Transformers Confirmed Line-up and rumors


Sep 10, 2004
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the CONFIRMED line-up is

Optimus Prime (Long nose Semi)
Ironhide (pick up)
Ratchet (ambulance we think)
Bumblebee (camaro)
Jazz (Sports Car)
(Possible fifth)

Megatron (Tank??)
Devestator (Abrams Tank)
Vortex (Helicopter)
Brawl (Police Car)
Scorponok (huge Scorpion)
Starscream (F 22).

As many have speculated, the Decepticons do in fact outnumber the Autobots in the script.

It had me scratching my head when I learned who they are, and what their alt modes are.

Brawl--a police car (for a chase scene)
Devastator--M1 Abrams tank (and a single bot)
Bonecrusher--Mine clearing vehicle

It just seems like a bunch of random names slapped on random alt modes.
If they want to use a Decepticon car, I think the names Runamuck or Runabout would be more suitable.
The tank should be Brawl, since he was a tank in G1.
Not sure how I feel about Bonecrusher. He was a bulldozer in G1 and there are mine clearing vehicles that look like bulldozers, but I think they should just stick with Combaticon names and go with Swindle or Onslaught.

And as with Angelophile, I can't reveal my source, sorry.

Potential rumor from unconfirmed source
Apparently product placement have greatly affected the design choices as general motors have their cars all over the movie. I have not seen the film but i saw the proofs for the height ratios and color proofs. here are the decepticons: Megatron, vortex, scorponok, starscream, bonecrusher, devastator and brawl. DO NOT PICTURE THE CLASSIC DESIGNS! you will be upset if you do. if you pretend your childhood transformers never existed you will be more accepting as I am.the auto bots are comprised of: Prime Ironhide, ratchet, bumblebee and jazz. I can't show you the pics because I promised my friend i wouldn't but i will say this bumblebee is not a beetle he is a sedan

Hey guys remember what I told you this is not your childhood transformers devastatore is a tank in the movie bone crusher is a constuction vehicle but i cant describe hime its one of those trucks that siphons sand i believe but it has a crane to dig with. in robot form it becomes a third arm or tail. vortex was supposed to be soundwave but thank god they relized that helocopters cannot break the sound barrier so they changed his name to vortex. I dont know that megatron is because the sheet did not show his transformation. he has claws and looks very scary. he looks like he's made of junk its weired and hard to describe. Scorponok is a scorpion but not a battlestation he is a tiny robot scorpion. dont know if he can transform because the sheet did not show the robot from in scale to rumble or frenzy. he might serve a a spy I'm guessing. prime is a long nose semi ratchet is a hummeriron hide is a Dodge ram truck starscream is a f-22 and his robot form is brown and gorilla esk very mean and intimidating. I like the designs but they bear absolutely no resemblence to the classic versions. I cant really say much more because the sheet had no descriptions I'm merely describing to the best of my ability.

This information is *fairly* truthworthy take with grains of salt though.
Ah for **** sake, this is ****.
Prime is not a ****ing long nose. He is a god damn flat front Mac.
Bay confirmed he was a Mac truck, but im not familiar with the Mac range to know whether there are flat front and long nose tractor trailers.

And devastator a ****ing tank?
******ed to say the god damn least
Considering the AICN report sort of debunks this. IT did say Scorpnok was doing some devestation and didn't make it seem like he was tiny. And it didn't say Prime was a long nose did it?
Mic said:
Ah for **** sake, this is ****.
Prime is not a ****ing long nose. He is a god damn flat front Mac.
Bay confirmed he was a Mac truck, but im not familiar with the Mac range to know whether there are flat front and long nose tractor trailers.

