Comics Characters in serious need of help...


Mar 14, 2003
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At this moment there are three X-Men that come to mind when I'm thinking about how cool they used to be and how completely lame they have become.

1. Bishop: This guy used to be a stone cold killer. He was mysterious, untrusting, and a complete badass. Nowadays he's a lameass "cop" who barely even uses his powers anymore and rolls over for Storm like dog.

2. Archangel: When he first debuted with the metal wings under Apocalypse's thrall he royally thrashed X-Factor. He had become more powerful than anybody could expect out of his character. He had become distant and cold. Then he lost the metal wings. Then he lost the blue. Then he got healing blood. Then he got with Paige. And now he doesn't do squat.

3. Iceman: This guy's an omega level mutant! OMEGA! He used to be the kickass jokester of the team. And then some idiot brought along secondary mutations. Now he's stuck in ice and he is a total dickwad characterwise.
Agreed! Although I was never that big of a fan of Bishop's, he certainly used to be a lot cooler than he is now. And I can't believe how they've ruined my favorite character - Iceman!

Another character in serious need of help:

Storm: She used to be a character with heart and compassion, but with underlying bouts of darkness. She was a strong contender and leader for the X-Men for many years. Now all she ever does is become someone's queen. She's just become so two-dimensional (and don't anyone tell me that's because it's a comic, which is 2D, I will shoot you if you say that...) now and I want the old Storm back.
Good points Spectre722.

I can personally vouch for Bishop. I read him in AoA and it was horrible. The only thing he ever did was get rid of some Infinites and that was all. After that, he just got his butt handed to him left and right.
I agree with usagicassidy, Storm does suffer from very bad writing nowadays:down
Spectre722 said:
3. Iceman: This guy's an omega level mutant! OMEGA! He used to be the kickass jokester of the team. And then some idiot brought along secondary mutations. Now he's stuck in ice and he is a total dickwad characterwise.
I agree with you on Storm. She has become the biggest bee-och. It's one thing to get a little more aggressive, which is what I think they're trying to do with her. It's quite another to be distant and bossy. Take X-Men 175 for example. Storm tells Havok "if it is at all possible for you NOT to tell me what to do... I would greatly appreciate it." And all he had said was that they should stick together and go after the mutant crocs. Then Wolverine says she's like that with everyone, which she is over in Uncanny X-Men monthly.

Someone needs to blow a little sunshine up her ass pronto. I like Storm as a leader but as a compassionate leader. She's acting like Emma, and we already have Emma to act like Emma! :)
Does Bishop work better in District X as a cop or is it the fact that he is in Uncanny as well therefore you don't know were he is going??? After all from what Iread on his history he seemed destined to end up a badass cop.
Yeah, but he doesn't really do anything badass in District X. Plus you don't get a feel for his past. If you knew nothing about Bishop and read only DX, you'd never really know he was displaced in time. Maybe they feel they've done that death.... I just think he's been kinda flat.
Oh yeah, Wildchild needs to get his friggin' hair back! He's is not a bat! 'Nuff said!:mad:
Bishop is an awesome character with loads of potential. But all people can write about him is that he is a big badass cop. WoW. Can we get PAST the fact that he is a cop? Lets explore his powers more and his interactions with characters such as Gambit, Deathbird, know..his SISTER, etc. I like his interaction with Deathbird and the Shi'ar myself. That was unique and interesting.

Now that ArchAngel is back to being Angel..what can he do? other than throw is blood at ya wound and heal you? Oh yeah...doesnt he have feather darts now? kinda lame. They shoulda have given him his wings back but let him retain the poision metal spikes he shot off as a reminder that he can never fully recover from the influence of Apocalypse

iceman rocks hard...i dunno why people dont do anything worthwhile with him....even his current state of being permanent ice can be written so that it is interesting.
Shortpack needs help. at the end of the Mystique series, he was left with a broken leg outside of Niagra Falls. that's a long wal..hobble back home. well that and he's kind of out of a job if Xavier is behind the House of M.
muze i hope u were making a clever joke cuz if u even read the posts above u u'd know thats not what were talkin bout
Shortpack was cute in a munchkin, Liliputian kind of way. :D
SMroxs said:
Someone needs to blow a little sunshine up her ass pronto. I like Storm as a leader but as a compassionate leader. She's acting like Emma, and we already have Emma to act like Emma! :)
And one Emma is enough:o
Spectre722 said:
muze i hope u were making a clever joke cuz if u even read the posts above u u'd know thats not what were talkin bout

hah. you called me clever. :) of course it was a joke but somewhat related to the topic. i think Shortpack needs help. so does Mystique. they should give her back her title and stop having her screw with Rogue's relationships.

squeekness said:
Shortpack was cute in a munchkin, Liliputian kind of way. :D

really? i always thought he was kind of homely; almost rodent-like. but maybe that was just the artist interpretation. ;)
Kmack said:
And one Emma is enough:o

Which brings up an interesting point, regarding Storm's *****iness...

