Doubting the Ghost Rider Movie


Apr 11, 2004
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I realise this is a bit early but I mean come on. Let's look at the facts.

Mark Steven Johnson- He shouldn't be allowed to direct Seasame Street let alone Ghost rider. Christ look at what he did to Daredevil. It's a travesty, a sham and a mockery. It's a trava-sham-ockery!

Nick Cage- What in the hell is this. 10 years ago he could have played Johnny Blaze but now, come on. It was crappy when they wanted him for Superman it's crappy that they want him for Ghost Rider. With the hair piece he'll need the budget could skyrocket.

John Voight- The only actor that's involved with credibilty and they may have just written him out fo the film. It's disgusting.

So who's with me?
that's not enough for boycotting, if you confirm me it'll be PG13, then i will boycott
Originally posted by ramon
that's not enough for boycotting, if you confirm me it'll be PG13, then i will boycott

Nick Cage and the Studio have both made it public knowledge they want a PG-13 film.
Originally posted by ramon
that's not enough for boycotting, if you confirm me it'll be PG13, then i will boycott

May be a DC trick
no way daredevil was ok

and ghost ride should be too!

The Ghost will RIDE again
Originally posted by Omega Red
May be a DC trick

Yeah, because I only read DC. Look kid I don't care what kind of exclusion games you play here but I'm serious. They don't want to respect the character then why give them the money you go work for. Make a movie we as fans want to see or take the consequences for the movie bombing.
Get over it. Daredevil was a great flick. I don't care if Nic Cage is in it, MSJ is directing, Jon Voight is written out of it or it's a PG-13 movie. I only care about if it will entertain me for 2 hours. people need to get over the "It better be an R rated movie" crap. PG-13 will get more people in the seats. More people means more money. More money means a sequel. It's called economics children. Besides there would be an R rated on unrated DVD eventually anyway. Boycott :rolleyes:
Originally posted by White_Howling
no way daredevil was ok

and ghost ride should be too!

The Ghost will RIDE again

You guys liked Daredevil? :confused:
Originally posted by TheBatman1979
Yeah, because I only read DC. Look kid I don't care what kind of exclusion games you play here but I'm serious. They don't want to respect the character then why give them the money you go work for. Make a movie we as fans want to see or take the consequences for the movie bombing.

Thats the great thing about checking the movie out, If you dont like it get your money back, but you cant make an omlet without breaking some egg and we all know that kid
I do. It's in my top 5 Marvel movies

1. Punisher
2. X2
3. Spider-Man 2
4. Daredevil
5. X-Men
6. Spider-Man
7. Blade
8. Blade 2
9. Hulk

Am I missing any more Marvel movies? Other than the crap Cap, Punisher, FF and Howard.
Originally posted by Kable24
Get over it. Daredevil was a great flick. I don't care if Nic Cage is in it, MSJ is directing, Jon Voight is written out of it or it's a PG-13 movie. I only care about if it will entertain me for 2 hours. people need to get over the "It better be an R rated movie" crap. PG-13 will get more people in the seats. More people means more money. More money means a sequel. It's called economics children. Besides there would be an R rated on unrated DVD eventually anyway. Boycott :rolleyes:

Get over it? Are you kidding. That movie was horrible. The fight scenes looked forced. Daredevil looked like a bondage queen. Bullseye looked like he could have been in the Matrix. Have you ever read Frank Millers daredevil run? That movie was a mockery of the character. When you guys come out of caves and see the forest for the Trees. Don't get me wrong no movie adaption is perfect but daredevil was less than average. It rates up there with the Dolph Ludgeren Punisher film.
DD sucked. Elektra actually looks like it's going to be better than that crap.
Originally posted by Omega Red
Thats the great thing about checking the movie out, If you dont like it get your money back, but you cant make an omlet without breaking some egg and we all know that kid

What theater allows you to watch an entire movie and get your money back? I'd love to know where that is. And that's a 9$ omlett per viewing. Sorry not worth my time or my dime.
Originally posted by TheBatman1979
I realise this is a bit early but I mean come on. Let's look at the facts.

Mark Steven Johnson- He shouldn't be allowed to direct Seasame Street let alone Ghost rider. Christ look at what he did to Daredevil. It's a travesty, a sham and a mockery. It's a trava-sham-ockery!

Nick Cage- What in the hell is this. 10 years ago he could have played Johnny Blaze but now, come on. It was crappy when they wanted him for Superman it's crappy that they want him for Ghost Rider. With the hair piece he'll need the budget could skyrocket.

John Voight- The only actor that's involved with credibilty and they may have just written him out fo the film. It's disgusting.

So who's with me?

Although I have my own reservations regarding the film, you being a bit extreme here, we haven't seen enough substance yet to warrant any real criticism.
I will never boycott this film. Even if its not R.

They just cant make it PG-13. Would not live up to his character then....

Anyways no. I wont Boycott the film. I wanna see this happen before Comic Films die out.

