It's not 2/3rds. It's 2/3rd INCLUDING the director of the CFPB. And the criteria isn't whether their ruling is "good or bad" it is whether "it is so bad it will destroy the entire economy or not". LOL.
She has proven to be an exceptional voice FOR HER BUREAU which is no more the same as being in the interest of consumer rights than the notion that the Department of Defense is in the interest of national defense.
Again, she has described a bill that would do nothing but restructure the CFPB to the exact same structure that passed the House (the wording is exactly the same), the same structure that SHE HERSELF ADVOCATED when calling for the CFPB to be strutured like the Consumer Protection Agency, as a "knife to the ribs" of consumer protection.
It's ridiculous. She claims to be a "political outsider" and yet engages in the same political dribble.
She is a demogage.
A charismatic demogage? Sure. A well intentioned demogage? I have no doubt. But a demogage none the less.
Now there are other issues I have with Elizabeth Warren, for example she doesn't know her economic history (indicating that the Fed was the first Central Bank in American history on the Daily Show for example), but her demogagory is the most troublesome to me.