Both excellent movies and both went in the same direction. Both exceptional actors and both great origin stories...which one is the greatest superhero movie of all time???
I obviously say batman due to the philosophy behind the character and the dark aspects of the that world being captured excellently. Plus I just like Batman better as a character.
Spiderman loses his powers he's nobody as we saw in spidey 2, and Iron man without that power source of his is nothing and suffers as we saw in that incarnation. Batman on the other hand is still a ruthless machine without anything. Batman is a master of the mind. He is the weapon himself.
As movies I liked all three and seems like the world did too. Batman had the best word of mouth due to lack of faith starting up since Clooney. Ironman and Spiderman got more promotion than any movie I know. So which movie takes it. Spiderman had a ridiculous power ranger villain , Iroman's was mediocre, and Batman's was deeper than one individual but an orginazation...nothing gets cooler than the mafia, Ninja, and scientific loon.
Well enough of my view but just wanna know what folks thoughts are on these. If you don't agree that any are the greatest then don't respond. This is by statistics from fans and non fans alike.
I obviously say batman due to the philosophy behind the character and the dark aspects of the that world being captured excellently. Plus I just like Batman better as a character.
Spiderman loses his powers he's nobody as we saw in spidey 2, and Iron man without that power source of his is nothing and suffers as we saw in that incarnation. Batman on the other hand is still a ruthless machine without anything. Batman is a master of the mind. He is the weapon himself.
As movies I liked all three and seems like the world did too. Batman had the best word of mouth due to lack of faith starting up since Clooney. Ironman and Spiderman got more promotion than any movie I know. So which movie takes it. Spiderman had a ridiculous power ranger villain , Iroman's was mediocre, and Batman's was deeper than one individual but an orginazation...nothing gets cooler than the mafia, Ninja, and scientific loon.
Well enough of my view but just wanna know what folks thoughts are on these. If you don't agree that any are the greatest then don't respond. This is by statistics from fans and non fans alike.