Justice League Can Justice League be just as huge as The Avengers?


Dec 19, 2014
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If anything I was wondering if you think realistically that The Justice League can be just as big as Marvel's Avengers franchise? I'm trying to create discussion here with the DC fans, so that aside what can DC do realistically to rival Marvel's Avengers?

Not just in terms of story but also which characters should be included not just in the first film but also in the sequel?
Nope, not with Snyder at the helm.
If JL can be more joyful and show off these superheroes and their powers better, sky is the limit. I will say that if Snyder continues to be stubborn with mopey Supes, it's not going to chance enough. Need to let him be that symbol of hope going forward!
With BvS not even getting to 900 mill, I'd be surprised if this makes it to a billion IF it's seen as being around the same quality of MoS or BvS.
I don't care if it is as big $$$ wise as Avengers. It would be nice to as a DC fan, enjoy the films as much as Marvel fans seem to enjoy their hero movies.
If Brad Bird, JJ Abrams, Steven Spielberg where directing then yes. Snyder at the helm, especially with an ill received BVS beforehand doubtful. People love WW, Batman, and Superman. Billion + movies are the kind of movies people watch over and over again in theatres. I have no doubt that a truly great JL movie could feasibly achieve 1.5 billion dollars and more at the Boxoffice. There lies the problem Snyder just can't make that movie
I don't care if it is as big $$$ wise as Avengers. It would be nice to as a DC fan, enjoy the films as much as Marvel fans seem to enjoy their hero movies.

I mean yeah if it doesn't make money but it's still dope I'll be happy.
Batman is my favorite hero, Flash is my 2nd favorite (although i much prefer the Wally West verison), and Superman is up there too. I would love great films with them starring
If anything I was wondering if you think realistically that The Justice League can be just as big as Marvel's Avengers franchise? I'm trying to create discussion here with the DC fans, so that aside what can DC do realistically to rival Marvel's Avengers?

Not just in terms of story but also which characters should be included not just in the first film but also in the sequel?

With weak film makers, a poor and lazy strategy, a track record of consistent disappointments and a, "they'll pay anyway" mentality then the answer is no. Not in this reality.
I mean yeah if it doesn't make money but it's still dope I'll be happy.
Batman is my favorite hero, Flash is my 2nd favorite (although i much prefer the Wally West verison), and Superman is up there too. I would love great films with them starring
I think they worried so much about building off of Nolan's Batman success, and using Snyder's cinematic style to do so, they forgot to make films featuring super powered beings..... fun. MOS had a lot going for it, even if missing mark in a few areas. Then we see BvS and Superman, and they don't even let Superman be fun. He's upset about the burden of being a hero, the man can't even enjoy it :argh: :p Heat vision and flying (brief super hearing moment) when Superman has other abilities as well. How are they not spending time on displaying this powers in a more interesting way? :shrug:

Bring back the joy :o
I think they worried so much about building off of Nolan's Batman success, and using Snyder's cinematic style to do so, they forgot to make films featuring super powered beings..... fun. MOS had a lot going for it, even if missing mark in a few areas. Then we see BvS and Superman, and they don't even let Superman be fun. He's upset about the burden of being a hero, the man can't even enjoy it :argh: :p Heat vision and flying (brief super hearing moment) when Superman has other abilities as well. How are they not spending time on displaying this powers in a more interesting way? :shrug:

Bring back the joy :o

I love that they're going for a more serious take on superheroes, but I agree they should bring some "fun" to the proceedings. And I don't mean "fun" as in they should follow the Marvel tone...I know some might be thinking that.

