'Batman and Robin' brings a 'game-changer' for Bruce Wayne

All the haters need to read this. It explains why things lead to Inc, and how it all plays out in Morrison's metatext.


At the end of the day its only temporary and it explores new themes, so what's the problem? And its not like Stark at all. He exposed his identity for politics or personal exposure. BW does it so that he can help his cause as Bruce (see how Wayne tower will house labs for the police from now on, as stated by Tomasi), not for personal gain, or anything like that. Besides, he didnt reveal his identity, just that he's funding Batman.

Fantastic article. It really captures the genius of Morrison's run.
It's an interesting take on the character and should bring some fun moments in it.
So...we're basically getting an English Batman who'll be able to kick the **** out of chavs? Sounds good. Although I'd rather DC just have more characters in this country rather than simply giving us a Batman Jr. who'll probably end up getting killed by The Joker or something.
Although I don't know what the Batman of Vatican City will have to do. Or Guam.
Do these places really need a Batman?
And what about Australia? How will people take an Australian Batman seriously?
Trust me, most of these guys are going to spend their time rescuing kittens from trees and giving presents to blind kids and lepers.
There already has been an English and an Australian Batman introduced in the Club of Heroes arc that Morrison wrote a few years back.

Knight and Squire:


Dark Ranger:

So...we're basically getting an English Batman who'll be able to kick the **** out of chavs? Sounds good. Although I'd rather DC just have more characters in this country rather than simply giving us a Batman Jr. who'll probably end up getting killed by The Joker or something.
Although I don't know what the Batman of Vatican City will have to do. Or Guam.
Do these places really need a Batman?
And what about Australia? How will people take an Australian Batman seriously?
Trust me, most of these guys are going to spend their time rescuing kittens from trees and giving presents to blind kids and lepers.

yes, cuz crime ONLY happens in america. what would a guam batman do? fight guam villains thought up by the writer. its not that hard to understand.
So you see nothing absurd in the idea of a Batman for Guam? You see absolutely NOTHING wrong with that?
Oh for crying out loud, there wont be a Batman for every nation, and you go out and mention the Vatican? Seriously? Are you being intentionally stupid?
So, let's say that there's an evil priest who is intentionally screwing up Mass. Who is there to deal out justice?!
It clearly writes itself.

And do places that think they're independent nations get a Batman too? Like, say, a Cornish Batman? Do you think we might see that?
Considering comics are sometimes full of xenophobic stereotypes (Knight and Squire? KNIGHT AND SQUIRE?!), it makes me wonder how lowbrow this will get. I shudder at the indignities that will be heaped upon French Batman.
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I shudder at the indignities that will be heaped upon French Batman.

Here's the French Batman:

More here.

He's French-Algerian.

You also gotta remember that Morrison's Inc run will have 12 members, but DC itself seems to be expanding that by having the Inc send people into missions and whatnot.
So you see nothing absurd in the idea of a Batman for Guam? You see absolutely NOTHING wrong with that?
what would be wrong with a batman inspired character based out of guam?
I do admit that while I like the Batman International idea, I absolutely despise DC Comic's obsession with having little to no international heroes or villains. It's like every freakin' thing happens in America, and whenever a foreign hero does crop up, they'll either be a terrible stereotype (Mother of Champions), foreign equivelant of American character (Knight and Squire) or killed off despite being literally the ONLY character on the continent (Tasmanian Devil).
Oh for crying out loud, there wont be a Batman for every nation, and you go out and mention the Vatican? Seriously? Are you being intentionally stupid?

Oh, come on, man! Think about that for a second! Morrison doing a spin on Monty Python's The Bishop where he fights the unexpected Spanish Inquisition?! It's almost too good an idea to pass up!

I do admit that while I like the Batman International idea, I absolutely despise DC Comic's obsession with having little to no international heroes or villains. It's like every freakin' thing happens in America, and whenever a foreign hero does crop up, they'll either be a terrible stereotype (Mother of Champions), foreign equivelant of American character (Knight and Squire) or killed off despite being literally the ONLY character on the continent (Tasmanian Devil).

Well I just see it as, the comics only focuses on the American heroes, because they're American comics. If you read Final Crisis, they showed a bunch of Japanese heroes, and although most of them were just kids, it still showed that there are other international heroes.
Well I just see it as, the comics only focuses on the American heroes, because they're American comics. If you read Final Crisis, they showed a bunch of Japanese heroes, and although most of them were just kids, it still showed that there are other international heroes.
While that excuse takes it a little while, but there's still the absolutely massive problem that nothing significant happens outside of America, that the Justice League, and international organisation, is full of Americans, and that we have to accept that for some reason the American protagonists never see or interact with any foreign super characters.

Its another reason why I quit buying most of comics, except for small runs that interest me or I am sold on immediately (like Batgirl).
I feel this is hurting bats more than anything. It's changing his entire character. He's a loner, I already don't like the whole bat family, however that's even been added up the ying yang.

His whole point of being batman to me is that he's trying to be the difference and take as much pain so others do not have too. Now, he's looking to share that?

Doesn't compute.

