Enter the Deadpool


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Apr 16, 2006
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So Deadpool has two books out now (which I think has improved big time since Marvel now began), and he also appearing in Thunderbolts.

Anyone reading any of the three titles?

I love the odd behavior he brings to the Thunderbolts.
Fighting dead Presidents :woot:
And killing classic characters in literature. Ah, it's good to be a Deadpool fan right about now.
I used to read Deadpool until they started putting him in everything, and I just kinda gave up when I couldn't keep up.
I'd stick it's monthly issue which Deadpool; love Brian Posehn's writing. Deadpool is just used as the gag guy in Thunderbolts at the moment, but there's story being fleshed out. Deadpool Killustrated is fun, but only invest if you're a huge fan.
Havent checked any of the new stuff out but will have to give it a try, thank you!
Yeah, Deadpool seems to be reaching Wolverine-level saturation. I honestly have just been reading the main series because it's hard to keep up with everything else...I did buy the Merc with a Mouth TPB when it came out, though, a couple of years ago. Excellent series. I never got into Deadpool Corps., though, is there a mega-TPB for that too? (the Merc with a Mouth TPB had all 12 issues of Merc with a Mouth)
Thunderbolts was a disappointment imo. Would have preferred he stay on UXF. His main series is great though, looking forward to the issue where it goes back to Tony Starks Demon in a bottle days. Deadpool should have fun with that haha.
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Bunn and Posehn are kicking ass on it
Thunderbolts was a disappointment imo. Would have preferred he stay on UXF. His main series is great though, looking forward to the issue where it goes back to Tony Starks Demon in a bottle days. Deadpool should have fun with that haha.

Can't wait for the Demon in the bottle, haha.

Poor Deadpool in Thunderbolts:csad: He's love, taken away.
I'm enjoying his main book, but haven't seen Killustrated since I was turned off Kills the MU, but have seen Thunderbolts. I'm mixed on it, it's nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be (I admit I've grown to have a considerable bias against Way), but I feel it's really slow so far. It's got hints of interesting things and I love the line up, so I'll give it a few more issues.

Really have a lot of faith in the main book, it's been funny with little hints at some of the serious side. After this arc, it'll be cool to see what Wade can get.
Can't wait for the Demon in the bottle, haha.
Think that was probably my fav issue so far. Solid and hilarious throughout. Loved the Back To The Future reference with Cable. Funny way of explaining why Deadpool doesn't show up till the 90s haha.

Really digging this new arc, they are starting to dwell into some darker territory. And man, Wade is just slaughtering people. Nice to have a lethal Deadpool back.
Can't wait for Declan and Jordie to join :D

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