Batman real life rpg sign-up thread

I turn off my television as I hear about this report of a rumored "Batman". I live in an apartment, small, and think about the batman. Im not sure if hes real or not right now, but I know for certain that I want to have that kind of reputation one day. Right now, Im just some guy named Dick Grayson, go by the codename of Nightwing. This Batman guy I'm hearing about combined with my friend Bruce inspired me to make a coustume. I think its pretty cool, and i made the costume inspired by those comic books. Anyway, I decided to go out and attempt to stop my first crime. All my previous crime was stopped on computer, you know, theft stuff. Well, I find out its not as easy as Superman makes it look to be in the comics. I am actually shot in the leg by a guy with a white face, it appeared to be a mask but my eye sight was blurry seeing as i havent adapted to my costume yet. He was laughing at me and it made me feel pathetic. It is raining right now, and I am lying here in the rain with a shot leg. I crawl to a pay phone nearby a gas station. I dial 911..........
The rain keeps me alert as I contine my nightime vigil. It's been unusually quiet tonight, it seems the local crime life is lying low for once in Gotham's history. I leap into the air and grab a low hanging bar from a fire escape, my specially made gloves help me hold on to the slick metal, and I throw myself into the air with the grace of a trained arcrobat. My cape flows around my body, letting the air currents pass through it and give me loft, instead of weighing me down. It's an incredible piece of engineering. I had to have twelve seperate companies working on pieces of it before sending it to ten other companies that I own shares in, before it finally coming down to me. I have to make sure I'm untraceable.

A scream splits the air, I turn and glance down an alley in mid leap. My eye lenses come with built in night vision, and I see a woman cornered by a thug.

I pull out one of my relitvely untested gadgets. A grappling hook, with a specially powered mini moter that can pull up to 500lbs of weight. This cost me a pretty penny, but then, I have lots of those. It fires out and latches onto the side of a building above the thug.

I swing down towards the mugger, and realease a growl that would make the devil smile in approval. The mugger looks up, and lets out a scream that a child would be ashamed of. He tries to run, I release my catch from the grappling line and let my momentum carry me into the mugger. We both hit the ground hard, but the special shock absorbers I have around my joints take the brunt of the force. The thug is out cold.

I stand up slowly and shake my head a bit to clear it of the impact. I need to rethink the grappling hook design, it's going to be a hinderance to have to climb back up and get it down from the building side. I glance over at the woman, who seems more scared of me then the thug.

"Call the police, they'll take it from here," I growl. As I turn to retrieve my grappling hook I hear a gunshot, and a cackling laugh.
I race through the alleyways, and as I turn a corner I see a man running off, laughin maniacly. It must be the lighting, but I swear his skin is bleach white. There's someone lying on the ground, fumbling with a payphone....he looks vagley familiar.

As I approach him a start of recognition runs through me, Dick! I don't know what he's doing out here...He looks faint and the blood is flowing freely from his leg, the paramedics won't reach him in time. I open up a pouch from my belt and rub on a special salve that clots wounds, and acts as a strongl antiboitic. I wrap his leg in some gause, that will have to do for now...I have to get him out of here.

Just as I'm heaving him up the sound of sirens reaches me, and a cop runs around the corner.

"Jesus christ..." he whispered...."F..FREEZE!"

Talk about bad timing, I think to myself. I can't leave Dick here in this getup, so I quickly remove a smoke grenade and hurl it to the ground. As the cop tries to get through the smoke, I pull out my grappling hook, luckily it holds a spare grappel (I really need to improve this design) I fire it off and it latches onto a building overhang, and whisks us up into the air.
Names James Gordon. Lived in Gotham city my whole life and proud to say I am the first black police officer in the Gotham Police Department.

Many reports have been coming in all the time espeacially at time about this bat shaped creature. We have dubbed him "The Bat-Man". Spider-Man, Superman. A Comic-Book Geek most definetly. I wonder if he got his powers from a nuclear explosion or sometin. What could drive a man so hard that he dresses up and fights crime. (Origin please!)

Now I have to split my time working on Bat-Man and Rupert Thorne. Damn! I have been so close to nailing him. He's threatned not only me but my family as well. I can't fail them.As long as he doesnt touch them everything is ok.

Last night we almost caught the Batman in an alleyway where he seemed to have an accomplice. We better stop these "heroes" before more of them appear and hurt themselves.
On my way home from a crappy shift at the bakery, I drop off a baker's dozen of glazed donuts for some cop named Gordon. As I continue driving home, I see some wierd fccker in makeup with a gun. He doesn't look my way and I don't mess with him. It's not that crazy really. Like Greg Giraldo says, in a city this wierd you're only sort of surprised to see "a guy peeing on a guy *********ing." A disgruntled clown, who clearly has no beef with me, is not my problem, yeah? Neither is the caped freak that's following him. Seriously, dude, grappling hooks? Didn't those go out of style in like...I don't know, but I think they went out of style back in the day.

As soon as all the hubbub is out of the way I fire up a huge doob. After a day this stressful, a fella's just gotta.
I sit in my office eating some glazed dounts in my car when my police radio startles me into alert.

"We have a Clown and "The Bat-Man" in pursuit. We need u down here Gordon"

They tell me to head to the Docks. As I start my engine I think. What the HELL. First The Bat-Man and some maniac Clown. This thing is getting more serious than I ever imagined.

These guys must be drug users proably got a few drugs from Thorne. Wait if I guy tie these guys in with Thorne I could maybe take him down.
Never reeally was into comics. Maybe these 2 cooks are hallucinating a comic.

No time to think, just drive.
It's raining harder now, and lightning splits the sky as thunder rumbles around me. Goddamn cops, they spend more time trying to chase the wrong people then anything else. The kid is slowing me down, but I suppose I only have myself to blame for this, I remeber Dick mentioning how he thought the Batman had the right thing in mind. I never expected him to take matters into his own hands though. But then, there's not much we can do about it now.

