Daredevil=My new fave 616 book

I never really liked Daredevil.

I'm tempted to buy a few issues, but I already spend so much:(
^^^Do yourself a favor and buy them.
See, if I buy them and I like them I will have to buy all the back issues :(
Yeah, then you go broke. :( :up:
the Hardcovers are a bargain. They're each either the same price or less than the softcovers that reprint the same issues, plus you get bonus material
Unleashed said:
I never really liked Daredevil.

I'm tempted to buy a few issues, but I already spend so much:(

I like a lot of Marvel titles but I try to avoid recommending anything simply because a lot of people have differing views of what's good and bad.

DareDevil is one of the only mags I recommend to anyone simply because I cannot fathom anyone disliking it....it's that darn good and in my opinion the best Marvel Title bar none!
I think I would rather, buy Cable and Deadpool :up:

Best. 616. Comic. Ever.
I only liked Hardcore out of Bendis' run on it. Maybe I will pick it up now that it has another writer.
I can't see anyone not liking this,I certainly pity the foo!
Well see me sucka! Nothing about a regular ass guy with a handicap and heightened senses makes me wanna read his book.
Unleashed said:
How was Daredevil in Civil War?

Just finished reading Civil War 1 and had the exact same question. Came to the boards to find out..
He's not, that was the guy whose been going around dressed like him while he's in the joint. Who that is remains to be seen.
Colossal Spoons said:
Daredevil dosn't interest me in the slightest. I'll pass.

Well, what do you know about Dardevil other than him being a blind lawyer with heightened senses? You do know that a character is more than what his or her powers are right?
The first three issues of Brubaker's run have been amazing. I think this is the book he really clicks on. More so than Captain America.

I keep looking back at them and using them as references because they're that darn good.
Anubis said:
Well, what do you know about Dardevil other than him being a blind lawyer with heightened senses? You do know that a character is more than what his or her powers are right?

The bare minumum for me to read somebody's book is that I at least have to enjoy their powers. The writing could be superb, but if I find the character's abilities uninteresting, it really won't matter. People like DD, Batman, Elektra, Punisher, etc aren't my cup o' tea. I like my superheroes....um, super.
hmm, then you've probally missed out on a lot of really good stuff because of this.

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