Days of Future Past Days of future Past running time?


Apr 9, 2005
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Taking into account the concept of this sequel, the two timelines and two casts and a look at the running time of recent movies like these:

First Class: 2:12 min
Hunger Games: 2:22 min
Avengers: 2:23 min
Dark knight rises: 2:45 min
Amazing Spiderman: 2:16 min

what do you think should be the running time of Days of future past?
I think it'll be between 2:20 min and 2:50 min

EDIT: I just saw that there's a poll. I'll say 2:30 min.
I don't think the studio will go for 2.30min. I picked 2.20min which although only 10 mins less, seems more acceptable somehow.
yeah, I would be too perfect to have an x-men movie around 2:30 or longer.

I think Fox will go with something between Avengers and Dark knight. so 2:20 seems more likely.

Hunger Games had 2.22 min, and Avengers 2.23, so taking into account the success of both movies, I think Fox would be more confident regarding giving the sequel a large running time this time.

I'd go with 2.25, but since that isnt an option, I vote for 2.20 too.
I hope they go for 2.30 or more. That's what I voted for. I think if they're going to be balancing two casts roughly equally (hopefully) then 2.30 sounds about good. I'd go for more but I doubt they'll go for more than out. I still hope that they'll announce that Dofp will be two movies
Ive thought about that too.

A two part would be epic. But I doubt Fox pushed for that.

They could do that for the final part of the franchise, whenever they plan to do it. 2020, 2026, or any year around those times lol
I'd love a two-parter but the question is whether it would work.

Most films I can think of that have been split into two parts are based on a single literary source (Potter, Twilight, Hunger Games, The Hobbit) which is fairly well known to the public and has a big fanbase.

Would there be the same excitmenet to see the second part of an X-Men story?
It better be very long to be able to tell this complex story and do it justice. 2:25+
I'd love a two-parter but the question is whether it would work.

Most films I can think of that have been split into two parts are based on a single literary source (Potter, Twilight, Hunger Games, The Hobbit) which is fairly well known to the public and has a big fanbase.

Would there be the same excitmenet to see the second part of an X-Men story?

I get your point.

I think the excitement would come after the premiere of the first part. If the audience are blown away with the sentinels, both casts, the special effects of 2012... the expectation for the second part would go HIGH pretty quick, lol

Fox would get much money from two parts, definetly. But I think they dont want to "risk" too much money so soon. that's how they use to be, Im afraid, so... yeah, I dont see it. And since it hasnt been announced at this state, it doesnt seem like a possible scenario. Fox would have announced it some months ago
135 minutes max IMO, which AFAIK the limit for any non-Cameron Fox film.
135 min would be 2 hours and 15 mins. less than all the films mentioned on first topic, except FC, but with a 3 min difference.
None of those movies from the first topic except FC were made by Fox.
The longer the better! 2 hours and 40 minutes would be ideal and its a X-Men movie, so I won't get bored!

I was so disappointed when I found out that X3 was just as long as the first movie and they had so much characters in the movie! And it would have been better if it was longer (more character developments/longer fight scenes/an intro like X1/X2 had).
So do you think Fox wont make ever a X-men movie with same lenght to those big blockbusters?

I'm not sure Fox would even do it with most blockbusters, much less a X-Men film. I mean how many have there been: the Star Wars prequels? Avatar? Aliens and T2 had 150+ minute runtimes and got parried down to the 130+ figure.
I think 2 hrs 20 mins is the best we can hope for, doubt Fox would let Singer go beyond that but I also think that would be long enough for the story, its around the same length as The Avengers so it should be enough.
2h 20 min seems pretty fine for an x-men movie.

Less would be a bad move, specially with Days of future past concept.
So much story and characters, fix some things, definitely should be longer than X2, so more than 2h 40min.
If longest X-men movie yet , then 2h 20m - 2h 30m
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Hopefully at least 2hours/20mins! I think a runtime of 2hours/40mins or longer is too long for FOX and they would probably ask the crew to cut some scenes unless its a James Cameron film.
2 hours 21 mins and 40 seconds...nothing less! :argh:
Personally,I would have preferred DOFP to be a two part time.

But since it isn't,I want it somewhere it be around 2:45 mins

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