Mary marvel is looking fina as always in black ...
Countdown #47-44
Story by Paul Dini
47 written by Sean McKeever; art by Al Barrionuevo
46 written by Jimmy Palmiotti& Justin Gray; art by Jesus Saiz
45 written by Tony Bedard; art by Jim Calafiore
44 written by Adam Beechen; art by Carlos Magno
Breakdowns by Keith Giffen
Covers by Ed Benes
This year-long weekly series featuring a cast of hundreds kicks into high gear in its second month, under the watchful eye of head writer Paul Dini! See Mary Marvel undergo a surprising transformation! Learn why Donna Troy and Jason Todd are integral players in a cosmic chess game! And see Jimmy Olsen as you’ve never seen him before!
The COUNTDOWN is on…so begins the end!
COUNTDOWN 47 on sale June 6
COUNTDOWN 46 on sale June 13
COUNTDOWN 45 on sale June 20
COUNTDOWN 44 on sale June 27
32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Written by Paul Dini
Art by Don Kramer & Wayne Faucher
Cover by Simone Bianchi
Zatanna guest-stars in Part 1 of a 2-part tale of magic, murder and madness by Paul Dini! When her former assistant is killed in a dangerous trick gone wrong, the Maid of Magic turns to Batman to uncover the real circumstances behind the young woman’s death, leading them to a confrontation with the mysterious illusionist Ivar Loxias — and an ultimately terrifying revelation.
On sale June 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Written by Grant Morrison
Art and cover by J.H. Williams III
The Batmen of All Nations reunite for a weekend of fine food and nostalgia, but an unexpected visitor has other plans for the gathering. Batman, Robin, and the rest of the Club of Heroes find themselves trapped and at the mercy of a dangerous madman on the Island of Mister Mayhew!
On sale June 27 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Written by Alan Burnett
Art and cover by Dustin Nguyen & Derek Fridolf
Variant cover by Claudio Castellini
Get ready for an epic tale written by Alan Burnett (Batman Beyond, The Superman/Batman Adventures animated series) with art by Dustin Nguyen (BATMAN) & Derek Fridolf! This haunting 6-part story arc will challenge Batman’s and Superman’s very souls, and could only be titled “Torment.”
Retailers: This issue will feature two covers that may be ordered separately. The Standard Edition cover is by Dustin Nguyen & Derek Fridolf; one copy of the Variant Edition, with a cover by Claudio Castellini, may be ordered for every 10 copies of the Standard Edition ordered. Please see the Previews Order Form for further details.
On sale June 27 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Written by Grant Morrison
Art by Frank Quitely & Jamie Grant
Cover by Quitely
The Daily Planet regulars hole up as the terrifying Bizarro plague spreads across Metropolis! Superman’s trapped in the reverse madness of a dying Bizarro World! It’s ALL STAR thrills from every angle, delivered by Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely and Jamie Grant!
On sale June 20 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ethan Van Sciver and Dave Gibbons
Cover by Van Sciver
The stellar creative team of the sell-out GREEN LANTERN: REBIRTH miniseries — Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver — reunites for an extra-sized Special, igniting an intergalactic war that will explode in the pages of GREEN LANTERN and GREEN LANTERN CORPS!
Hal Jordan has struggled to regain his reputation. Kyle Rayner has suffered great personal loss and reluctantly gained great power. Guy Gardner's trust in the Guardians is wavering. John Stewart's unbreakable loyalty soon will be tested. Together, these four men are the Green Lanterns of Earth…but why are so many Earthmen recruited into the Corps? What is their ultimate rolel in the future of the universe? And how will the secret of the rings’ power threaten the Guardians and affect Hal Jordan's future?
Sinestro was called the “greatest” of the Green Lanterns; now the renegade has vowed to bring terror to the universe he once protected. The worst murderers, thieves and deviants in the universe have gathered into Sinestro's Corps for one purpose: to instill great fear. Armed with the truth behind Parallax, Sinestro's intergalactic insurgents strike hard and fast at the very heart of the Green Lantern Corps. The Sinestro Corps is about to change everything you know about the Green Lanterns. Fear them. Everyone else will.
Plus, a 6-page backup story by Johns and Dave Gibbons (GREEN LANTERN CORPS, WATCHMEN) — “The Origin of Sinestro”!
On sale June 27 • 64 pg, FC, $4.99 US Edited by Peter Tomas
Written by Judd Winick
Art and cover by Scott McDaniel & Andy Owens
The moment we thought we’d never see is here: Green Arrow finally asks the Black Canary for her hand in marriage in this special extra-sized final issue! After the tumultuous, on-and-off relationship they’ve shared throughout the years, what answer will Dinah give Ollie?
On sale June 13 • 40 pg, FC, $3.50 US • Final Issue