Playstation Death Stranding: A Kojima Productions Joint


I got nothin'
Jul 2, 2003
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Details are under wraps, but Kojima just revealed the main character today. Meet Ludens:

That dude may or may not have anything to do with the game, but it is a very cool design.
Really curious to find out what this is.
What ever it is, it will be awesome.
Wouldn't mind if it were a horror game of sorts.
I'm expecting Norman Reedus to be revealed as the face underneath the mask.
I could be wrong, but I'm honestly not expecting this dude to be part of whatever Kojima's game is. Why would they go to the trouble of creating such a cool, high-detail model of a logo character if it's not going to feature in a game? **** if I know, man. Kojima's just crazy like that I guess? I don't really have an explanation.
Probably too soon to expect any kind of formal announcement at this year's E3, I'm assuming?
Yeah, but at the same time I feel like they'll want to have him on stage at some point.
When one of the hottest women in the world gets divorced and starts dating you, I'm pretty sure you would want to show her off as much and as soon as possible.
Kojima recently tweeted a vid of Reedus on his bike, semi recently tweeted a buddy pic with him and I saw back in April that Reedus was doing mo cap work.

It would be awesome if he was the new character. Hopefully we see something tonight.
Honestly, Kojima and GDT should just team up on an original horror IP, given how successful PT was.

Frosty, what's tonight?
Honestly, Kojima and GDT should just team up on an original horror IP, given how successful PT was.

Frosty, what's tonight?

I could be mistaken but I could have sworn I read that we would see something from Kojima tonight for E3. I'll try to source it...
Official title and reveal was tonight at Sony's conference. Weird ass trailer, but damn fine, as usual with Kojima.
I'm expecting Norman Reedus to be revealed as the face underneath the mask.
He wasn't under the mask, but I freaking called that Reedus was involved. Only thing missing was a Guillermo Del Toro credit.
No idea what the hell I watched, but it looked grand and awe-inspiring. Visuals were outstanding.

Kojima's untimely firing may have been a blessing in disguise.
Looked incredible. Wow.
Here's the video:

Kojima: I'm back.
*Auditorium explodes*
I literally jumped off my couch when they panned up to the back of his head; I'd recognize that hair cut any where. This isn't Silent Hills, but looks to be just as much of a mind ****. I was super let down by the last Metal Gear, but here's hoping that running his own company and making his own rules has Hideo back on top of his game (no pun intended).
I hope this game has a horror edge to it.

I also hope GDT is involved in some capacity. After PT, I need these two men to work together again.
Kojima confirmed that Del Toro is not involved in the post-show.

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