We all know that Emma is the "new Wolverine" over at Marvel now. (Please see her involvment in House of M and New Avengers) Is it just me or does it seem like Marvel is Emma-fying a lot of their female characters?

I can't really go into specifics.. it's just an impression I've gotten...

Beastbone said:
Which brings up an interesting point, regarding Storm's *****iness...

We all know that Emma is the "new Wolverine" over at Marvel now. (Please see her involvment in House of M and New Avengers) Is it just me or does it seem like Marvel is Emma-fying a lot of their female characters?

I can't really go into specifics.. it's just an impression I've gotten...


You're not alone in your thoughts. I've noticed the same type of thing.

I_play_sega_:When the first turned Archangel back into Angel, I was all for it. I thought it would be something new they could do with Warren. Giving him back the humanity and normality he'd wanted back back to him should've given him tons of cool story ideas. Sadly that didn't happen. When he stopped being Archangel, the chracter last all substance. That healing factor thing and realtionship with Husk was stupid for the former and creepy for the latter. IMO, Angel is even worse off right now than Bishop. Bishop was never THAT great but Angel was and seeing him be as crappy as he is now, makes me sad.

Btw, I do like Bishop. I don't want people to think i dislike him because of my last comment but yeah, he needs work as well.

Iceman is another I think is being poorly written. i blame that squarely on the writers who've been writing him lately. I think the suckiness started back when Austin made him nothing more than a guy that Juggernaut bounced insults off of and every writer after that just made him lamer and lamer.
Iceman has been a complete dick for god-knows-how-long now. I just couldn't take the 5th grade-level spats he and Havok had over in X-men during Austens run; and Milligan hasn't improved him a bit.

I want the smartass Iceman back. Not the smartass dick.
OutcryX said:
Bishop is an awesome character with loads of potential. But all people can write about him is that he is a big badass cop. WoW. Can we get PAST the fact that he is a cop? Lets explore his powers more and his interactions with characters such as Gambit, Deathbird, know..his SISTER, etc. I like his interaction with Deathbird and the Shi'ar myself. That was unique and interesting.

Now that ArchAngel is back to being Angel..what can he do? other than throw is blood at ya wound and heal you? Oh yeah...doesnt he have feather darts now? kinda lame. They shoulda have given him his wings back but let him retain the poision metal spikes he shot off as a reminder that he can never fully recover from the influence of Apocalypse

iceman rocks hard...i dunno why people dont do anything worthwhile with him....even his current state of being permanent ice can be written so that it is interesting.
Shard's been dead for a while now.
I never really cared for Shard. I liked X-Factor for the whole Saby/Wildchild/Mystique intrigue. I found the Shard issues dull. I liked the idea of a sentient hologram though and use it in my fanfiction, but something about Shard, I dunno. Just rubbed me the wrong way.
This is why I stick to the older books and Ultimate X-Men.
1. Rachel Summers - Writers toy around with her powers almost every issue. I think she and Betsy were flying in the last issue of Uncanny. I'd actually prefer if they killed her off but if you're gonna keep her around, add some depth to her character. Not just "Oh, I miss my mom, look at this cool bird tattoo on my eye".

2. Bishop - Everything that's been said before. I am enjoying DX though.

3. Cannonball - hopefully his role in the coming X-Factor will give him some exposure. All throughout X-Treme X-Men, I never felt like the explored Sam enough.
When ever Cannonball appeared outside of New Mutants or X Force he seemed to suck. He was Crap in X-Tream. He was pretty cool in the return to AOA thougth.
Rachel certainly could do with plenty of improvement. I thoroughly enjoyed the character back in the 80's X-Men and when she returned in Excalibur. Conflicted, driven, powerful, with plenty of answers to look for and strong ideals. Now that she's back from doing the Askani stuff in the future she's but a shadow of herself.

As for Emma, I liked the development that she went through in Generation X and the issues leading up to that where she found out about the Hellions (and back then she had better fashion sense than Carmen Electra at the Oscars). Then in the final half a dozen issues it seems like all that character development was undone and when she reappeared in New X-Men she was colder than ever.
Colossal Spoons said:
1. Rachel Summers - Writers toy around with her powers almost every issue. I think she and Betsy were flying in the last issue of Uncanny. I'd actually prefer if they killed her off but if you're gonna keep her around, add some depth to her character. Not just "Oh, I miss my mom, look at this cool bird tattoo on my eye".

2. Bishop - Everything that's been said before. I am enjoying DX though.

3. Cannonball - hopefully his role in the coming X-Factor will give him some exposure. All throughout X-Treme X-Men, I never fealt like the explored Sam enough
But uhm, Rachel CAN fly, she's always been able to do that.

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