The Dark Knight Rises Christian Bale as Batman in Justice League. Is it still possible?


Apr 3, 2002
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OK, well if seeing it to be believing it seems as if the flawed and troubled production of JUSTICE LEAGUE has been halted indefinitely at the moment. Some are happy, some aren't.

Now before you want to whine about internet fanboys ruining it, I want to point out some things.

1. The strike means that the script is LOCKED. The WGA approved the script.

2. Contrary to popular belief you can't seriously do big re-writes on locked scripts, only minor changes and adjustments according to the agreement that's it. Since it is a locked script and WGA checks for changes, they will know if major changes are made in a strike. That's scab work and the union hates that and discourages it.

3. The comic writers doing fill in for the movies was fan speculation and probably "blogger reporter" bull****. That wasn't going to work either. Again it's a locked script. Some comic writers recently have crossed over to film and TV work. And if they hope to do that, the last thing they want is an enemy in WGA. So I just want to set the record straight, all the stuff about non union writers and all that wasn't happening and it wouldn't have worked. Sorry guys but that's the truth.

4. The EW report of 1/15 being the deadline to greenlight the movie for summer 2009 was true. Which barring some severe fool the fans smokescreen campaign means that Justice League can't start filming until after the strike is over, and can't be released until 2010 at the earliest most likely.

OK those are things I wanted to clarify. But here is what I really want to discuss. Should we talk about Christian Bale returning as Batman in a possible Justice League movie. All I have to say is . . . why not?

People say they can't exist in the same universe. Again I say, why not? The writers apparently have no problem at all in Justice League acknowledging events from Batman Begins . . . which whatever way you nitpick moviegoers will see as acknowleding Begins. Bale not long ago was talking about doing a crossover movie with Routh's Superman. So tell me something, if he is open to the idea of a Superman crossover film, why is it impossible for Nolan Batman to appear in Justice League?

I remember a time long ago, when we as fans dreamed for someone like Bale to play Batman. Many fans demanded he was the only guy for the role. We were always happy to hear how interested he was in portraying this character, and we finally got it. So the old cliche goes, if it ain't broke WHY FIX IT?!

Sorry, but you know, not every can be the next Hugh Jackman or Mel Gibson. Whoever was supposed to play Batman be it Arnie Hammer, do you really think they could've outperformed Bale? Do you really think audiences today would accept this change ONE YEAR AFTER DARK KNIGHT? That is provided Dark Knight is a huge hit?

So, very simple yes or no. Do you want Christian Bale to play Batman in a future Justice League movie?
Yes, I agree. If WB is smart they will make Bale an offer he can't refuse. I know it would be very difficult, but as you wrote on another thread, getting Nolan involved in this project past his (hopeful) Batman Trilogy could make it so. Could you imagine fanboys reaction if Batman 3 ends with a epilogue ala BB with a victorious Batman standing on a rooftop watching his city, and turns to see a faceless man with a red cape floating in the air behind him?
Superman: "I've been admiring your work".
Something like THAT would generate crazy internet buzz, GA interest, and draw some top notch talent on board who would clamor to get in on the new "It" project with Bale and Nolan.
Just an idea. :yay:
As much as I understand people wanting Bale in a possible future JL film, it just won't happen.
Why not?

Not long ago everyone was so sure JUSTICE LEAGUE was going to happen with this well . . . and it didn't.

Why isn't WB planning ahead to make it happen?
If Nolan isn't involved, don't expect Bale to be either.
I don't think that's necessarily true. Bale has been open to a team-up movie, and that project (whatever it was), probably wouldn't have been helmed by Nolan.

I think Bale is smart enough to know that Batman isn't exclusive to Nolan, nor is he the only capable director of bringing that character to life.
But would he want to be involved in bringing someone else's version to life? I'm doubtful.
Vision of what? It's a JL film, not Batman. It wouldn't be hard to carry over the same traits of the character from Nolan's series.
Your taking a Batman who's universe is one that is grounded and putting him in a universe filled with super powered heroes, aliens and super villains, you're suddenly changing the plausibility rules that Nolan set out. Nolan's version of the character would look out of place unless you adapt the rest of the characters around his interpretation (which wouldn't sit to well). I get why people want Bale in a JL film, but like Keaton didn't continue once Burton was through, I'm betting Bale will do the same once Nolan is finished. It's just not going to happen.
There should be a "I don't care option" because I certainly don't as long as whoever plays him does a good job.
No! and thank the fricken lord because I've been praying!

I can't believe people want Bale for a JL movie.
I'm not going to let this go.

If Bale is open to the idea of playing Batman in a movie with Superman, why wouldn't he want to do Justice League? And if Batman is one of the leads in a movie why would he have a problem with that as well? I don't get people trying to make it sound like Bale is some sort of ego-maniac that's never played supporting roles or never shares the spotlight in his roles, which isn't true.

Why is it totally impossible for them to connect, when there were apparently references in the JL script to the events of Batman Begins?
I voted no because I don't want Bale involved in crap movie...
I voted no because I don't want Bale involved in crap movie...

He's starring in T4. :p

I voted no because his Batman doesn't fit with the Justice League universe Miller wants to create.
Okay, Bale's Batman doesn't fit in with the Justice League universe that SHOULD be seen on screen, no matter the director.
Because Bale's Batman is grounded in reality and Justice League should be far from grounded.

Though, to be honest I simply just don't want to mix the two.
JP, if Bale says his Batman can be in a movie with Superman, then why are you being so rigid and close-minded about it?
JP, if Bale says his Batman can be in a movie with Superman, then why are you being so rigid and close-minded about it?

I'm not being closed minded. I just don't want Bale in JL. :)
Brilliant, BRILLIANT arguement.

I'd like to see Batman, as realistic as possible, in the JLA using his simple military technology to make a big difference. He would seem out of his element, and then he would catch on, and do some major ownage in the last part of the movie... much the same way as he did in JLA: NWO.

Batman doesn't have to break from his realism to make a difference, even when reality is being broken all around him. He seems out of place, as he should, a normal human has NO business on the JLA, but soon enough he proves that he's not out of place, even if he's used to a different playing field.

But if the photomanips of Bale next to Routh in costume don't bother you, then a realistic batman, using realistic means to take down unrealistic threats, just as action movie stars have been doing for decades... it won't bother you either.

And if one more illiterate goofball comes in talking about how much the George Miller version will suck, despite the fact that the cast is changing completely, and major rewrites are going to be done, I'm busting out the flame thrower.

To answer the original question: yes, it is possible, but Nolan would likely need to be a producer on the film and encourage Bale to do it.
Your taking a Batman who's universe is one that is grounded and putting him in a universe filled with super powered heroes, aliens and super villains, you're suddenly changing the plausibility rules that Nolan set out.
Unless you see Batman himself doing some fantastical things like flying and having superpowers, they're not changing crap. They're simply placing Batman in a new setting with a new ensemble.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. So who's to say there are no superpowered heroes in this Batman's world? Nolan? Fanboys?

I find it funny it's only now that a vocal minority of people consider Batman to be "above" the comic book universe, by refusing to acknowledge he's in a fictional world with superheroes. To the MASS PUBLIC and practically everyone in the comic book fandom, Batman has and always will be part of the same exact universe as the Justice League.

Nolan's version of the character would look out of place unless you adapt the rest of the characters around his interpretation (which wouldn't sit to well).
And what about his character would look out of place in a JL film? As far as I can see, it has absolutely nothing to do with it.
I can't believe people are being serious about this.

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