I try to keep him moving as we race accross the rooftops, Dick tries to say something but I cut him off, we have to keep moving. The kid is tough, but he can't run on a bad leg too long, I have to find a place to drop him off, divert the cops away from us.

I hear the sirens of the police cars below us as they tail us from the street. This is just wonderfull. I have to think quick, I can't let them catch me or it will all have been for nothing. I can't let that happen. I won't.

I pull out the grappling hook, luckily I didn't loose the second grapple. It shoots out and latches onto a large stone church a few buildings down from us. Grabbing Dick, We sing over to the church and land between two of it's tall towers.

"The hosipital isn't that far away," I say as I open a small window on the tower next to us, "Climb down inside, no one will be in there, it's been vaccant for years. I'll lure the police away, then change out of your costume and get some help."

He looks like he wants to argue but he doesn't say anything and climbs inside. I give a silent thanks, and a sigh of relief. Another thing I was curious about, if my voice was diffrent enough to fool close friends. Dick didn't seem to be susupicious about anything.

I hear the sirens coming down the street leading towards the church...wonderfull, now I just have to throw them off Dick's trail. I fire my grappling hook again and wait for a moment. When the police car comes into veiw, I swing down towards it, the driver sees me and tries to swerve. My feet clip one of his lights and the colored class explodes with a tinkling crash. As I land on another building I hear the scream of tires as the cars pull a 180 to follow me. Well, at least that got there attention, no one stayed at the church.

I sprint and Leap off the edge of the building, and land hard on the roof of an adjacent gas station. If I didn't wear my shock absorbers, my joints would be screaming in protest right about now, but still even with them this isn't a picnic. I really need to get a car.

As I leap into the air again, a shot rings out, and it feels like a sludgehammer hits me in the back. Stupid, careless, don't just throw yourself out there without checking your back. As I tumble through the air I spread out my cape and it catches the current and slows my fall, but I still hit the ground hard.

Wood, I'm on wood, a dock...oh no I'm on the docks, cornered. Stupid, now you're going to get yourself cought. I hear a man yelling behind me, I turn around, it's a black man, looks like the commisioner. Berating a cop for shooting at me.


"S...sir," the deputy mumbles pointing at me. Gordon looks over and sees me, halfway through lifting myself off the ground, staring at him. My white eyes glinting in the darkness. He blinks in the rain.

"Good lord."
I feel great pain in my leg right now. I look out the window and see the police have seen batman! I cant help, my leg is horrible and i can barley walk. I think about it for a moment and then I get out of my costume. I have no idea where to put the costume so I keep it in this building, I figure I'll ask batman to get it for me later if I can figure out a way to save him somehow. I slowly climb down the building as I feel the pain bursting through my leg. I get up and drag myself to about where the pocice are gathered near batman. I shout, "HELP!" as loud as I can. The cops look over. "He's not the badguy!! HELLPP!!!" A few cops come over to me and next thing you know, I realise; where did batman go? I figure hes probably hiding around somewhere, but right now all im worrying about is for the ambulance to come get me, and I hope they dont realise what I just attempted.
“Alright! Listen up!” I shouted. I had planned on finishin’ up the last few details for my big plan around the end of the month, but certain circumstances (like some moron made up to look like a clown) have forced me to speed things up a bit. I gots most of my boys to come in, ‘cause this needed to be done fast.

“Here’s the plan I’ve been workin’ on, Boys...”

I always kept my plans to myself, up until the last minute. I don’t tell nobody - not even the Dummy - what we’s doin’ until we’s doin’ it. Specially dis one.

“Ya know dese thunderstorms we’s been havin’ recently? Well, originally, da military base over in Houston was expecting the delivery of a nuclear warhead from overseas, but ‘cause of dese storms the plane dat was s’pposed to deliver is it havin’ to stop temporarily here in Gotham.”

The Dummy looked at me. I could tell he was freaked out. He knew what I was plannin’. Hell, only a brain-dead moron wouldn’t. But that’s what my boys were. Morons. So I ‘splained it to ‘em.

“Dat plane is gonna land tomorrow night at 9:00 P.M., and we’s gonna take out da crew and make off with the cargo. And then...”

“And then what?” one of my stupidest boys, Rhino, asked.

“...Then dis city is mine.”
I freeze in my mind crouch, Gordon and I stay motionless, staring at one another. The commisioner seems at a loss for words.

"Don't move," he finally says as he pulls his revolver out of his holster. I stay still, I have to do something, but I'm surrounded, there's no easy way out. Then suddenly someone starts shouting like crazy at the back of the group. I see the policemen's head turn. It's Dick, limping up the peer. As Gordon turns his head to the side, I'm already moving. my hand moves pulls out one of my home made batarangs from my pocket as I dive to the side. Specially made by myself,t he batarangs are small, sharp areo-dynamic bat shaped pieces of metal that act as mini boomerags. The projectile slices across Gordon's hand leaving a small cut and knocks his gun out of his grasp.

"Dammit, don't let him...." the commisioner trails off as he turns to an empty dock.

"What the hell is this thing...?" One of the officers next to him ask.

Gordon ignors the comment, "He must be in the water, quick, spread out along the docks, and check the area."

"I didn't hear a splash," the officer mumbles to himself as he moves out along the docks.

The water feels like ice as I hold myself afloat under the dock. I slipped in quietly, but they'll find me soon enough. I can't swim very fast with this cloak, and I'll freeze if I don't get out quickly.

"What do you think this thing is?" I hear above me as the boards on the dock creek under the approaching footsteps of the policemen.

"No idea, but that sure as hell didn't look like no costume," another voice replies, "looked like some sorta mutant man or somethin. Like that jersey devil thing you hear about sometimes."

"Ya, and did you see him take that bullet? Jimmy tagged him, tagged him right in the back and he kept goin! Crazy, this thing is, crazy."