And devastator a ****ing tank?
******ed to say the god damn least
You have to understand names in Transformers have been rotating for years now. This Movie IS NOT G1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I mean the name Smokescreen has been applied to a car, a jet, a crane, another car and a new suburu Impreza and I did not hear fans complain about that. The point is everyone has the wrong impression on Transformers. I have seen every episode of TF shows, read every last comic, even own practically every G1 gotta understand everytime they make a new show its totally different. This is not G1 the Movie, its to G1 as RiD or Energon is to G1....same names for characters but totally different storyline and in many cases alt modes.
zer00 said:
Considering the AICN report sort of debunks this. IT did say Scorpnok was doing some devestation and didn't make it seem like he was tiny. And it didn't say Prime was a long nose did it?
He isn't tiny, the guy even says he had to scale to base him off of. the Long nose Semi comes from another article I am trying to find. Pretty much though the characters have been confirmed 3 times now, this is not G1....I have to re-enforce this. It is a wholly separate entity...don't expect G1 characters (beyond Megatron and Optimus) to look, sound or be like their originals.
ShadowBoxing said:
You have to understand names in Transformers have been rotating for years now. This Movie IS NOT G1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I mean the name Smokescreen has been applied to a car, a jet, a crane, another car and a new suburu Impreza and I did not hear fans complain about that. The point is everyone has the wrong impression on Transformers. I have seen every episode of TF shows, read every last comic, even own practically every G1 gotta understand everytime they make a new show its totally different. This is not G1 the Movie, its to G1 as RiD or Energon is to G1....same names for characters but totally different storyline and in many cases alt modes.
Actually as far as Iv heard this IS G1, re imagined. Just like the Dreamwave comics are a G1 based comic.
Its G1 based.
Its the simple things that are just ****ing the fans over. Why the **** is devestator a tank? Why devestator? What was the point in making that tank devestator? Why not one of the many other ACTUAL tank transformers in G1?
It just doesnt make sense. Why kick the fans in the balls like that? The general joe public who will make up 98% of the viewing audience wouldnt give a **** what that tank was called. But the fans will.
ShadowBoxing said:
He isn't tiny, the guy even says he had to scale to base him off of. the Long nose Semi comes from another article I am trying to find. Pretty much though the characters have been confirmed 3 times now, this is not G1....I have to re-enforce this. It is a wholly separate entity...don't expect G1 characters (beyond Megatron and Optimus) to look, sound or be like their originals.

...That's nice. It's an adaption. not a seperate entity. I cannot re-enforce this enough. Just like every other movie like this. It's an adaption. So stop pertending it's not. And does this guy have good sources or are you just saying he's trustworthy?
Mic said:
Actually as far as Iv heard this IS G1, re imagined. Just like the Dreamwave comics are a G1 based comic.
Its G1 based.
Its the simple things that are just ****ing the fans over. Why the **** is devestator a tank? Why devestator? What was the point in making that tank devestator? Why not one of the many other ACTUAL tank transformers in G1?
It just doesnt make sense. Why kick the fans in the balls like that? The general joe public who will make up 98% of the viewing audience wouldnt give a **** what that tank was called. But the fans will.
(By the way all this news is found on Don Murphy's own website)

Actually I am on the ALLSPARK forums right now and to be honest fans don't really give a fact I should show you some posts from fans

NightViper said:
I rather like the idea of a Decepticon police car. Sure the evil authority figure shtick is a bit done, like T-1000, but it seems like the totally evil thing a Decepticon would do to really decieve the local population.

Devastator is simply one of the best names of G1. Sure we associate it with a certain green gestalt, but the name itself fits any bot of mass destruction. I welcome the inclusion of an Abrams.

Bonecrusher seems fitting enough, and a slightly more obscure wrecking machine seems to fit the style they're going for in the Decepticons for the movie.

Dr Fang said:
Let's say it again:


Therefore, Devastator could be an Autobot submarine for all intents and purposes and it wouldn't diminish the original Devastator's character-- what little he had. Because it's a completely different universe.

(And Devastator's been a single bot before-- he was Scavenger in Micron Legend, the Japanese Armada.)