And TheBatman1979, I think you should know that FOX kinda screwed MSJ over on DareDevil.
Originally posted by TheBatman1979
Get over it? Are you kidding. That movie was horrible. The fight scenes looked forced. Daredevil looked like a bondage queen. Bullseye looked like he could have been in the Matrix. Have you ever read Frank Millers daredevil run? That movie was a mockery of the character. When you guys come out of caves and see the forest for the Trees. Don't get me wrong no movie adaption is perfect but daredevil was less than average. It rates up there with the Dolph Ludgeren Punisher film.

Well as usual, a persons opinion on these boards mean very little to me. I think Daredevil was a great movie and No I haven't read FM's run on Daredevil. I like Daredevil, but never got into reading him. I like to form my own thoughts and opinions on movies. I don't let the little "kings of the internet" dictate what I like and don't like. Like a lot of the sheep here.
Originally posted by TheBatman1979
You guys liked Daredevil? :confused:

it wasn't too bad i would call it average... i think ppl were expecting too much out of it.. ever since SP came out and blew everyone away..
I think every comic book movie nowadays is compared to Spider-Man and the numbers Spidey pulls in. That is really unfair to that movie. They can't all be epic in size.
Originally posted by Kable24
Well as usual, a persons opinion on these boards mean very little to me. I think Daredevil was a great movie and No I haven't read FM's run on Daredevil. I like Daredevil, but never got into reading him. I like to form my own thoughts and opinions on movies. I don't let the little "kings of the internet" dictate what I like and don't like. Like a lot of the sheep here.

Okay, you don't read daredevil yet can express an opinion a movie that doesn't follow the characterization that was set in the books. It's like saying I saw Lord of the Rings and thought it was Perfect even though you never read the books which are the basis for the movie or watching anything for that matter that has already been done in another medium and saying that it lived up to what it was supposed to be.

Sheep are people who follow because they can't form their own opinions. To for an opinion you need to be educated on thesubject in order to form an opinion, unless you're a fool. Read young one.
A person doesn't need to learn everything about the subject to form an opinion. I don't need to read a movie novelization and watch a movie to form my opinions. Same goes for Daredevil. I didn't say anything about the treatment of the character. Movies do NOT have to follow the books. You're probably someone who pissed and moaned about organic shooters. Movies are a different medium and a different artistic take on a set subject. Just like every artist draws your precious Batman differently, and every writer adds there own touches to the character, so did MSJ with Daredevil. You didn't like it. Fine. I did. My tastes are different than yours. And before you call someone a kid, you better find out their age Junior.
TheBatman1979, lets get a couple things straight

First of all, you can't say that it will suck because we haven't seen anything from the movie yet. Hell, other than a few details, no one knows what it will be like so unless you have a crystal ball, you don't know jack s*it what the movie will be like

Secondly, whats wrong with Nick Cage as Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider? If its the "Hes too old, we need a younger actor!" argument, well hes at the right age I say. I haven't read too many of the old Vol. 1 issues, but from the ones I did read, I could've sworn that Blaze had to be at least in his mid 30s from the way he looked, so cage is a good fit. I admit, he isn't my first choice, but Cage is a good actor, so surely he can pull it off

Finally, Just because MSJ made one bad movie (Although I enjoyed Daredevil personally), doesn't mean hes destined to make bad movies forever. Im sure people thought David Fincher would be a crap director simply because he directed Alien 3, and look what happened after that. Besides, I'd rather have someone who cares for the material than someone who doesn't know or doesn't care for it. Hes a good director anyway. If you still don't believe me, then I reccomend that you rent Simon Birch, so you can see that he is capable of making a good movie.

You don't have the slightest clue how the movie will turn out. Wait until more info is revealed before you start whining and crying.

On the rating issue, Im annoyed by this "Boo hoo, Ghost Rider isn't R rated!! It will only be good, if, if it had like gore and rape scenes and stuff! WAAAAHH!!" mentality. Using that logic, I suppose Hulk and the first two Batman movie were fun family movies simply because both flicks were PG-13
:rolleyes: The comics weren't really R rated material to begin with. Yeah it had blood and lots of death, but it wasn't like friggin evil dead 2 with limbs flying everywhere and heads exploding, so if the comics can be dark without gore and nudity, then so can the movie.
Originally posted by TheBatman1979
John Voight- The only actor that's involved with credibilty

:confused: :rolleyes:

John Voight is not the only actor involved with credibility, not even by a long shot.
Voight is a great actor, but so is Cage.
Now, if you tell that Cage is not a good casting, i have to agree with you, but that doesn´t say he doesn´t have any credibility.
Like Superman, he was totally wrong for the part, but he would have made a great role.

As for Mark Steven Johnson, i have to agree that he is not a great director...but is a way worst writer.
I´m very apprehensive for the movie since i heard about him on the director´s chair....Daredeviel was enough.
But, let´s look it this way, Mark Steven Johnson is a comic book fan, so, he might have learned from his previous experience and make a good movie.
Besides, what really gets me apprehensive is that he is writing Ghost Rider, because if he was only directing, i wouldn´t be as apprehensice as i am.

Let´s give the movie a change.....
You don't like MSJ writing? Man he wrote 2 of the all time funniest movies. Grumpy Old Men and Grumpier Old Men. I love those 2 movies. "boycotting" a movie on a movie news site is going to make any difference :rolleyes:

You know you'll still see it...

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