The voices fade out as I quietly tread to another dock, I have to do something, and do it quick. I reach down into my utility belt to check what wasn't ruined by the water. one of the small caliber explosives I carry is still functionable. The wouldn't do much damage to a human, but they would get your attention. I stick it to the bottom of the dock I'm under, and set the small timer. 40 seconds, enough to put a good distance between myself and the cops before they realize I'm gone.

As it starts up I swim as hard as I can, it's not easy with a huge cape on your back. I get about 6 docks down before the explosion rings out, and a few pieces of wood fly into the air. The police take the bait like fish to a worm. The entire force sprints over the damage. I'm already out of the water by the time one of them thinks to turn around, and I hurl a smoke bomb into their group to give myself some more time.

Firining my grappling hook onto a nearby buliding, I fly up into the air and land safely on the ledge. Looking back from the shadows I observe the baffled police force. That was close, too close. If it wasn't for Dick I would have been caught. I need to be more careful, and (as I start to shiver from the brisk night air) build a more insulated suit incase I deside to go swimming anytime soon again. But it worked out for now, I only came out of it a little wet, and probably with some severe bruising courtesy of "Jimmy", but at least I'm still alive and free. I don't think Gordon will be too happy though.
I awake in a hospital, looking at a tv in my hospital room. I see interviews with some cops and some guy named gordon claiming that the batman left a cut on hm. They were all claiming he was some sort of actual bat or something. (although I knew for myself what he really looks like) It appears my leg is bandaged together by some doctor. All I can do now is rest and hope that no big crime happens while I can't fight. Although I have a bad feeling that something big is coming...
The sun is low in the sky as a cool breeze brushes my cheek and dances the fallen leaves across the ground. I come here everytime I have my doubts. I've barley been out on the city and already I've sustained too fairly serious injuries. All it takes is one slip...and it's over.

I kneel down and feel the coarse grass crunch beneath my weight as I slowly run my finger across the granite headstone. THOMAS AND MARTHA WAYNE, LOVING PARENTS FOREVER.

Six. I was only six when my world was stripped from me. Stripped from me by a man whose name I didn't know, face I had never seen, and voice I had never heard. A poor, pitiful voiceless deamon of violence who stole my life from me. Killed my parents in front of me for petty change. I swore that I would make sure no one would have to endure the pain I did ever again. The horrible emptiness that threatened to consume me, swollow me whole and leave me nothing but a withering, bitter man.

I travelled the world, trained in various combat forms, learned the intriquite skills of a detective, dabbled in sciences, everything I needed. Everything. I had the means, my parents left me a huge fortune, and my absence was easily explained away. I was just another billionare playboy, travelleing the world.

When I returned from my journey at 28, I had the strength, the knowledge, the skill. I just lacked the means. I needed to be more then a man. I tried to go out on my own, and it resulted in failure. I was stabbed in the back when I was overwhelmed by a gang. I got away alive, but barley.

In despair I came here, their grave. I needed a sign, something, I needed to know. Then it came, the bat. It landed right on the headstone and just looked at me, in that instant I knew. I knew what I needed to do. I had to become something men fear, I had to become a bat.

But now...I'm not so sure. I'm failing, I don't know if I can do this. Maybe Alfred was right. I can't even find their killer for all my skill, he still eludes me, that single mystery that I can never solve. I feel like a failure.

As I sit by their headstone, I glance over at a small child, and what looks like his grandparents standing behind him, saying a prayer over a headstone decorated by two angels. Tears slip down the small boy's cheeks and land softly on the grass.

after they leave I slowly stand up. Thank you, I needed that. I needed a reminder to what I was fighting. I am not fighting one man, I am fighting for a cause. For people to live deacently. To help prevent the awful horrors I've endured.
Now, I need to get to work.
Guess who this is!
"Fi ti! Fi ti!" screams a middle-aged woman in a Cantonese dialect, her dark hair bundled in a knot behind her head, pushing me out of the way with the brunt of her umbrella.

"Watch it!" I shout in reply, rubbing my elbow from the brash contact.

The streets of Chinatown are crowded 24 hours a day. Even at 3am in the morning, groups of juveniles can be seen roaming the streets with their studs, piercing and tattoos, a bat at hand, looking for a fight. They voice their threats, windows get broken, and sometimes someone dies. But life goes on, it happens all in a day in this god-forsaken dump. I know I should move someday. But hell... this is my home.

I round the corner to where I live, a mangy apartment on top of a butcher's shop, and just as I'm about to climb the stairs, I feel a brush of fur on my ankle. It's Mr Jangles, a greyish-black striped tabby, with a mischevious streak to boot. He's hungry - again! I pick him up into my arms, whisper sweet nothings to my furry partner, he purrs in response and swipes at my nose. Never a dull moment with this one. He rests on my shoulder like a mink coat while I enter the building and lo and behold... Mrs Chin.

"Ah... yo! You tell that naughty cat of yours to stop picking at my husband's pork!" she nags, wagging a finger at Mr Jangles who widens his eyes in surprise... what an actor.

"I'll give him a good scolding Mrs Chin, don't you worry," And I realise I'm as good an actor as he is.

"Keep him inside, don't let him run run around. No more going into the butcher shop!" she continues.

"Yes Mrs Chin," I say, rolling my eyes when my back is turned to her. She can be such a nag, but her heart is in the right place. Mr Jangles nods as though he's reading my thoughts.

I jog my way up the stairs to the top floor of my apartment... eh... the 5th floor. But I am the only unit in my block that has the skylight, and quick access to the rooftop. Nice for a quick breath of midnight air.

The key turns and immediately I'm met with a chorus of mews and meows. "Darlings - I'm home," I greet them, a paper bag in my hand. "And I have some treats for all." They rush to rub themselves against my leg, all seven of them.

I don't know if people call me the crazy cat lady like I'm an obsessed old woman with twenty cats in a tiny house in the middle of nowhere, I wouldn't be surprised, but it wouldn't matter either. I love living with these little furballs, besides... out on the streets they would've easily been easy targets for street punks, or even roadkill. Who knows... when someone tells you anything can happen in this part of town, you'd better believe it.