Weremole said:
If this is genuine its pretty obvious why this would happen. Seriously, how many rememberable G1 Decepticons are there at large?

At most it would be sweet if they changed the con police cars name to Breakdown, Dead End or even Runamuck.

Tankstator is fine since G1 Devastator whas just a big brute but since Dev whas a combiner then even Demolishor would be a better name. Thinking of Con G1 tanks then even Brawl or Bludgeon would do.

But overall if I have to be honest it really doesn't face me that much. Imagining the possible scenarios this film might play with then it kind of makes sense. But names could be better assigned.

Anyway; if the designs are similar to how the characters look elsewhere as well in the end... Don't see me minding if this makes it into the finished film.

Hooks said:
If I can accept Optimus as a munky, I can accept Devastator as a single robot and Brawl as a car.

Because, you know, different characters and continuity and stuff.

Hell, in the last few years we have had Scavenger as a large Autobot merc who trained Optimus Prime, Blurr as a brooding loner, Sideswipe as a blue newb, Ironhide as a big newb, Wheeljack as a traitor Decepticon, Cliffjumper as Wheeljack as Downshift as a pimpmobile, Prowl as everybody else...

And now people want blood for switching alt-modes and names on non-G1 namesakes?

Guard Convoy said:
I see nothing there worth getting worked up about. Go see what the fans think yourself

Truth is we Transformers fans are used to this. There was a G1, it hasn't been seen or heard from in 17 YEARS. We don't care. We've seen Optimus as a long nose Semi (laser Prime), Space Ship Semi (Star Convoy), Combiner (Super Link), Monkey (Beast Wars), Lion (Beast Wars II), Mammoth (Beast Wars Neo), Firetruck (Galaxy Force and RiD) and his traditional. If you are a Transformers fan than this is NOT f---ing with you, NOT.IN.THE.SLIGHTEST. The only people who would be mad are people who curse everytime a show comes on thats not G1...I'd love G1 to return its all I collect...but its not coming back, its very dated.

And also Don Murphy said "vaguely based on G1"....every show excluding Beast Wars (which was a continuation to G1) was vaguely based.
zer00 said:
...That's nice. It's an adaption. not a seperate entity. I cannot re-enforce this enough. Just like every other movie like this. It's an adaption. So stop pertending it's not. And does this guy have good sources or are you just saying he's trustworthy?
Most of this stuff all shows up in Don Murphy's message board. No its a separate entity. G1 is its own continuity, you should familiarize yourself with it. Outside of Beast Wars/Machines and minor cameos G1 has never resurfaced...not in 17 years (cartoon wise...comics have been coming out regularly over the past five). Armada, RiD, Cybertron, Beast Wars Neo and II are all separate entities as is this movie (and all those shows reused G1 names I might add). The Transformers Universe is huge with 20 separate a distinct continuities I can think of off the top of my head. This is another addition, NOT G1, not G1....I don't know any other way to say it. The Transformers Universe for the last 17 years has had 6 different cartoon Universe, 6 different comic Universes, 1 Robotmasters Universe available on DVD, and even a separate Universe that runs out of Botcon exclusives comics.

Transformers is not X-Men or does not have one distinct interconnected storyline

Even Generation 1 has 2 cartoon storylines which cannot reconcile eachother.
Names don't bother me. They've done it so much over the years. Anyone whose been payng attention has noticed. If I can get over Grimlock being a steamshovel, I can get over Devastator being a tank.

None of the news leaked yet has "upset" me, as none of it is "upsetting". Naming a tank Devastator is not "****ing over the fans". Not at all.

If anything I'll wait until I see some character designs before I even come close to getting that worked up.

So far, all this news has just intrigued me.
DrSpengler said:
Names don't bother me. They've done it so much over the years. Anyone whose been payng attention has noticed. If I can get over Grimlock being a steamshovel, I can get over Devastator being a tank.

None of the news leaked yet has "upset" me, as none of it is "upsetting". Naming a tank Devastator is not "****ing over the fans". Not at all.

