Iceburgeruk said:The question is kind of inane really. Has any individual movie ever actually been neccesary? There has never been a movie that we really physically needed to survive as a race.
JokerNick said:uuuuuummmmmmmmm ok????? captian obvious........
Iceburgeruk said:captian? what word is that exactly?
Besides I`m the incredible, amazing, uncanny, astonishing, spectacular CAPTAIN Jaceandthewheeledwarriors-samuraipizzacats-teenagemutantninjaturtles-transformers.
Nathan said:The japanese Movie Casshern.
Lobster Charlie said:I'm so tired of Wolverine. He is by far the most overrated/over-exposed comic book character of all time. Not to mention a miserably boring, one-note character.
I did like Hugh Jackman's portrayal of him in X1 and X2, though. But I'm so tired of him. If they make a movie, I'd probably rent it.