I open up the bag as the kitties wait in anticipation - and pull out two bags of raw chicken thigh. Their favorite. They go absolutely wild, bouncing up and down on their four paws. I shred the chicken meat as quickly as I can so they won't have to bother with the bone, and serve it on a platter... well actually a few platters.

And while they get busy with their dinner, I dig into the bag for my own treat. Nine hundred and twenty-two dollars. Not bad for a night's work. Though I tell myself I can do better.

My ultimate goal is to hit the big leagues, to infiltrate the homes of the rich and famous with all their fancy anti-burglar systems, snatch a few bucks and perhaps scribble a parting note so they know I've been there. The very thought tantalizes my senses. After all... what harm is done when the wealthy is a few dollars short. I bet they won't even feel the pinch. But the shame of being outwitted, the thought that they just bust 10k on an inferior security system, and that I was the one who did it... Oooh... the rush!
Ahh we can't have a batman RPG without a Catwoman. But on a side note guys, this is pretty cool, it's too bad All Star Bats wasn't more like this

The stars twinkle in the sky like miniature eyes as I silently slip across the
rooftops in the crisp night. My hacking finally gave me a small reward. I found out from the Mayor's e-mails that Scareface's men are going to be running a small gig uptown.

The crackjob isn't what's important though, it's the information. I need to find out what this Scareface character is up to. Whatever he wants to do, he's going to try to do it quick, he's cut down nearly half of all his operations across town. He wants to stay under the radar.

I'm out early, the job wasn't supposed to go down util 3 but I needed to stretch my legs, work out my sore muscles. Those shots I took weren't exactally message therapy.

As I land on the brick roof of a penthouse, I hear an alarm go off inside the apartment under me. That's odd I shouldn't have set off the alarm in any way.

My question is answered as I see a female form emerge out of the sunroof window of the apartment. A small wind blows away the whisps of clouds covering the moon, and the dim light reveals her dressed in a sort of black cat costume.
"I've heard of catburgelers but this is taking it a little far," I say in my low growl as the woman completley heaves herself out of the windowframe.

She starts when she hears my voice, but when she notices me she doesn't show any sign of fear.
"Isn't that a little much coming from someone like you?"

I really don't have time to waste trying to take in petty theives, but I figure I have enough time. How much of a fight can she put up anyways?

As I slowly walk towards her she tenses and springs at me, an unexpected move, I had thought she would run. She catches me off guard and her claws rake into my armored shoulder.
"that little getup doesn't scare me," She replies as she lands softly and makes for the edge of the buidling, "Cats aren't afraid of bats."

She's quick. Very quick. I turn to follow her and she's already on the other roof, running fast. Leaping the distance, I hit the rooftop running. I have to cover the distance if I'm going to stay with her.

As we bound over the rooftops, I realize how athletic this woman is. She's as fast as a trained track star, and as agile as a gymnast. Whoever she is, she's not just some every day burgler.

As she jumps into the air to cross over to another roof, I leap out and grab hold of her ankle. My momentum carries me into her, and we both hit the opposite building hard. I get to my feet first.
"It's over, you're coming in."
"Oh I don't think so mystery man," She replies with a playfull gleam in her eye. She treats this like a game.

I reach forward to grap her wrist, but She grabs mine and twists, it catches me off guard and I move my body with her to avoid injury, and she knocks my legs out from under me as I try to counteract her grapple. She knows how to fight too.

"Well, you sure know how to show a woman a good time, but I'm afraid I have to be going now. Hopefully we'll run into eachother sometime soon."

She's already gone over the edge of the building by the time I'm up, and I don't see her anywhere below. She's as good at disapearing as me. I walk back from the ledge and glance down at the clawmarks on my shoulder.
Now that was a woman full of surprises, but I can't let her detract me now. That little escapade cost me precious time, and I can't let this opportunity slide. This mystery woman can wait, right now Scareface needs my full attention.
I work at a Chinese restaurant famed for its Beijing noodles during the day to keep up appearances, lest I be questioned about my income. I don't do good with the tiny cheong-sams they get us to wear, and the thigh high stockings - they always run. If I had it my way, I'd get me a pair of leather boots.

Customers call and I have to serve them, sometimes I don't. The boss gets on my back a lot about that, but I know he won't let me go. The fool thinks he can get somewhere with this gal while keeping me on his staff, and I let him believe so in order to keep the job. I've endured his grimy hands sliding their way up my leg, sometimes I slap them away, sometimes I just don't bother.

People have worse lives - I see them on the streets on my way to work everyday. They crouch round fires set aflame in rusty barrels, torn clothes hanging to their skinny bodies. They stare at me with empty eyes... people with no hope. I was once one of them... abandoned, alone and shunned by society. I don't think I will ever forget the feeling of desperation... and I don't want to either.

I pass by the homeless shelter round 37th street some weekends, it's out of my way but I don't care. I leave money with the lady in charge... Ms Leslie Thompkins is her name. She's nice, really decent. Unlike what we so commonly get in this town. She doesn't know much about me, and neither do I her, but that's the way we like it. The homeless are housed, the drunk are taught to be sober, and the drug users quit their addictions. They return to the streets with a better perspective on life. If a little money will go towards that, then I'm all for it.

I hear Ms Thompkins is planning to buy over the next lot of apartment blocks to expand the shelter. It'll take cash... something I might be able to contribute to.

I make my plans...
<The Joker>

I sit in my apartment,looking through the mail.Oh god...please,just this once,let it go right...

I sent in my resume to a local comedy club,and a few bits I had written,a few nights ago.The owner said he'd get back to me today,and since...well,I can't afford a phone...I told him to send the response by letter.He thought I was joking,ironically.I wish I had been...

Now that mother's passed away,Katlyn left me,and I lost my job over at Ace Chemicals,all I got left is comedy.I can barely afford lunch,anymore,at this point.

