Buddy Peacock and Lloyd Bonaire present: The Wrestling Thread

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I actually like the kane/Bryan segments but why the hell are they wasting time on Smackdown on them? That could be used for something else. Vince really does overboard. They have THREE HOURS on Raw to show this stuff. ...and we all wonder why more cant be done with the midcard :whatever:

John Cena's recent injuries and divorce have reportedly gotten people talking backstage regarding who will be the next top guy to take the torch according to F4Wonline.com.

Age plays a factor in the picking. Cena is currently 35 and interestingly Sheamus is also 35. Sheamus is someone who gets brought up as a top guy but many feel the next guy should be in his mid-20s right now.

CM Punk is a heel and also doesn't have the look WWE wants. Sheamus has the look, is liked by the right people—but there is concern over his age as well as his character being the right fit.

Whoever it ends up being, reports suggest many believe this will be the last hand picked star by Vince McMahon.

None of that inspired confidence. How old is Ryback? If he's young enough I can't see him being THE GUY unless WWE is willing to go in a different direction because he's not marketable the way Hogan and Cena were. Sheamus is too gimmicky (in an old fashioned way) for today. its too soon and not many clear prospects to really make a strong guess on who may be groomed for Cenas spot in a few years.

I think the Divas division is here to stay. They are just going through a generational shift right now; the shelf life of a diva is less than that of a male wrestler, and the skill requirements are less stringent.

Its more than that. The division isn't ending anytime soon but the ones with talent realize that more and more letting the women show what they are capable of doesn't mean sh** to Vince. They'll bring in newer younger wrestlers and they'll realize the same thing. it might be even sooner though. The women are eye candy (that can't REALLY even be the best eye candy) and a PR tool in todays more PC and PG WWE.

Maxine WAS part of the new generation you speak of and she bolted. The generational shift excuse doesn't work for girls like her. We might see more girls like her soon. They CAN be easily replaced but that doesn't change the problem.

As for Beth her leaving seems to be more based on frustration than her shelf life just expiring. Girls like Kelly and Maryse saw WWE as little more than a stepping stone on their resumes. Difference is Kelly cared about getting better in the ring more than Maryse who totally stagnated after a while.
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Buddy Peacock and Lloyd Bonaire present: The Wrestling Thread

The WWE universe chose this crappy name for the Wrestling Thread.

Come on, we know the Wrestling Thread is really Eric Bischoff

The Wrestling Thread is phasing out its divas division
The Wrestling Thread needs to groom its replacement,

As for future stars, I think Rollins is very good, but his lack of mic skills will likely prevent him from ever being THE top guy IMO
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noooo not Kelly :(

I didn't want to believe it :(
What about her?She finally left?
K Squared was released.
I'm kinda surprised WWE released her after she was their golden girl for the last few years!
None of that inspired confidence. How old is Ryback? If he's young enough I can't see him being THE GUY unless WWE is willing to go in a different direction because he's not marketable the way Hogan and Cena were. Sheamus is too gimmicky (in an old fashioned way) for today. its too soon and not many clear prospects to really make a strong guess on who may be groomed for Cenas spot in a few years.

Sheamus is really the only prospect by default. At least he's builiding a good repore with the fans. I wouldn't count on Ryback. Punk is the only one who seemed close enough but if he doesn't have the look that eliminates Daniel Bryan as well. They really need to invest more in the younger superstars.
I look for Ziggler, Miz or Cody Rhodes to turn face soon. To test the waters..
I could see Cody as the Bret to Zigglers HBK. Cody is just so much better as a heel. I suppose they could start pushing Ryder again. Roman Reigns formerly Leakee has the look Vince and Trips love, he's not ready, though. Ryback is good as a midcard squasher, but that's where he should stay. He simply doesn't have the presence Goldberg did.

As I've said once or twice before when I saw Bo Dallas live he had a good presence about him. I could see him as a potential star.

How's Vader's son in the ring? On the mic?
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Some part of me is still holding out hope that Ted Dibiase Jr. can turn things around a make a big splash. In the early days of legacy, I thought he was the one with the most potential (shows how much I know, I guess).
Some part of me is still holding out hope that Ted Dibiase Jr. can turn things around a make a big splash. In the early days of legacy, I thought he was the one with the most potential (shows how much I know, I guess).

I saw a lot of potential in Ted back then too, thought he was going to be a breakout star. I didn't expect Cody to be the more talented one, he was bad on the mic, lacked charisma, and too skinny to look like a threat, but then he became "Dashing" and I've been a fan ever since.
noooo not Kelly :(

I didn't want to believe it :(

Still surprised with ladies in the WWECW like Trinity, Jazz, and Ariel...not to mention Francine...

...K2 was the only survivor of the original ladies of WWECW...

I'll never forgive WWE for how they handled Trinity :argh:
I, too thought Teddy Jr had great potential :/
What about Wade Barrett? Not as a Face but kinda a Austin/lonewolf kinda role...
It's kind of funny. I was reading Ryback's Wikipedia page earlier today. The Ryback gimmick was his original gimmick. It's a combination of his name, Ryan, and his high school nickname Silverback. It wasn't until NXT that he picked up Skip Sheffield character. The guy's 31, in great shape, and will the right mentor, I think he could become a great monster for the next 5-10 years.
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