Brenna Lee Roth role in Spiderman3


Enter The Sym
Sep 18, 2005
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Here is an interesting story involving Brenna Lee Roth and her role in Spiderman3, in the recent Cleveland shoot a week or two ago. The question is.... is she a villain?.............

Without giving too much away about the plot, I'll tell you about my favorite scene I did in Spiderman 3. It took 9 days to shoot a chase scene between Spidey and Sandman. Sandman appears on top of a Brinks (bank) truck, and busts thru the top to take control of the truck. As Spidey tries to stop him, Sandman begins to "bleed" sand out into the cab of the truck, filling it and forcing down the gas pedal. The truck begins to accelerate and crashes into several other cars.

At the end of the Street there is a Garbage truck that Sandman crashes into, sending the brinks truck flying upside down across the street. All along the way, Spidey is shooting webs and saving people from the destruction. As Sandman crashes, Spidey leaps off the top of the truck and makes his exit, where he then runs into me, on a bus. The rest you will have to wait for!

It was a pleasure to work with Dan Bradley. I think a lot of people don't realize how much work an Assistant Director does. He did give me the low down on Dukes of Hazards 2, but I'm sure nobody wants to hear about that. Also, Spideys suit is padded in some areas, but not in the butt. That's real. I know for a fact. Colin Follenweider, an amazing athlete, played Spideys stunt double.

......... or is she trying to hint that she's Black Cat.... with the "I know for a fact" comment, as if she squeeze the sharmin in her action scene with the stunt double.

She also has a link, to a video of the scene's shot, on her website.

Or, you can go here:
what she gonna do to spidey if she's a villain? Beat him up?
Can we please stop speculating MORE villains?! Hobgoblin, Venom, Sandman, this chick, its too much!
I do wonder what she's doing on top of a bus though.
Spider-Bite said:
I do wonder what she's doing on top of a bus though.

Uh, maybe she's driving it?
So what? Is this movie like Spider-Man vs. The Sinister Six?
She's probably just a two dimensional thug, played for one purpose, and that's to be caught ;)

I'd like that to be the case anyways. I love the thugs in the other Spidey films ;):D
(She is kinda cute though....Cuter if she had longer hair/let her hair down.)
I'd rather not have Black Cat.

At the moment there is enough things going on to occupy Peter Parker/Spider-man.
Robotchicken said:
black cat was in the spider-man game...that means she CANT be in the movie because they would have to include her in spidey 3 game, and there both different in the game and movie, it aint gunna happen.

That's completely irrelevant.
cmill216 said:
Uh, maybe she's driving it?

On top?:confused: I don't know what kind of busses you been riding in, but every bus I ever saw the bus driver stayed inside and not on top.
Hell Yea!!! I Hope she's in this. I don't car what role, she is very well blessed or you can say gifted. Cheers!!!
Spider-Bite said:
On top?:confused: I don't know what kind of busses you been riding in, but every bus I ever saw the bus driver stayed inside and not on top.

*slaps forehead*

You know what I flippin' meant.
well actually I'm still not quite sure. I asked why she would be on top of the bus, and you said maybe she's driving it.

I'm not saying she's black cat, I"m just interested to know how she got on top of the bus.
She's a girl, and he's a well built guy. I bet you she just asked him or asked to have a "squeeze"...
Spider-Bite said:
On top?:confused: I don't know what kind of busses you been riding in, but every bus I ever saw the bus driver stayed inside and not on top.

She said she's on a bus, that doesn't mean ON TOP of the bus, it means riding on the bus. God.

It wouldn't be the first time spidey has gone in or around a vehicle to either get where he's going, or escape.
^ yea i know :(

sorry guys, i just couldn't help guy got the best of me.
She didn't say she was on top of the bus, she said spidey jumped off the top of the TRUCK and ran into her on a bus, that most likely means he went through a window and she is soemwhere inside the bus....I highly doubt she plays a villain.
Grow up just a tad bit, kids. She's not even that hot. :o
spiderfan09 said:
She didn't say she was on top of the bus, she said spidey jumped off the top of the TRUCK and ran into her on a bus, that most likely means he went through a window and she is soemwhere inside the bus....I highly doubt she plays a villain.

your right

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