If anything I'll wait until I see some character designs before I even come close to getting that worked up.

So far, all this news has just intrigued me.
Exactly...if you think re-assigning G1 names to different forms is "f---ing with Transformers fans" you haven't been watching Transformers very long :D

Grimlock being a steamshovel on that dimwhitted team the Build Team was pretty lame...I suppose no lamer than naming a bicycle minicon Nightbeat
Seriously I will stress this again...its not an adaptation, because in the TF Universe everything always starts over from scratch. This is its own thing, trust me.
I guess this is where the "problem" stems from. When Tom Desanto first declared a "Transformer" movie a couple of years ago, he specifically said that it was going to be based on G1. Sure, there has been alternates (i.e. Beast Wars, Armada etc.), but lets not forget, it was G1 (the cartoons and the toys) that launched it's popularity into the stratosphere...the one original fans grew up with.

I don't know the level of Tom Desanto's involvement with the current project, but the sad fact is, G1 is no longer a template for the movie. It is definitely going to be an Alternate Transformers spin-off...which is disheartening.

In all honesty, I don't like the direction the movie is going, but hey, I don't have a financial stake in the movie, so let them do what they wanna do. Hell, surprise me.
Evoldog said:
I guess this is where the "problem" stems from. When Tom Desanto first declared a "Transformer" movie a couple of years ago, he specifically said that it was going to be based on G1. Sure, there has been alternates (i.e. Beast Wars, Armada etc.), but lets not forget, it was G1 (the cartoons and the toys) that launched it's popularity into the stratosphere...the one original fans grew up with.

I don't know the level of Tom Desanto's involvement with the current project, but the sad fact is, G1 is no longer a template for the movie. It is definitely going to be an Alternate Transformers spin-off...which is disheartening.

In all honesty, I don't like the direction the movie is going, but hey, I don't have a financial stake in the movie, so let them do what they wanna do. Hell, surprise me.
Right well it is "based" in the same way Armada and RiD are based. They never said this is G1 the movie...they said from the beginning it was vaguely based of G1.

Listen to me carefully. Anyone who thinks G1 is the end all be all of Transformers doesn't know or watch anything related to Transformers. Those people are not true fans. Fans who are diehard fans by now ought to be used to this.

And G1, it certainly started the line, but Beast Wars was far more acclaimed...because since Beast wars there has been a new TF show every year. Transformers G1 disappeared for a full 4 years before returning again in a very short lived G2 form. G1 has and will always be my favorite (its all I collect), but the TF verse stopped revolving around it a long time ago. Cybertron, Beast Wars most notably are regarded as much better cartoons and toylines already.

You must understand something if its disheartening that Transformers is doing something unrelated to G1, you aren't much of a TF fan to begin with. This movie is not concerned with either A) the small number of G1 purists or B) People who misconception is all there is of Transformers is G1. Most people don't know anyone outside of Optimus and Megatron, there is no reason for fans or gen aud. to doubt this film at this point.
i can live with those decisions soon as i find out what a long nose semi is..... and the only problem i have is bumblebee.... he HAS to be a vbug its like a must...either that or someother other dinky car like a mini or sumtin but not a camaro.... camaro makes no sense for him
ShadowBoxing said:
Right well it is "based" in the same way Armada and RiD are based. They never said this is G1 the movie...they said from the beginning it was vaguely based of G1.

Listen to me carefully. Anyone who thinks G1 is the end all be all of Transformers doesn't know or watch anything related to Transformers. Those people are not true fans. Fans who are diehard fans by now ought to be used to this.

And G1, it certainly started the line, but Beast Wars was far more acclaimed...because since Beast wars there has been a new TF show every year. Transformers G1 disappeared for a full 4 years before returning again in a very short lived G2 form. G1 has and will always be my favorite (its all I collect), but the TF verse stopped revolving around it a long time ago. Cybertron, Beast Wars most notably are regarded as much better cartoons and toylines already.

