Fantastic Four 2005 to Fantastic Four 2007


Who the heck is KELLY?
Staff member
Jul 23, 2004
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This is your one stop place to see how it all got started way back in July 2004, all the way to the final countdown of July 2007.

This thread is not a discussion thread, but simply a thread of updates. Each month for awhile this will be updated w/ all things Fantastic 2007. Once we get closer to 2007 i'll start updating weekly.

To get us started here is the link to the Fantastic Four 2005 update thread.

Fantastic Four 2005 Update Thread!

Hope you enjoy the ride as we countdown to a Fantastic July 2007!


The Fantastic Four Cast on Sequels

Fantastic Four 2 Starts Next Year?

Fantastic Four Cast on the Sequel

Julian McMahon on Fantastic Four 2

Julian McMahon on Fantastic Four 2

Fantastic Four Sequel Date Set

Story and Frost Back for Fantastic Four 2
Edit....updates coming soon!:up:
JMAfan said:
This is your one stop place to see how it all got started way back in July 2004, all the way to the final countdown of July 2007.

This thread is not a discussion thread, but simply a thread of updates. Each month for awhile this will be updated w/ all things Fantastic 2007. Once we get closer to 2007 i'll start updating weekly.

To get us started here is the link to the Fantastic Four 2005 update thread.

Fantastic Four 2005 Update Thread!

Hope you enjoy the ride as we countdown to a Fantastic July 2007!


The Fantastic Four Cast on Sequels

Fantastic Four 2 Starts Next Year?

Fantastic Four Cast on the Sequel

Julian McMahon on Fantastic Four 2

Julian McMahon on Fantastic Four 2

Fantastic Four Sequel Date Set
Thanks guys...
Okay, I've deleted the debate posts.

This is NOT a debate thread. If you don't/didn't like the movie, go elsewhere. Any reported troublemakers will be dealt with accordingly.
I'm sorry :( I wasn't tring to start a debate.It didn't look like a debate it could start a debate to me. Yay go FF2 can't wait to see doom again!!!
Just keep on topic and we's all good. :up:

Personally, I'd like to announce the DVD release date. I know that most of you already know, but for the uninformed---

Format: DVD
Rating (MPAA): PG-13
Originally Released/Aired: 2005
Run Time: 105 min
DVD Special Features:
    - Theatrical trailer
    - Full Screen Feature: Cast Commentary, 3 Deleted Scenes, Exclusive Look Behind-the-Scenes with the Fantastic 4 Cast, Making of Fantastic Four, Fox Movie Channel Presents Fantastic Four Casting Session and Making a Scene, Music Videos: Everything Burns, Come On Come In, & Music Soundtrack Spot, Inside Look: Exclusive and First Look at X-Men 3!
    - Widescreen Feature: Cast Commentary, 3 Deleted Scenes, Exclusive Look Behind-the-Scenes with the Fantastic 4 Cast, Making of Fantastic Four, Fox Movie Channel Presents Fantastic Four Casting Session and Making a Scene, Music Videos: Everything Burns, Come On Come In, Music Soundtrack Spot, Inside Look: Exclusive and First Look at X-Men 3!
    - Marvel Avengers Trailer
Audio: English: Dolby Digital 5.1 & DTS 5.1 / Spanish & French: Dolby Surround
Video: n/a
Close Captioned: Yes
Color: Color
deathshead2 said:
How much does it cost?

That pretty much depends De....could go anywhere from $15.00 to $30.00


Amazon has it at just over $15.00....

But remember that Wal-mart and Best Buy have their own versions and are probably higher in price....
hmmm i'll wait for a used one at my local gamestop thats what I usually do for movies.
This is one of the coolest threads Ive seen in a long time,this is really cool!
Cool! This is what I've been waiting for. Hopefully we'll start seeing some shots from the set in about 6 months or so.
Willie Lumpkin said:
Cool! This is what I've been waiting for. Hopefully we'll start seeing some shots from the set in about 6 months or so.

Well it will be slow going for awhile...but as soon as it picks up we'll be there....:)
I can't wait for production to start on the sequel. I heard filming is set to start around June 2006 :D
Darth Elektra said:
Thanks,will do!

Good for'll find out alot of information on the characters AND the actors as well.....
This is a Groovy thread, far out man. Love it.:thing: :up: :doom:
i'm very glad you guys approve....:)
Always if the article, video etc. has been put in this update that means there is already a thread about it somewhere on this forum. PLEASE read here and then find the discussion thread before either starting a new thread about it or discussing it here.

This is your one stop place to see how it all got started way back in July 2004, all the way to the final countdown of July 2007.

This thread is not a discussion thread, but simply a thread of updates. Each month for awhile this will be updated w/ all things Fantastic 2007. Once we get closer to 2007 i'll start updating weekly.

To get us started here is the link to the Fantastic Four 2005 update thread.

Fantastic Four 2005 Update Thread!

Hope you enjoy the ride as we countdown to a Fantastic July 2007!


The Fantastic Four Cast on Sequels

Fantastic Four 2 Starts Next Year?

Fantastic Four Cast on the Sequel

Julian McMahon on Fantastic Four 2

Julian McMahon on Fantastic Four 2

Fantastic Four Sequel Date Set

Story and Frost Back for Fantastic Four 2


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