Days of Future Past Days of Future Past News and Discussion

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Jun 2, 2004
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we need a thread for this.

I think some need to tamper their wishlist.Days of future past will be between 2 hours and 2 hours and 20 minutes.

You have Xavier and returning X-Men(Beast,Havok,Banshee) that makes 4 characters.Add Magneto and his defente retuing brotherhood(Mystique,Emma
Frost,Azarel) that brings us up to 8 characters.The target of assassination makes 9.We all know for some length wolverine will be In film so that brings us
up to 10.If angel and Riptide are still among the brotherhood that brings Us up to 12.If Moira Is In film that poential brings us up to 13.ThIs Is not even at thefuture sequenzes yet(which could be where all of wolverine's screen time will be) we are already at 10 or 13 characters.Older versions of Xavier,Magneto,and Mystique may be In future sequenzes.

You have possibly of Jean,Cyclops,Storm,and Rogue In future sequenzes.This leaves us with at least 14 Characters.17 If all the surviving first Class
characters make It Into days of future past.Plus you have the sentinles In future.

This means It's unlikley besides target of assassination to have any new characters Introduced Inless there Is 1 mutant taking place of angel and Riptide among the brotherhood.New cast members are mostly going to be returning from X-Men/X2

Fox may not even have the rights to Cable.But besides that If they are going to do a time travel crossover why would they take time away from familar to general audence characters for Cable or Bishop who haven't been popular In years.I firmly believe If wolverine Isn't time traveler.

I haven't mentioned Kitty.There Is good reason for that.The possibilbe return of Jean suggests the following.They are Ignoring The Last Stand for the future sequenzes.The advantage Is they can also bring back Cyclops.Plus It Is unknown If they could even get ellen Page to conisder reuring assuming
her contract Isn't valid.

Some keep hoping another group of villains causes the assassination.With all the characters mentioned that Isn't fesable.

Some people mention things that are days of future past In name only.Bryan singer hinted at combining things from storyline and new stuff.The point Is there will be things from oirignal story In film.X2 took things from God Loves Man kills like Xavier and Cyclops being captured.Xavier being tricked(In comics It was drugs In film It was by stryker's mastermind like son) the X-Men on run,being saved by Magneto,and X-Men and Magneto against stryker.

Now we are going to be deabting what exactly they are using and what they are adding till more information comes available.But,my suspecion Is we will get future several years after X2 with sentinles.A Time travel plan to warn the first Class era X-Men.The brotherhood through Mystique having inflirated government,and brotherhood planning assassination and Sentinles Vs surving X-Men In future and X-Men Vs Brotherhood In past.
As for future scenes they could start by showing wolverine and Rogue working ogether similar to how Kitty and wolverine did In original storyline except Rogue is free with wolverine.

Just Imagne the drama of seeing Magneto played By Ian Mckellan In camp like we have seen as boy In X_Men/first Class.You have possiblty of still seeing
Mystique by his side(they might just allow Rebecca Romijn to be blonde and not try to give powerless mystique dark hair like In Last Stand)

Jean and Cyclops might fill the roles of Rachel and Franklin did In original story.

In original story the escape from camp didn't get a lot of showing.That won't be case here.In comics Magneto sacrificed himself.Just Imagne a regaining powered Magneto against a group of sentinles.

The major question remains.who Is the time traveler.Once we know who It Is
we can speculate better.If they do like In Comics and change minds wiht younger self that leaves us with 3 choices


Now If someone Is actully physically transported to past I think we are looking at 4 possibltys

2:Rogue(If filming begin In spring they might be able to have Anna Paquin In
decent size role once true Blood's new season wraps)
3:Jean(helping to explain why Famke Janssen was teasing a possable return)
4:storm(which they might do to get Halle Berry back)

wolverine's role Is going to depend how much a role Hugh Jackman Is willing to play after wrapping the Wolverine.He could very well only want to do a small role meaning they keep him confined to future scenes.

Besides the extact Time travler Is the big question for me Is how will this be structured.will they cut back and forth like the original story or just have a future prologue.

I think It would be Intresting If they end the film without revealinng if the future Is prevented.
The first Class era Is where there Is the most unknown and where they will likely add the most stuff.

questions are how much time has elapsed between Magneto breaking Emma out of Cia custody?Are we In 1963?Could be be around 1967 or 1968?

Will we see how Xavier Is dealing with being crippled and how Beast Is with his mutated form?

Some decent time will be spent with Brotherhood to focus on Magneto and Mystique.will Mystique be undercover gathering information?Are they
going Into Mystique and Azarel.what does that mean for Magneto and Mystique?Does Emma play any role into It.If Mystique were to change
minds with older self that could be even more unpredicable how the first Class era stuff Is.

who Is target of assassination?are they making jFK the target as Matthew Vaughn once hinted?Will be a fictional politican?

The idenity of their choice of time travler will help speculate on DOfp First Class era scenes

Hopefully some more news to help us speculate more comes to light soon.what I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall during the Days of future Past script devolpment meetings.
In the wolverine board report are Famke Janssen reportly has cameo In The Wolverine.If It pans out that Is possibly clue to Days of future Past.
I like speculation though I always try not to put too much I want I think will happen and rather think about most likely what will happen.
As of now I'm thinking Vaughn has already said he would like to open this film with Magento being responsible for the assasination of JFK. I don't know if that will come to fruition but I could see that very scene being the catalyst for an apocalyptic alternate time line that starts a terrible chain of events.

