This is going to get me beat to death, but...
I had a comic when I was a kid, it seemed to be a one-shot, but part of a bigger arc...
The Hulk seemed to be banished to some sort of alternate reality or alien world (wow, deja vu). I think Dr. Strange had a hand in it, probably for about the same reasons he was recently exiled from Earth.
Anyway. He wound up on a planet, and for whatever reason, he could not eat or drink anything from this planet. It seemed that anything he ate burned his insides like fire. Hulk winds up killing a deer-like animal, and trying to eat it, only to find out that it, too, burn his insides. However, there are on this planet a parasitic species, that looks quite like a autonomous spinal cord, with a head an fangs. This parasite can digest whatever chemical causes the burning in the food that is eaten, and the parasite and all other animals on the planet enjoy a symbiotic relationship. The parasite attaches to the host animal (near the spinal cord, of all things), and digests the poison, allowing the host animal to freely eat. The trade-off is that the parasite is basically non-locomotive, and depends on the host to get around. Anyway, when the Hulk kills the deer, he kills this particualr parasite's host. Well, the parasite manages to attach himself to the Hulk (near the base of the his skull, hanging down like an extra spine)while he is not looking.
The host communicates telepathetically to the Hulk, telling him he is now free to eat. The Hulk is wary at first, but then tries a fruit that has previously lit him up. Turns out the parasite was right, and the Hulk feasts.
The parasite senses Hulk's strength, and asks him to take him to the highest point on the planet, a mountain above the cloudline. Since the parasites cannot move on their own, no parasite has seen the stars, due to the thick clouds of the planet. The Hulk agrees to take the parasite to the top of the mountain, though I can't remember why he talked into it.
Turns out, it is like three weeks of constant climbing for the Hulk to reach the top of the mountain, and the parasite is dying the entire way, maybe of the thin atmosphere.
At the top, the Hulk tries to tell the parasite that they were at the top, only the parasite is either dead or near death. The Hulk manages to detach the parasite from his back, and hold the parasite up, to see the stars as no one of his species ever has.
I beleive the parasite has just enough time to thank the Hulk before he dies, and the Hulk procedes to cry like a baby.
The end.
I never managed to get another story from this arc, and I can't remember if it was rectified in this comic or on down the road, but I will never forget that was the first time I ever saw the Hulk cry. I would say it happened many time before and sense, but it was the first comic I ever had that showed it.
I don't know why, but this story really stuck with me. It was just a throw-away, one-shot type of deal, but I really loved it.