You must understand something if its disheartening that Transformers is doing something unrelated to G1, you aren't much of a TF fan to begin with. This movie is not concerned with either A) the small number of G1 purists or B) People who misconception is all there is of Transformers is G1. Most people don't know anyone outside of Optimus and Megatron, there is no reason for fans or gen aud. to doubt this film at this point.

Thanks for pointing this out. I assumed it was gonna be G1 and now that information was shared with me I have a better feeling about this movie
muscaremy said:
i can live with those decisions soon as i find out what a long nose semi is..... and the only problem i have is bumblebee.... he HAS to be a vbug its like a must...either that or someother other dinky car like a mini or sumtin but not a camaro.... camaro makes no sense for him
I hear ya...but VW refused to be part of the film.:( :down
The main question is, is Bay's ego to big to listen to the fans?
CGHulk said:
The main question is, is Bay's ego to big to listen to the fans?
Actually No:D! Originally Arcee was in the script, but FANS got Bay to actually write her out. Same with midget Soundwave, who will be a new character because of fans. He also recently purposed calling the matrix and "energon cube" instead...however he has asked the fans to weigh in on the name change, and it looks like it won't happen. Bay is doing a great job of listening thus far :D.
ShadowBoxing said:
I hear ya...but VW refused to be part of the film.:( :down

Was it ever stated on don's site as to WHY??? (don't remember):down
skorponok said:
Was it ever stated on don's site as to WHY??? (don't remember):down
Its just a licencing thing. Don obviously wanted VW, they just said no. Its the companies call unfortunately. I mean if I were VW, I'd want my car in a summer blockbuster...especially when it sucks so bad in the first place. But they didn't...they'll live with their decision. This is not Don or Bay's fault, its just VW being high and mighty or some stuff...I know I don't like it either.:down
Based on the varying reports by people who claimed to see the Optimus concept art a Allspark poster was nice enough to grace us with a rendering based on reports.

NOT OFFICIAL DRAWING...Artists did this off of written reports
I can admit that I overreacted at first, but it doesnt change the way I feel. To be honest all I REALLY want is a live action version of the orignal movie. Ill never get it but thats all I want.

I dont think bay really cared that VW denied usage of the beetle. Cause if he did he would obviously get a car close to what the beetle is. A mini would have sufficed but he decides on a damn camero? Arnt they big ass muscle cars? (im not american so i cant be sure)

As for the design of prime above, i thought we were getting a more realistic version? Not a robotic Megaman. I was under the impression he would be very angular etc
And it does indeed looks like there going for a long nose Cab, as the skirt type thing hes wearing(very samurai kinda deal) looks like the nose.

What worries me about that drawing is why the red prime is labeled 'matrix- get version'
Is that what happens when he opens the matrix. Or when he receives it?

Im also glad to see he has an insignia, i was sure they wouldnt put the faction symbols on.
Id hate to have been the artist trying to recreate what the people saw lol.
ShadowBoxing said:
Its just a licencing thing. Don obviously wanted VW, they just said no. Its the companies call unfortunately. I mean if I were VW, I'd want my car in a summer blockbuster...especially when it sucks so bad in the first place. But they didn't...they'll live with their decision. This is not Don or Bay's fault, its just VW being high and mighty or some stuff...I know I don't like it either.:down

It has to do with Volks Wagon not wanting their cars to be associated with war and violence. Volks Wagon has the reputation of being "The car that Hitler built", and Germans are VERY sensetive about World War II.

So VW won't let them use any of their vehicles in the Transformers (wouldn't even let them use them for an Alternators Bumblebee). Even though Bumblebee is a GOOD guy, VW doesn't want their cars to be associated with war in any way whatsoever.

But Herbie sequels are fine.

And that's a pretty cool piece of fan art. I could get behind Optimus looking something like that (though I hope they'd include more red).

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