On a related note - what's the correct protocol for dealing with those idiotic, pre-pubescent teens who feel the need to blare their ****e rave music from their phone all over the bus?
This happens quite constantly on my bus route and each time I envision a number of scenarios/ procedures with varying degrees of success:
Solution 1. Ask politely for them to turn it down
Possible outcome A - being ignored/ laughed at and having to suffer ridicule for the rest of the journey from the teens and now also other passengers who, while being just as annoyed as you know better than to try and talk any sort of sense into 'those young hooligans.'
Possible outcome B: Having the youth in question apologise and turn it down or (preferably) off.
Possible outcome C: Youth reluctantly turns it down but you are now susceptible to angry glares, snide comments and (possibly) spitballs from the group of teens for the rest of the journey.
Solution 2: Angrily ask/ intimidate them into turning it down/ off.
Possible outcome A: Your intimidating gaze and demand is met with indifference and eventual open hostility. Frankly they know (as do you) that you can't really do much more than threaten them. It's an empty threat, and as such, you've now lost whatever upper hand you may have had and are now subject to open mocking, increasingly louder music and spitballs.
Possible outcome B: Teens **** themselves. Scramble to turn the music down/ off and you sit back down, happy with the now noiseless journey, but a bit miffed at having to resort to such tactics. Additionally, other adults on the bus now regard you as a potential loose cannon - just as bad as, if not worse than the teens. Social kudos takes a hit. Curses.
Solution 3. Do nothing. Sit and get more and more annoyed at 'the youth of today.' Vow to 'do something next time it happens.'
Solution 4. Tell on them to the bus driver.
Possible outcome A: Bus driver shouts down the bus at the teens to 'turn that ****e down or get off the bus.' They comply and you sit back down, satisfied with a job well done. You've observed proper social protocal, alerted the main authority figure on the bus to the problem at hand and have let them deal with it as they see fit. Rules and regulations do actually work! But what's that slimy thing rolling down the back of your noggin...?
Possible outcome B. Driver becomes irate and mutters to himself 'damn passengers can't even stand up for themselves.' He/she stops the bus and shouts down at the teens. Go to possible outcome A.
Possible outcome C: Driver shouts down at teens who ignore him/ her. driver turns up his radio, gives you a look of condolence and continues on driving. Hey, he did the best he could, right?