If I get this,I'd get 25 bucks per night.Cheap,yeah...but...I'll take what I can get.Maybe if I save up,I can even buy myself a good outfit.Right now,all I got is a few torn shirts,a dirty tank top,some ripped jeans,a couple pairs of underwear,and some funky lookin' purple suit that belonged to my dad.There's no way in hell I'm going out in that thing...Even if I am desperate.

Since I can't even afford socks,I'm really hoping this falls through.

Then,I see it.The envelope labled 'Laugh Em's Comedy Club'.It's here.He didn't even have to send me the letter,'s here!Oh thank you god!

I open it up,grinning like a child.


...They...rejected me?

My comedy wasn't good enough?!What the hell is this!?!I...No...NO....That was my one chance!This isn't fair!IT ISN'T FAIR!!!

I throw the mail to the ground,and slam my fist into the wall.How could they do this to me?!

I scream.

That was my final chance.That was it.That was what I was waiting for.Why?!WHY?!?!?!

I stumble into the bathroom.I think I'm gonna throw up.My life is over.What life?I never even had one to begin with.Katlyn was right...I am a nobody.

The mirror is so dirty that I can barely see myself.All I see is some...


Wait...That look.I look kinda like...a clown.Heh.That's kinda funny.I smile,making myself look even more like a clown.That's some pretty weird crap,right there.

Oh,what the hell am I doing?!My life just ended,and I'm sitting here,looking at myself through a goddamned trick mirror?!

I slam my fist through the mirror.It shatters,on impact.Oh,that's just great.I don't even have a MIRROR now!My life IS over!

I look down at the sharp,glass pieces.I could end it...right now,I could just end it all.I pick one up.

Goodbye,cruel world.

Before I can slit my throat,I notice something on the sink.It's a deck of cards.Mother always liked to play cards.Go fish was her favorite.I think I gave her the cards,actually.Except for the Jokers,of course.I shake the pack.I can feel the two Joker cards inside.Curious,I open it up.The image on it is...Strange looking.Like a clown.

I remember what I looked like in the mirror,looking like a only saving grace.I look like some clown on a Joker card.


And then...I get the weirdest idea.

Taking the glass piece in my hand,I lift it up to my face.If I'm gonna die...I'm gonna die with a smile.Heh.

- - -

After the hours of screaming,I finally look into the mirror,after wiping away all the blood.My face...It looks like a smile.I just carved a ****ing smile into my face.Am I insane?!

Heh.I do look kinda funny.I smile again,and start making movements with my tounge.Heh...That's funny.Hell,that's hystericals.Heheh...Hehaha....HAHAHA...HAHAHAHA......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Wooo....Hehe...Why kill myself now,eh?I could get the comedy act with this face alone!HAHAHAHAHAHA!

No...Screw that.Why waste my time?They'll just turn me down,again.Those heartless little...

I look over at my bedroom entrance.I remember something.My father's old pistol...I still have it.

I could'a shot myself,earlier.HAHAHAHAHA!

I walk in,as my lips continue to sting from the mutliation.Heh...Guess it IS true what they say.You have to suffer for beauty!HAHAHAHAHA!

I stumble into the closet,and take out the gun.My father shot himself with this gun.Guess he couldn't take life either.I'm not my father,though.

To hell with killing myself!It's time I got some payback!

I look up,to see the purple suit in the closet.

...For some reason,it doesn't look so bad,right now.I grab it.

If I'm gonna get payback,I'm gonna do it in style.HAHAHAHAHA!

- - -

I step into the Laugh Em's club,pistol hidden in my jacket.The owner is carrying a set of keys,walking towards me.

"Sorry pal,We're closin'."

I look up at him,displaying my new grin.Heh.His eyes widen.

"What in the h-"

I take the pistol,and put it to his chest.He drops the keys.

"Oh my god!"

I look at into his eyes.

"So,My comedy wasn't good enough for you?Didn't get a laugh?Not even a chuckle?What,are you just immune to good comedy?Or did I just suck that bad?"

He looks at me.I can see the terror in his eyes.

"Listen,If this was about a job,or somethin',I can get you a job,alright!Just don't kill me!"

"Oooh...Nope.Nope Nope Nope.Sorry,Too Late.You see,I've already snap,crackled and popped,pal.It's about time I started getting my fix outta life.And since I don't have a job,or money,I'm gonna go the the next best thing..."

I move my head in closer.


I shoot him in the chest.The bullet goes right through his back,and bounces off the wall.

I...I just killed a guy.

I look at the gun.What have I done?

...I...I have power.For once in my life,I took control.I had the power of life or death.

I LIKE this!

Hell,I wanna blow up a city now!Infact...I think I will!HAHAHAHAHAHA!

I look at the guy,as he falls over,dead.I bend down,and pull his lips back,making it seem like he's smiling.

Now that's what I call dying happy!HAHAHAHAHA!

"Ya know...I think I'm gonna like this new life.Much more power,Much less getting pushed around...More comedy...More laughs...Heh...More blood...And even a nice suit,to go with it!Heh!And this is just the beginning!Think of how much more power I could have,eh?Well?Think about it,friend!"

Bastard.He could at least have the common courtesy to say something.

...Oh...Wait...I killed him.Silly me...Must've slipped my mind!HAHAHAHAHAHA!

"And now,If you'll excuse me,my grinning mute friend...Your cash register seems a tad lonely...I think I'll take it off your hands,for ya! HAHAHAHA!"

I slam my fist onto the cash register,opening it up.It's been ages since I've seen those faces.Georgey!Benny!Abey!Welcome to your new owner!Heh.

I take the cash,and load it in my pants.I'd take the change,but theres only a dime,a nickel,and three pennies.I look over at my smiling new friend,who's blood is starting to paint the floor around him.

....I'm not mopin' that up,No siree!HAHAHAHAHA!

I take one of the pennies,and place it on his forehead.

"Penny for your thoughts?HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

I then walk out,whistling the theme from Looney Tunes.Mother always liked Looney Tunes.Especially that wascally wabbit.



