umm actually no,she doesnt,she doesnt really look as mature as black cat supposed to be someone like ali or eliza would be better,hell even simpson looks more mature than elishaShe's fits the character a lot better than any of the other casting choices listed in this thread, that's for sure.
i wouldnt say she sucks,but she isnt that greatElisha Cuthbert's acting sucks.
She's got the look though.
Excuse me, I need to go puke in a trash can...They could just make Black Cat Kraven's daughter who hunts with him.
elishas ok,shes medicore right now,f she was BC great but if it were up to me,she wouldnt beAli Larter (love her on Heroes) and Jamie Presley are too old.
Jessica Simspon is too bad of an actress.
Kirsten Storms reminds me too much of Zenon from Disney Channel, but she has the right look. How old is she?
Cuthbert not only looks the part, but she can act. I'm not saying she's any Helen Mirren or Dame Judi Dench, but she's not hopeless. She can portray a believable character. She's the right age, right look, right acting abilities.