Dr. Strange

Says could be. Plus its already been reported in other threads.
Would love to see Viggo in phase 2 somewhere - he just seems a little too old to play Dr Strange. Especially if they want to tie him into a long term franchise.

When you consider their first choice, allegedly, was Joel Edgerton there does seem to be quite a difference in age.

This has got me wondering if Mads Mikkelsen (sp?) was originally up for the role of Maleketh? Seeing as both he and Viggo have a similar presence about them I thought maybe Viggo could have been Mads replacement for an as yet, unspecified, role?

Or did Marvel want Mads for Strange originally too??? So many options....
Viggo Mortensen would be a great choice for Dr. Strange

But I don't think this is true.
it says for a role. he could be in gotg. or one of the other movies. like he could be in cap 2 or maybe he will be balder. it could be anyone. just says he is in talks for a role.
it says for a role. he could be in gotg. or one of the other movies. like he could be in cap 2 or maybe he will be balder. it could be anyone. just says he is in talks for a role.
Balder for Thor 3? If he was Balder wouldn't he have been cast?
Viggo Mortensen is always a good choice. But as Balder? I don't think so, lol.
I thought maybe they were thinking about using him as General Lukin in the Captain America sequel personally.

I wouldn't mind him as Doc Strange of course. I think he could handle some of the wilder moments.
despite my belief that there are a few better options for Stephen Strange than Viggo Mortensen, there are definitely many more worse options.


count me in.
The guy is such a class actor that he is suited to so many roles.

Villains, heroes, delicate damaged souls to battle harden grizzly psychos.

The more I think about it the list goes on.

Strange. Namor. Quartermain - even an older Bucky! It just depends on how they would tell the story and what the character (whoever it may be) is like in the script.
I think the best indicator would be how willing Viggo would be to commit to a multi-picture deal. If he's willing to throw his lot in with Marvel for the next few years, then yes, he's signed on to be a major hero like Dr. Strange. But if there's no proof that he's going past one (if any) film, then I tend to believe Marvel is just following their formula of hiring major actors to play one- or two-shot villain or supporting cast roles.
Viggo has already shown he is willing to do multi-picture deals. Which I greatly respect. Someone snobby like Daniel Day Lewis might say blockbuster movies are not for him, but maybe thats just because he is incapable of bringing something so larger than life to life.

Viggo would be a fantastic choice for Strange, and I'm starting to hope thats the case because I love him as a hero and I think he should be at the forefront of whichever MCU films he's in. At that, I also hope its just a 'stache (rather than a full goatee). Viggo's got some prodigious facial hair but they should probably differentiate Strange from Stark in this manner.
I think Viggo would be a great Strange! Though Id rather him already be powered up and whatnot. Then they could show his origin in a movie that takes place before T:TDW
Viggo has already shown he is willing to do multi-picture deals. Which I greatly respect. Someone snobby like Daniel Day Lewis might say blockbuster movies are not for him, but maybe thats just because he is incapable of bringing something so larger than life to life.

I know opinions are subjective, and I subscribe entirely to 'live and let live' but this is the closest to being factually wrong I've ever seen an opinion come. Daniel Day-Lewis is an extraordinary actor and whatever you think of his attitude towards summer blockbusters, his ability to carry a movie can't (read: shouldn't be) questioned.
I know opinions are subjective, and I subscribe entirely to 'live and let live' but this is the closest to being factually wrong I've ever seen an opinion come. Daniel Day-Lewis is an extraordinary actor and whatever you think of his attitude towards summer blockbusters, his ability to carry a movie can't (read: shouldn't be) questioned.

as soon as he steps down off his pedestal and gives it a shot, we'll know whether you are right or not.
Daniel Day-Lewis is probably the most mesmerizing actor currently working
in the genre of realistic and historical fiction he is so accustomed to. the question is not whether he is a good actor, but whether those skills would carry over to a role in a movie like this. we'll probably never find out.
DDL is a notoriously method actor. He stays in character for the entire shoot, even when they aren't filming. And on these types of movies, you might film for a week, and then have a month off. Hard to be truly old-school method through that.

I always find it silly when fans get upset about certain actors knowing how they work, and knowing what they want to do. He's not on a high horse or being snobby, this type of shoot just isn't for him.
I'm not upset at all, if I'm who you are referring to. But are you saying DDL is incapable of doing what we are talking about? Method actors can do comic book movies. Heath Ledger did it.

I find it silly that you think Daniel Day-Lewis is not snobby. Straight from the (high) horse's mouth: "[In] the case of Heath's performance in that, it's remarkable. That, to me, is like finding a gem in the market. It's not something I would expect."

Essentially saying that The Dark Knight was a fluke. Something that should never have happened. Being that we are all fans of these films, (being that we are all on this site) I assume that irks you a wee bit?

Ian Mckellen and Liam Neeson both had trouble working with the guy because of his method acting. If that doesnt tell you he's a little full of himself...
Yeah, I love these films. I also recognize that while the performances are funny and fun and great, they aren't going to garner Oscar talk. Just as I would never have expected an Oscar nom for a performance in a Star Wars or Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings movie.

So in a sense, he's right. And no, it doesn't irk me, even a little bit. People like different things, I'll live.
I love DDL, he's probably my favorite actor right now.
Alec Guinness and Ian Mckellen were both nominated for Oscars for Star Wars and LotR respectively. I won't dignify Harry Potter or the modern Star Wars trilogy by claiming they are in the same league.

I think if we continue with this awful bloody stigma that "genre" films have, they will never have a chance at winning Oscars or starring the "mesmerizing" actors. Not that I need them to do either. I just think many of them deserve a little more respect than a lot of people give them. Namely DDL.
Guiness talked crap about Star Wars all the time.
Right, I said I never expect it, not that it doesn't happen. Johnny Depp was also nominated for Pirates of the Caribbean.
Guiness talked crap about Star Wars all the time.

what does that have anything to do with it? he gave it a chance and starred in the film.

Assumedly, everything DDL touches turns to gold... so why is he so hesitant to do a film like these?

It must be the scheduling thing mentioned previously. I see no other reason.

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