Well...I've got money,now.And I've got power,too.Something I never had,in my life.

...And rightfully so.It's just beginning!My old life was over...But the moment I carved this smile into my face,everything went great!As far as I'm concerned,that loser in the run down apartment building I came from DID commit suicide.I'm a new guy.A richer guy.A prettier guy.Heh.

I might aswell take on a new name,while I'm at it.Hell,I forgot what my old one is,actually.HAHAHAHA!

I then remember the Joker cards,and how I looked like them.Now,with the grin,I'm the spitting image of one.I'm like a Joker myself.

...Say,there's a thought!Joker!My new name...Joker!No,better!The Joker!

I like it!It has a flair...A charm...A dramatic sound to it.Plus,it's easy to write on my underwear.HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I walk the streets.I need a new look.This plain old,boring,white skinned look is so...past life.I need something more...colorful!

I take a look across the street,to see a costume shop.Say...maybe I could find some socks,there!Heh.

- - -

After killing the cashier(And doing it with style,I might add),I approach the mirror with a Clown makeup kit.Several Clown makeup kits,so the stuff'll be hard to rub off.After all,I don't want to have the same face,now do I?Heh.

Applying it on,I can't help but chuckle.I'm starting to look even more like that Joker card image.Taking a tube of lipstick,I apply it over my grin,making it look less bloody,and more...cheerful!

By the time I'm done,I've coated my entire head white,my lips red,my eyes black,and used a can of that hair pant stuff to make my hair green.I even got a pair of socks out of the deal!HAHAHAHAHA!

I hear the bell of the door,as it opens.A man walks in,seeing me.

"Who are-"

He looks over,to see the dead cashier.I grab a prop camera,on one of the shelves,and hold it up.I put my pistol to the back of it.The man looks at me,with horror.

"What the hell?!"


I pull the trigger.The bullet goes flying through the plastic camera lens,and through the man's temple.He falls at the door,as blood starts to roll down his head.

"Awww...Ya blinked!HAHAHAHAHA!"

After taking out the money from the cash register,I walk out,stepping over both corpses.I begin to whistle,again.It begins to rain.Mother always liked rain,for some reason.I look up at the sky,thinkin' of her.

"Momma,If only you could see me now!You'd DIE of laughter!HAHAHAHAHA!"

I love this.I think I'm gonna make a habit of it.Hell,anything's an improvement over my last life,anyway!

Look out,Gotham!Joker's Comin' To Town!


I'm Rupert Thorne. I like to remind myself of times a day. We all have our little perks, our feel good factors. Some people go jogging. I just have to sit back and think of my immense wealth and power. Wealth and power thats only gonna grow.

I'm very happy today. It turns out, after watching the morning news, that the "Batman", as they're calling him, made a complete fool out of the police last night. He stirred up some kind of a hornetts nest down at the docks before vanishing. Gordon and his ghoons stayed up all night looking for him. Alas, they got nothing. I phoned Gordon personally an hour ago to congratulate him on an outstanding failure. They had this vigilante surrounded for god's sake and he still got away. I made out like I was angry though, like this Batman guy is bad news, like I need Gordon to catch him and catch him fast. Truthfully...I couldn't be happier. I've got some big plans now and Gordon needs as much distraction as possible. He's gonna be buried under this for a week. There's a full investigation now and I'm ruling Batman's capture as the police's number one priority at my next press conference, which, incidentally, is later today. Hmmmmm, there was also some clown guy there as well. I don't know what that was about. Some nut they said looked like a clown. It was either him or the batman who shot some kid in the leg.
Haha, all this mess for Gordon to clean up. As if the guy didn't have enough on his plate! He was suposed to be working on that killer who's been leaving playing cards all over the place. Hmmm, that's on the hush right now- but why don't I let that slip to the media? Haha. Let's see: the batman, some clown, a killer who likes his blackjack. With all this wierdness the public are gonna demmand Gordon's head on a plate if he doesn't get to the bottom of it. This just what i need. With Gordon pinned down with this, I can get to work.

So, what are my plans? Well I hve some big ones this year, ut I ain't gonna go into those just yet. There's some smaller jobs I gotta pull first. Like tonight. A source heard over the grapvine that a heist is goin down tonight at one of gotham's military bases. Some gangsta plans to steal a nuclear warhead thats been gaurded there for a few days. I wasn't told his name, just that he was "dangerous". ha! No one is as dangerous as Rupert Thorne. Well, I wouldn't mind that warhead myself. there's big money in selling that kinda crap to the right people. mabe Colonel Ku'tan wopuld it? He pays handsomely for mere guns. You see, I'm a charaitble man. giving certain poorer countrys what they need- war- and making a tidy profit of it. Anyway, I'm gonna have some of my own professionals infiltrate that base at the same time. Their gonna get ME that warhead. If it all goes wrong? Well, if that happens then this mobboss guy'll get blamed. If goes right and I get the weapon? He gets blamed too. Simple. I'm just counting on the Batman to stir up some more trouble somewhere. There seems to be a new sighting of him each night.

So- tonight I try and get this warhead. My guys'll take out the rivas if they play up. But ain't gonna happen. They won't even know my guys are there. i only get the best. In this case i got ninja's working for me. hen I get this warhead I'll make a cool million or five and thats more money to finance my other plan. the big one. But thats a long way off yet.

Anyway, it's such a beautiful day today. I just bought myself a new apartment too. Must be the nicest in gotham. Must be? It is. I made sure of that. It's got security like you wouldn't believe. haha, somehwat illegal security. Lock-on machine gun's anyone? haha. It's just a bit of fun. They'll never get used. Well, I've gotta go now. people to see. Like the press. Time to let them know about this killer and then wtach them tear Gordon apart. I'd better get prepared for tonight too. that warhead is mine, the other guy can forget about it.

