Superman Returns Brandon Routh named one of People Magazine's Most Beautiful People

Wesyeed said:
well reeve got messed up by an accident so who knows what he'd have done if that crap never happened. He's a high quality actor with loads of class. There's no way his career would sink because he played superman.

Citizen Caine still gets work from time to time. I don't think he's as serious an actor as reeve was though. I don't know much about him, but reeve went to super acting school and did some great movies with some big stars in them. Caine's been on las vegas, a sci fi movie, and superman show. That's all I know about him.

Routh knows the recognition will get him better auditions and maybe make those guys who sit there while you try to read a script for them, maybe take a second look at him if he's actually good in superman at least.

What great movies? bar Superman his acting career was below par (no disrespect to the man or his legacy as Superman) and your right Cain is just a bum :D. You have to remember superhero roles are looked down upon, while a good performance in SR will open up doors, I don't think this movie will have Hollywood chasing him simply because of its genre.
Umm... Dean Cain dropped out of acting for a while to focus on writing and directing. Lois and Clark basically fell into him but his intention in Hollywood was to sell his screenplays. People know about him being drafted by the Bills but they seem to forget he was a Princeton graduate. Not a dumb jock by any means. Holding the record for the NCAA in most interceptions in a year doesn't make him dumb, it just means he was good at football :o
\S/JcDc\S/ said:
Umm... Dean Cain dropped out of acting for a while to focus on writing and directing. Lois and Clark basically fell into him but his intention in Hollywood was to sell his screenplays. People know about him being drafted by the Bills but they seem to forget he was a Princeton graduate. Not a dumb jock by any means. Holding the record for the NCAA in most interceptions in a year doesn't make him dumb, it just means he was good at football :o

I had no clue about his football career!!!, but acting career Superman :up: , other stuff :down
Reeve in "Noises Off" was good. Liked that movie. And the blonde in lingerie, heh. But Deathtrap . . . <shudder> Ew. Not that great of a movie.
Cain got very good reviews for his work in the movie BHC. He also co-starred with Denzel. No other Superman actor has done that :D
The Game said:
What great movies? bar Superman his acting career was below par (no disrespect to the man or his legacy as Superman) and your right Cain is just a bum :D. You have to remember superhero roles are looked down upon, while a good performance in SR will open up doors, I don't think this movie will have Hollywood chasing him simply because of its genre.

Well ok, his last acting credit is Smallville, but look I remember he made some movies that really impressed me:

Noises Off, I saw on cable one day and laughed a good laugh. That was really good. It had Michael Caine in it and I liked it alot.


ok. shut up. He's a great actor. So what if every film didn't win some pretentious award. His skills are what matter and the only man Routh has to beat to make superman his own is Reeve and if he doesn't I'll be mad.:down:mad: And what's this about superhero movies being looked down upon? By who? Not us. Hollywood looks down on superman? Boo, that's not true...

And oy, there, I never was saying Caine was a bum. I respect the man for being the coolest clark kent ever.
Wesyeed said:
Well ok, his last acting credit is Smallville, but look I remember he made some movies that really impressed me:

Noises Off, I saw on cable one day and laughed a good laugh. That was really good. It had Michael Caine in it and I liked it alot.


ok. shut up. He's a great actor. So what if every film didn't win some pretentious award. His skills are what matter and the only man Routh has to beat to make superman his own is Reeve and if he doesn't I'll be mad.:down:mad:

Thats a pretty high bar Routh will have to reach, Reeve IS Superman and I doubt anyone can top that, the best Routh can do is make a new type of Superman akin to what Daniel Craig is doing with James Bond
The Game said:
Thats a pretty high bar Routh will have to reach, Reeve IS Superman and I doubt anyone can top that, the best Routh can do is make a new type of Superman akin to what Daniel Craig is doing with James Bond

I agree. I'm very optimistic about SR but I have EVERY doubt that Routh can even approach Reeve, so I've 'calibrated' my expectations just to be pleased with the job he does do if his acting is sufficient. I'll glady accept he's just another variation on Superman and I won't hold it against him if he doesn't surpass Reeve, which like I said won't happen IMO.
Not a day goes by that I dont see Dean Cain do a cameo on one show or another.
Nightwing1977 said:
;) :yellow: I wonder where you got that face with the hands on it head btw. It should be part of the Smiles here.
I scarfed it a long time ago from one of those emoticon sites. It comes in handy every now and then LOL.

Of course not! After all, beauty is in the eye of the beyonder.
*giggle* Yup. :up:

I guess we're all "out there" in our own special ways. :D

Uh....who are the brothers you're refering to? :confused:
Why, the "Brothers Warner," of course. :p ;)
look granted this might be the thing but I honestly think this will open more doors for Routh to at least read more scripts... he said it himself in that 13 minute Iowa radio interview that he's been reading a hell of a lot more offered and passed his way.. this means people want him for A-grade projects.

Chris Bale is doing pretty well for himself after Batman and i'm sure that film helped his prospects a little... he's doing I'm Not There with Collin Farrel, Cate Blanchet, Richard Gere, Julianne Moore... he's already completed Rescue Dawn with Werner Herzog and is working with Jackman and co for the Prestige..... if anything, Bale is working with Nolan more times and this way he'll always have a safe haven camp to go to in some fashion.

Look at how Wolverine opened the doors for Jackman... he's friggin everywhere now and has achieved a pretty huge level of success on his own both on Broadway and in film.... the fact that he's already got the money and star power to have his own production company in such a short span is a really cool thing

I'm not saying that Routh will defn become mainstream and as successful as say Jackman, but he's defn got the opportunities coming his way.
Personally I dont care if he becomes an A-lister or not, or what movies he does outside the franchaise.....

All that matters is how he plays Superman/Kal-El/Clark
I think Routh is going to be big Hollywood star, like Cruise or Pitt.
I think he is going to be just like Reeve IMO.
explode7 said:
I think he is going to be just like Reeve IMO.

Hey, what with you? In past, you was sadistic hater and always says that SR will suck.

But now you are another person, who think it will be ok, am I right?
Cinemaman said:
Hey, what with you? In past, you was sadistic hater and always says that SR will suck.

But now you are another person, who think it will be ok, am I right?

Read it again,he says he will be like Reeve,i.e not a big movie star

and please don't label ppl just because they don't think like you:)
Cinemaman said:
Hey, what with you? In past, you was sadistic hater and always says that SR will suck.

But now you are another person, who think it will be ok, am I right?
Uh.....I d-don't k-know w-what y-your're talking about.
hunter rider said:
Read it again,he says he will be like Reeve,i.e not a big movie star

and please don't label ppl just because they don't think like you:)

Ok, I didn't get it.
Cool for Brandon though i'm puzzled how someone who's farely unknown to the public gets chosen.
I never really understand these lists. For example someone like Aishwarya Rai isn't even on it.
Retroman said:
Cool for Brandon though i'm puzzled how someone who's farely unknown to the public gets chosen.
I never really understand these lists. For example someone like Aishwarya Rai isn't even on it.

She's fire!!!
hunter rider said:
Read it again,he says he will be like Reeve,i.e not a big movie star

and please don't label ppl just because they don't think like you:)

Co-sign on both counts.

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