Without giving anything away, have you been outfitted for a new costume this season?
Believe it or not, I had a costume last season that I did fittings for before we even started! It was built and ready to go, but the way that the story played out, I think that the producers felt that revealing the suit too early, when Mon-El was still figuring it out, wasnt going to be as impactful as getting him in a suit when hes actually had that heroic breakthrough. You know, when hes actually feeling, from his core, motivated to do good, as opposed to being told, Hey, you should do good, right?
So there always has been a suit, and I can promise that there actually will be sightings of it this year. I wasnt lying last year when I said that there was a suit. Its just they changed it, and we just never saw it. It is around the corner.