I just wanted to make fun of how Cap lets things slide and Iron Man's become more morally ambiguous than ever in NA, really. I agree, it seems pretty unlikely that Cap will even be on the New Avengers post-CW to voice any complaints if Ares does join. I can't imagine why Ares would want to join the New Avengers, though.danielisthor said:His mini-series has been completely badass. Considering how Civil War is going, who's to say if even Cap is going to be the leader of the Avengers once its over or in what direction Satan, i mean Bendis takes it in.
jaydawg said:Wasnt he one of the characters listed to possibly join the NA after Civil War? The only other character I can remember was Speedball and out of all the choices, Ares seemed most likely, especially considering Bendis stating he's a big fan.
The Question said:Okay. You can probably think of the best action movies in cinima history. Terminator 2, Die Hard, The Predator, movies like that. The Ares mini series takes the most badass, violent, spectacular action sequences from that, purifies it into it's simplest, most hardcore form, and shapes it into a comic book. Plus, there's an elephant in it.
deathshead2 said:I felt the start of the 2nd issue is by far some of the best action ever in a comic. After that the guns go aways and out comes the swords.
PWN3R RANGER said:I am so getting this trade.
GNR4Life said:I'm giving this away if anybody wants it.