default because as you and I both agree it has been beneficial for the species. So overtime, that adaptation becomes part of that species through evolution, the evolution of the brain. That's like saying that birds have feathers because that is their default. They didn't at one time and they might not in the future. But for a long, long time, birds have had feathers and man has had religion. It's just the current default.
To be honest, that thing you described earlier sounds like athiesm to me. Having a "reverence" for the physical things around you that sustain your life doesn't sound like a religion to me at all, it just sounds like common sense and an appreciation for living, and the things that you use to survive.
I agree that people are trying to turn athiesm into a movement for that reason, but I think that really has nothing to do with athiesm itself. There's nothing about athiesm that requires it being spread around (most religions do have principles that encourage you to spread the word), so I think it's just a misuse of athiesm, and those people would probably start a movement over anything else if they didn't have athiesm. They're probably just movement lovin' people.
But yeah, I'm glad you used "convert" in parenthesis. I'd never actually met, or read about anyone talking about athiesm before I started to come to those conclusions on my own. In fact, my parents were religious, though not enough to make me want to be rebellious towards it. It was a bit boring, but I didn't mind it. But, the point here is that as they were fairly passive in their religious ferver, especially as they got older, and I stopped having it driven into me by an outside influence, my brain logically started to revert to the default logical position, which was seeing that there wasn't any logical or physical evidence for the existence of a diety, and I simply stopped believing in it.
I am surprised by the fact that this thread managed to survive up to 250 posts much less have enough posts to be thread managed. I am confident This new part won't make it to 250.
But atheism has become a religion. Money is being spent to try and convert others to that viewpoint. There are atheist bilboards. I have seen people preaching how there is no god. I have seen people handing out pamphlets on my college campus. Atheism is becoming organized.