At any event though I doubt this would happen imagine the casual movie goers impression if a future Wolverine got incenerated into nothing by a sentinel. Talk about shock.
I always try to go with speculation based on what could happen.

I previously said based on vaughn's comments that you could have a public attack causes the death of JFK which sets In motiong the sentinles post X2 or last stand.Even In original story the sentinles didn't come to power quickly.The story In comics went from 1980 to 2013.And the sentinles were mentioned as taking over at turn of the century.You could end film with attack preented but film ends with Magneto secretly causing JFK's assassination like In history books.It's a possibly of using JFK as target.They might not do It but they could.

Having wolverine killed In future would shock people.And If hugh jackman takes a small role It's possible.If he's not time travler we will get some wolverine vs Sentinles bet on it.
questions are how much time has elapsed between Magneto breaking Emma out of Cia custody?Are we In 1963?Could be be around 1967 or 1968?

I don't think there should be any question. That part quickly follows the scene when Moira is telling the CIA agents that she doesn't remember anything. I don't that that would have occurred 4 or 5 years later.
The point Is how much time happends between end of First class and first class era of
Days of future past.Will It be In 1963 or later In Days of futre past.
I would want to see X men Days of Future Past Movie Actors from original trilogy here current list :

1. Famke Janssen she's bigger role NOT Dark Phoenix again!! perhaps White Phoenix of the Crown with wearing a white one !


2. Halle Berry as Storm


3. Rebecca Romijn as Mystique


4. a new character for an older Emma Frost / White Queen
she is Charlize Theron as Emma Frost / White Queen !!

James Mangold's new Interview about the Wolverine has some clues regrading
Days of future Past

The wolverine takes place after Jean Grey Is gone and X-Men have largely disbanded or gone.The Last Stand Is still considered part of official film
Cannon with First Class,X-Men,and X2

This means James Marsden and Famke Janssen will not be In Days of future
Past.Returning characters In future sequenzes of DOFP will be those alive at
end of Last Stand.They will use the clause of Xavier's mind up In Twin Brother's body as reason to allow using Patrick Stewert If he as he has hinted Is In film.

With Last Stand remaining In cannon this leaves the door open for ellen Page to return as Kitty and poential being time traveler assuming they can get her to agree to return.Of course her contract she signed when she agreed to do the last Stand may still be valid.Shawn Ashmore has mentioned he Is still
under contract for another X film If they deicde to do more with original cast.
Jean Grey might well appear to Wolverine for help.Famke could be the link to'' X-Men'' days of future past.
X-men disbanded?

why? because he decided it?

OK. more mess. cool
It appears the fallout from the events of the Last stand caused X-Men to laregly go their own way.For the Wolverine purposes it seems he went his own way.

In DOFP comic Wolverine was solo X-Man not captured and put In Internment camp.This
could help explain why Wolverine Is free In DOFP future sequenze.
Jean Grey might well appear to Wolverine for help.Famke could be the link to'' X-Men'' days of future past.

:huh: Days of Future Past is a sequel to First Class, in which characters in the 1960s attempt to change the future. The Wolverine takes place after The Last Stand. If alternate timeline Jean Grey is reaching out to Logan in The Wolverine, she's at least 40 years too late.
X-men disbanded?

why? because he decided it?

OK. more mess. cool

that big of a stretch?

cyclops dead
xavier dead
jean dead
wolverine obviously went elsewhere

not sure storm/beast and a couple of kids could of been kept afloat
True. Also, the Days of Future Past timeline could be an alternate future--one that isn't shaped by the events of The Last Stand. There are too many possibilities to get worked up over anything yet.
Storm decided to lead the school at the end of last Stand.

Even if Beast has a bigger role in the Goverment, I highly doubt he leaves the school and Storm, being Xaviers dream.

And then you have Angel, son of a millionaire who can easily help Ororo with the school

All of this doenst feel right. It just would show that the x-men are weak characters which aren capable of keep the school alive by their own.

Wrong decision.
:huh: Days of Future Past is a sequel to First Class, in which characters in the 1960s attempt to change the future. The Wolverine takes place after The Last Stand. If alternate timeline Jean Grey is reaching out to Logan in The Wolverine, she's at least 40 years too late.

The Phoenix always rises from the ashes.
:huh: Days of Future Past is a sequel to First Class, in which characters in the 1960s attempt to change the future. The Wolverine takes place after The Last Stand. If alternate timeline Jean Grey is reaching out to Logan in The Wolverine, she's at least 40 years too late.


That conversation should take place in a blooper reel.
X-men disbanded?

why? because he decided it?

OK. more mess. cool

I was a bit taken aback by the 'X-men disbanded' comments, but then I thought back to how X3 ended and it does seem to fit. You could say that was a commentary on what state the X-men were in at the end of X3 since for many it does end on a bad note. Which is a shame because not only was the last of the main X-men movies and panned as a film, but it left the team in disarray.
The team may be disbanded but the school can still be functioning.
I think it would be cool if Xavier's mind that's floating around somehow gets put into his 1960s body.
I guess that was just his opinion about what he thinks could have happened with the x-men more than what Fox has really in store.

Specially if Days of future will show some the last x-men fighting as a team again.
So, if the future setting in DOFP is the timeline of X1-X3, this could mean that this is the future that the 60's X-Men fight to prevent, leading to a new timeline:applaud
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