First of Great to see GR with his own forum.
Secondly thanks for the cool vengeance pic and all the info.
Read the MSJ Q&A report not a lot of info though,why havent they confirmed Cage is there a problem?
still i liked the modern western analogy.
ive mentioned this before but does anyone know if this qoute from avi arad is about a definate scene in the movie,"when you see Gr ride his flaming motorcycle up a skyscraper and then jump through a helicopter you will beleive" ?
as for story do you think MSJ wiil make it work i have been reading up and its pretty heavy stuff ?
I take your point about Vengeance.
Do you think they will have an ongoing storyline for the whole run(hopefully 3 at least) or a different villian story for each ?
if they go different i would like to see Centurious with Steel Wind And Steel Vengeance as his henchladies(i want some bike on bike action!) this would mean you could still keep mephisto involved beacause of his link to centurious.
I hope i got that last bit right.
Does anybody agree Gr will be the most Visually amazing hero ever put on screen ?
Anyway i am just glad its finally getting made.