Call of Duty: Ghosts


Jan 4, 2008
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Call of Duty: Ghosts


It's still a "rumor" but multiple sources (Target, Tesco) have accidentally released ads on said game. At this point it's just short of being confirmed.

Details on the game remain unknown but we should expect an "official" reveal soon.

Based on the cover alone it does seem like MW2 Ghost will be part of this game in some shape or form. Whether that indicates that this is a prequel rather than a sequel also remains unknown.

Activision has declined to comment.

Here's a video by a YouTuber named Drift0r who first brought up the title a month back. Keep in mind all of this is unconfirmed information and he is already wrong about it being only next gen but he was right about the title so there's that much.


Source, Source
Interesting,I'm not expecting an official announcement until E3 though or a few weeks before it with first gameplay at E3
That's far too late. We'll probably get something around May.
A new Call of Duty game AND Watch Dogs in November..Awesome!
A new Call of Duty game AND Watch Dogs in November..Awesome!

Theres a new call of duty every year.

Its like Madden NFL football, but with less changes to the game year to year.
First zombies, now ghosts.

Theres a new call of duty every year.

Its like Madden NFL football, but with less changes to the game year to year.

Yeah But I still like them and thus I'm excited,I think the Madden games have less changes than COD!!
New cod,new engine...looking forward to this as I have been playing battlefield 3 more than cod just recently!
maybe it will be a launch title for the "New Xbox" ?
Interested to see what this new engine can do if there is one. About time in any case! The biggest game really should have production standards at least on a par with the best games out there (if not better).
Looking forward to the story, mask are very cool when it comes to these kind of games. Just look at how popular Ghost was in MW2.
Live-action teaser trailer..
Is there a Battlefield 4 thread?,I only see some love for COD
I'm hoping since this is using a new engine that it'll be as good as COD4. But I'll be more realistic & expect it to be just fun like MW3/BO2.

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I think Activision have good reason to be nervous. CoD Ghosts might have a more difficult job than any of the other recent CoDs in establishing itself at the beginning of the next gen. For once I think the game will have to improve to maintain market share.
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