Lets just hope I can count on the Batman to provide more lunacy for Gordon. It's gonna be an interesting day. But in the end it'll work out for me. Why? Because I'm Rupert Thorne!
A WEEK LATER (and immediately after Infinity9999x's post)

I slip back into my apartment through an open window, the clock on the wall tells me it's 3:07am. Four hours to daylight, but sleep is far from my mind. I've seen him. The Bat-man. The one I see pasted all over the papers that I help myself to, some mornings. Perched upon the roof of the apartment I visited tonight - Dark... mysterious, cape flapping in the wind. He followed me, tried to pin me to the ground... But not for long. Only one word can describe my foe.... magnificent.

I pull the goggles from my eyes, and let my hair loose from the face mask I put together myself. I thumb the leathery ears I added - I smirk at how he got the joke almost immediately.

But I was careless today, let my guard slip and tripped off an alarm. I try to console myself with the excuse that it's just my second excursion in the 'big leagues'. I'm still new at this, I'll get better.

Tugging at a sack I keep hanging at my hip, I reach in and find a diamond. The size of the nail on my little finger. This bugger could probably fetch a hefty sum on the black market. AND the fact that I did it without getting caught... again. I was more daring this time, scribbled the word "Meow" on a notepad in the study... also where I triggered the alarm. *sigh* Punishment for being too smug.

On the bright side... if I hadn't gone and done it, I probably wouldn't have met him. It was worth it. I give me a pat on the back, keep the bling bling in a safe place, and crawl into bed. Even if I don't fall asleep, I'll just pretend.
I sit quietly perched atop the roof of an trainstation, like a solitary gargole as I stare into the window of one of Gotham's many run down warehouses. I was lucky, the job is almost done, and the thugs are about to leave. If it wasn't for that cat burgaler....or cat woman....Well I can honestly say I've never met a woman like that before. There was something intriguing about her....

I push her from my mind. I need to focus on the job at hand. I wait for a little longer, watching the men talk to eachother easily now that they think their job is done. I need to pick out the right ones to go after, and the right one to let run away.

The smaller one with the beedy eyes seems to be in charge. He orders a few of the men to pick up some loose ends, and they don't seem to respect him much. The others all seem like brand name thugs, and normaly guys like that wouldn't be caught dead being bossed around by a little man like him. He has to be my guy.

I fire my grappleing hook out to the top of the warehouse, and swing down off my perch. As I near the window, I push the newly added realease catch button on my grapple, and the hook disengages itself from the warehouse and slides back into my gun easily.

I come crashing through the window like a battering ram and they all look up in surprise and fear. I have to admit, this is the part I like most about my job. I go straight for the muscle, the big worker type who are usually to stupid to realize when they're in over their head.

As I take out the muscle, I glance out of the corner of my eye at the little man. He's already halfway out the door. I let him go, he needs to think he escaped. In a few moments the tussle's over, and I quickly make my way back out into the street and take to the rooftops.

It doesn't take me long to find the run-away. I trail him for a few blocks, before he slows down to catch his breath. After glancing around to reassure himself, he waves down a cab. Damn, I really need a car. I notice a cabby parked below me engine still running, the driver's inside a gas station buying some doughnuts. Sorry buddy, duty calls...

I leave a small bag of money taped to the parking meter before I quickly take off after my man. I am taking away the man's livelyhood for a night after all.

I trail the cab for about 30blocks before it finally stops at some old run down apartment complex. I park in a side street a good distance away so he doesn't see me. The door doesn't even have a buzzer he pushes the beaten down wooden door and it looks like it's about to swing off it's hinges. After he's inside, I quickly follow.

My nightvision pops on as I enter the pitch black hallway, a broken light swings from a cord above my head. I see one door cracked open in front of me. Voices drift out of it.

"Tell the boss, the Batman crashed another operation. Right before we got done. He's bringin it down hard on us."

"Another one? Damn! Alright...I'll tell him. He's movin the assult on the warhead to tommarrow because of that damn clown guy and this freak. But he sure as hell ain't gunna be happy."

I hear a creak, it sounds like there's a back door in the room.
"You right boys, I AIN't happy, ain't happy at all."

"Boss, I...I thought you says you wasn't gunna be hear till 4."

"Yeah...well I changed my plans...but see boys, I don't like to change my plans. I only do dat when I have to, and I don't like bein forced ta do anythin. See, dis Bat freak is doin dat, and not one one ya's can take him out for me? Why can't one o ya's do dat hmmm? It's only one damn guy after all!"

I've heard enough, apparently Scareface wants the warhead thats been staying in gotham for a while. And Scareface is in that room, so I have to make sure he doesn't get out of it.

I kick down the door and the beedy eyed man along with the guy he was talking to turn quickly, I only see the sillouette of a man in the shadows.


I see the flash of a gun muzzle, and dive behind a couch, the man I followed isn't so lucky. Machine gun fire perferates his body, and then Scareface turns to the couch I dove behind and empties his clip on it.

"Run You damn fool!" I hear scarface yell, and then the sound of a door swinging shut.

I follow them out into the alleyway, and the man who hadn't been shot was runing like mad, right behind the Scareface character. Scarface swings his arm around and nails the guy in the head, I think it's with his gun, but it looks more bulky. Whatever it is, the guy goes down hard. Scareface fires a few more shots over his shoulder and sprays the alley way. I dive into a doorway, but the other guy gets nailed.

By the time I get around the corner where Scareface dissapeared he's gone.

"Damn," I whisper to myself. Well he may have gotten away, but I can still stop him at the airport. A nutjob like him can't have a warhead in his hands. I glance down at the mobsters body before slowly walking away. Well, this was an interesting night.
I awake again, and it seems as if time has gone by quickly. I feel that theres a job to be done. I see on the news about a crime of some sort that Scareface is trying to pull off.

I jump out of my medical bed, I feel as fresh and new as ever. The nurse screams "what are you doing?!" and then i reply "What needs to be done."