As well, the whole point of batman having no relationships is so nobody could get leverage over him..

Whose to say someone does not kidnap alfred now until Bruce gives up his info etc...it'd come much more consistently.
These guys are already superheroes. Batman just takes them in, funds them, and supports them. He doesnt make snatch them from the street and train them.
I've yet to see a reason against this that dosent involve silly nitpicking

Batman stopped being a loner 70 years ago.
So that's why you quit bying comics? Jeez.
Try reading someone's post before you reply for once. I clearly stated "Its another reason why" indicating there are several reasons, and then elaborate that I am still buying comics, just not as many.

But an excellent exercise in ignorance nonetheless.

Oh, and good point The Batman, I am very tired of hearing all the "Batman is better as a loner" talk when he has almost never been so in the comics.
Try reading someone's post before you reply for once. I clearly stated "Its another reason why" indicating there are several reasons, and then elaborate that I am still buying comics, just not as many.

But an excellent exercise in ignorance nonetheless.

Oh, and good point The Batman, I am very tired of hearing all the "Batman is better as a loner" talk when he has almost never been so in the comics.
You mad? :awesome:
I feel this is hurting bats more than anything. It's changing his entire character. He's a loner, I already don't like the whole bat family, however that's even been added up the ying yang.

His whole point of being batman to me is that he's trying to be the difference and take as much pain so others do not have too. Now, he's looking to share that?

Doesn't compute.

As well, the whole point of batman having no relationships is so nobody could get leverage over him..

Whose to say someone does not kidnap alfred now until Bruce gives up his info etc...it'd come much more consistently.
As The Batman said, Batman stopped being a loner over 70 years ago. No, seriously, Robin was created in 1940, and pretty much ever since Batman has had either an outright partner, or very close links to multiple other superheroes.

Batman has been a part of the Justice League for over 40 years.

He was a part of the Justice Society before that.

Before Morrison's run even begin, Bruce already had a network of Nightwing, multiple Robins, multiple Batgirls, Oracle, Huntress, Spoiler, and like 3 random superheroes who were killed off during War Games. Not to mention Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, multiple Green Lanterns, and multiple Flashes making regular appearances in Batbooks.

The concept of Batman being a loner is a really legitimate concept of the character. It's worked in a lot of stories and movies. But the idea that this loner version of Batman is the only "legitimate" - or even the standard, usual, regular, etc. - version of Batman is not only inaccurate, it's rather absurd.

If you look at his entire history (both real history, and in continuity) Batman has been much more submersed with other superheroes and allies than he has been alone.
While that excuse takes it a little while, but there's still the absolutely massive problem that nothing significant happens outside of America, that the Justice League, and international organisation, is full of Americans, and that we have to accept that for some reason the American protagonists never see or interact with any foreign super characters.

Its another reason why I quit buying most of comics, except for small runs that interest me or I am sold on immediately (like Batgirl).
No offense, but DC Comics is an American born and run company. It doesn't surprise me in the least that they're predominantly focused on American heroes.

If anything, it'd surprise me other countries don't have their own comic book publisher equivalent of DC and Marvel.
As The Batman said, Batman stopped being a loner over 70 years ago. No, seriously, Robin was created in 1940, and pretty much ever since Batman has had either an outright partner, or very close links to multiple other superheroes.

Batman has been a part of the Justice League for over 40 years.

He was a part of the Justice Society before that.

Before Morrison's run even begin, Bruce already had a network of Nightwing, multiple Robins, multiple Batgirls, Oracle, Huntress, Spoiler, and like 3 random superheroes who were killed off during War Games. Not to mention Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, multiple Green Lanterns, and multiple Flashes making regular appearances in Batbooks.

The concept of Batman being a loner is a really legitimate concept of the character. It's worked in a lot of stories and movies. But the idea that this loner version of Batman is the only "legitimate" - or even the standard, usual, regular, etc. - version of Batman is not only inaccurate, it's rather absurd.

If you look at his entire history (both real history, and in continuity) Batman has been much more submersed with other superheroes and allies than he has been alone.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that he's not been a "loner" for a long time.

I just feel thats the direction he should be going as opposed to creating this legion..

Like isn't the justice league there to do that?
Don't get me wrong, I understand that he's not been a "loner" for a long time.

I just feel thats the direction he should be going as opposed to creating this legion..
Well, Morrison's whole point with his run was kind of to do the opposite of what Nolan's doing in the movies just as a kind of breath of fresh air to the Batbooks.

While Batman hasn't been a loner for, well, 70 years, his stories have been prominently grim and gritty for quite some time. Morrison's goal was the bring back the more sci-fi, more camp-influenced era of Batman comics from the 50s-60s.

Which, obviously, is a pretty controversial thing to do. But after 20-30 years of grim and gritty, I kind of welcome the change.
Like isn't the justice league there to do that?
Yes and no. I mean yeah, Batman's in the Justice League book, but it's rarely about him. It's a team book where he's just part of the ensemble.

Not all of the Batman books will have Batman running around with a team of people, though. I mean, The Dark Knight is pretty much a solo-Bruce book. Batman and Detective are both pretty much Dick solo, as well.

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