But if you look even beyond the Nolan trilogy: the recent Bond films and the LOTR trilogy are great examples of making "serious" movies that are still fun to watch. I hope Snyder remembers that.
Therefore in the sense of CBM lore that is where DC fails and where Marvel succeeds. Marvel capitalizes off of their storytelling and DC does not. Marvel has a strategy right out the gate and not to mention their movies have a much more dramatic, darker tone to them. Case in point The Avengers films and that is why they have been so successful at the box office but also so successful with comic book fans everywhere but they still have that sense of humor and those comedic moments is again where DC fail.
With weak film makers, a poor and lazy strategy, a track record of consistent disappointments and a, "they'll pay anyway" mentality then the answer is no. Not in this reality.

"they'll pay anyway" mentality. :funny:
I don't know that I'd agree the Marvel storytelling is that fantastic, but they do try to keep their films fun and you get a full sense of the powers from their superheroes. There is no reason DC can't balance the ambition of scope they want to go for, yet also make the films fun by letting their heroes actually enjoy being heroes!
Yeah I like most of the Marvel movies to an extent but I wouldnt say the storytelling is fantastic.
Well their storytelling in The Avengers films proves that Marvel's formula actually works and that is why I fear that DC will do something to ruin The Justice League before it even gets off the ground
Not a chance. If BvS couldn't even get to a billion, there is zero chance that Justice League does Avengers money.
Therefore in the sense of CBM lore that is where DC fails and where Marvel succeeds. Marvel capitalizes off of their storytelling and DC does not. Marvel has a strategy right out the gate and not to mention their movies have a much more dramatic, darker tone to them. Case in point The Avengers films and that is why they have been so successful at the box office but also so successful with comic book fans everywhere but they still have that sense of humor and those comedic moments is again where DC fail.
I feel like a lot of things we've been saying here is in hindsight. DC's lack of strategy, etc. I mean if BvS was critically good, and made 1b, the tune would be different. They would still be just 2 movies in, with the same release slate as before, but all of a sudden DC has a strategy and it works. WB is still just two movies in. Both are divisive, but neither can be considered outright financial flops. I'll hop on that boat when JL fails to cross a billion. We still got SS and WW down the line to see if WB's "non" strategy works or not, or if it's just a Snyder problem.

What I can say is, even though I liked both installments so far, Snyder does seem to be the problem critically and WB is taking a huge risk with him at the helm of JL1. But, since I do like the movies so far, I'm inclined to wait and see in regards to JL. But as of now, bring on the Squad!
In terms of story it will be MUCH better than Avengers. In terms of money - anything is possible. It's Snyder, it's DCEU, it's WB and it's darker universe in comparison to Marvel. Depends on how accessible it will be to the public, will it have more kick-ass action worthy of watching over and over again...
Well the only way Justice League has a chance realistically is if they include more superheroes like I am talking Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Black Canary, Zatanna, etc.
In terms of story it will be MUCH better than Avengers. In terms of money - anything is possible. It's Snyder, it's DCEU, it's WB and it's darker universe in comparison to Marvel. Depends on how accessible it will be to the public, will it have more kick-ass action worthy of watching over and over again...

Need to see Superman enjoy being Superman. As simple as that sounds, it's going to set the tone for the entire film. Let Flash be fun, and really enjoy his speed abilities. I just don't want to spend every movie with Snyder involving the tortured souls and conflicts of being a superhero. I want to see them actually take some pride in what they do the protect the world.
But what again The Justice League needs is a good villain to start off with...considering Marvel's formula with The Avengers, Loki was the big bad to start off and then in Age of Ultron it was Ultron of course. Furthermore, who would be the big bad that The Justice League can start off with?
Another character that they can include would be of course Green Arrow he could be like the Hawkeye of the Justice League and then of course you could have Black Canary as the Black Widow of the team
Lex who should be more serious, they made kind of wacky in hopes of coming off psychotic. It didn't work out to me. Let the villains be serious and not campy (though Lex even in context of corporate style version can have a few good lines with subtle humor) and let the heroes actually enjoy what they do. Their real life personas can have the moments of questioning their place in the world etc.. When they are in superhero mode let them be focused, heroic, and in some instances actually enjoy using their power for the greater good!

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