I run out of the hospital and down the street. I find the house where I left the costume. It says its Selena Kyle's house, I have no idea who that is but they arent home. I come in through the window and see the costume is still where I hid it, so I then jump out of the house in full nightwing fashion.

I run down the street only to see Scarface running like a little kid huffing and puffing. I throw a ninja disc that works simular to batman's batarand at him and throw him at me. I grab him. He screams, "WHAT THE FU-" I stop him and say lightly, "Nightwing." and throw him to the ground. The puppet is standing there, scared to death looking at me as scarface is screaming "you fool! Come pick me up!" I then see Batman climb down a rooftop. He says "good work..."
I realise I did drift off to sleep between the time I hit the bed and now. There was a rustle in the living room, a creak on the floorboards. Definitely heavier than any feline. My eyes are wide open now. I pick up a bat I keep beside my bed for protection and proceed cautiously.

The window is wide open, and a breeze is sweeping the curtains inwards. But there is no one in sight... a thief? I chuckle when I ponder the irony... a thief stealing from a thief. I drop my bat and peer out the window.

Sounds of metal scratching against the tar road outside, someone screams "WHAT THE FU-" And I look at the clock - it reads 4:50am. What... do these people never let up?

I leap over to the fore-windows near my bed where the racket is coming from. I hear someone screaming, "You fool! Come pick me up!"

I say to myself I'll do more than pick him up if he doesn't shut his gap quick.

I lift the blinds and yell in response into the empty air, "Shut the hell up! Can't a gal get any sleep around here?" There is silence... finally. My hand touches the cord to pull down the blinds when I think I see something dark moving in the distance. I watch for a while longer and nothing happens. I figure it's just my imagination.

At 5:02am I try to get back to sleep. But with all the disturbance, I'll probably not be getting any shut-eye the rest of the night. Oh great...
this is a good story. I think this rpg has gone alot better than people expected
Batman911 said:
this is a good story. I think this rpg has gone alot better than people expected

I think so too. The only problem is that typing Scarface's dialogue is killing my spell checker. :ghost:
lol, ya this is a really good story. Like I said before too bad All Star doesn't take some pointers.

As I walk down the alleyway I hear a scuffule, and then scarface's voice screaming. I turn quickly and rush back towards the voices. I leap up a wall, and climb over a small roof before I see Dick, decked out in his costume, standing over the man who must be scareface, though he certainly doesn't look it, and a puppet lying on the ground.

"Good work," I growl, "I thought I lost him." He nods in responce, I see him grimace and clutch at his leg a bit.

"You shouldn't be out on that," I say, pointing to his leg.
"I needed to streach it out, I couldn't just sit by and do nothing. As I was out and about I happened to run into this guy here."

I glance down at the form of Scareface, who appears to be nothing more then a snivelling man.

"PICK ME UP YOU DUMASS." A voice shouts out. For a moment I almost think it comes from the Dummy....but it can't come from the dummy...
"I'm...I'm sorry Mr. Scareface, we're cornered."

"A vantrilliquist? The master mob boss scareface is a vantrilliquist?" Dick says in surprise.

"A phsyco vantrilliquist from the looks of it," I reply softly.

"Ohh ya big words from two nutjobs in costumes." The dummy "says".

"He does have a point," Dick replies. I remain silent. Pulling out a small leather cord I bind the vantrilliquists hands.

"How did you get your costume?" I ask as I tie the knots.

"Got them out of the apartment you had me leave them in." He replies.

"Apartment? I dropped you off at a church."

"You musta looked wrong, because when I went back someone was living in it."

"That place was old and run down, and it looked like a churhc."

"It wasn't a freaking church, you just messed up."

"I don't mess up," I growl back.

"You did this time."

"Ohhh lookie the two widdle boys argue," the vantrilliquist says in the dummy voice.

"Shut up," We reply simultaneously.

"What do we do with this guy anyways?" Dick asks.

"Maybe you can hide me in a building you think is a church, then get me lost because you mixed it up with a gas station."

Dick chuckles a bit, and I glare back at him.

"What? It was funny."
Me & the Dummy just manage to get outside when, outta nowheres, dis ninja-star thinga-majig comes flying in and knocks us down.

"WHAT THE FU-" Is all I manage to get outta my mouth 'fores I hit da ground hard.

I try movin' my legs, but it's no use, I ain't gots no feelin' in 'em anymore. I try an' see what dead man 'trew da ting at us, and I see some punk in a goofy-lookin' costume. Can't be any older than 25.

I see the stupid Ventriloquist lyin' on the ground, quiverin' like a baby. Pathetic.

The jerk that 'trew da boomerang or whatever it was comes over. I can tell dere's somethin' wrong with his leg, like he's injured or somethin'.

Then, all of a sudden, this huge bat-thing comes over. What the hell is this?! A freak convention?!

I need that moron Wesker to get the Hell over here.

"PICK ME UP YOU DUMBASS!" I shout over to the mook. The two dressed-up weirdos freak out all of a sudden. Musta never seen a guy with a scar on his face before.

This whole time, the Dummy just stays there. "I'm...I'm sorry, Mr. Scarface, we're cornered."

Damnit... I need better men.

Then the two...whatever dey weres...start calling me names. I can't make out much, cuz they don't seem to know how to speak up, but I definately hear "psycho" in dere.

"Oh ya, big words comin' from 2 nutjobs in costumes," I tell 'em.

They don't even take notice of me. No respect.

Now dey start arguin' about where one of 'em left 'is costume. One says it was a church, the other says it's an apartment.

"Ohhh, lookie. Da two widdle boys argue," I says to 'em.

"Shut up," they both respond simultaneously. How dare they tell me to shut up! I'll teach dem a 'ting or two.

"What do we do with this guy anyways?" the shorter of the two asks.

"Maybe you can hide me in a building you think is a church, then get me lost because you mixed it up with a gas station," I says. One of 'em actually laughs at this. Mus' be da stupid one. The other one doesn't seem as amused.

Either way, this is gonna cause a huge dent in my plans.

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