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Planet Hulk: The best Hulk story?

Is Planet Hulk the best Hulk storyline?

  • Planet Hulk is the best Hulk story I've ever read

  • I don't know about the best, but it's definately one of the best.

  • It was okay. It had too many faults to be called one of the best.

  • I didn't like it at all. Don't see what the fuss is about.

  • Haven't read it.

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Sep 11, 2001
Reaction score
Now that Planet Hulk is over, is it safe to say that these 14 issues contain the best storyline ever to take place in Incredible Hulk? Out of every Hulk story I've read, I dare say that this is the best one.

First of all, Banner appeared only once during the whole story, and that was towards the end. This story is very much Hulk's story. And this version of the Hulk is the "gravage" Hulk. No longer grunting Hulk this and Hulk that, and completley failing to understand the world around him, this version of Hulk is smarter, more evolved. He is more capable of deeper interaction with the characters around him. Hulk has shown leadership qualities throughout the series, as well as a desire to bring about peace. Like Greg Pak said on the last page of #105, Hulk has found a planet where his qualities are regarded as virtues.

The story has a very epic, grand scale feel to it. The detailed art throughout is magnificant and helps get across how epic a story it is. It's a grand science fiction tale of a new planet, new characters, and a fresher Hulk that has found a home he fits right into. It's largely because of the new setting of Sakaar, the new characters, and new alliances that makes this story feel so fresh.

One of the things I really like about the whole series is that not a single issue goes to waste. Every issue drives the story forward. Every issue achieves balance between story, character, and action. I'm either amazed by how badass the Hulk is, or I laugh at a joke, or I feel a bit of emotion - on every single page of the whole series.

I love that he made friends with these other monsters. It was very clever to keep that constant theme. "We are warbound". I loved that.

The history of Sakaar is very rich and detailed despite being so new to the Marvel universe, with ties and connections to the wider universe. Each character has an interesting story to tell.

Planet Hulk was an exciting, emotional journal. From slave, to gladiator, to freedom, to conqueror, to King, to Sakaarson, to World Breaker.

The reason I'm putting up spoilers is 'cause there are alot of guys who need to buy this in TPB form so they can read it for the first time. Some quite personal and major stuff happens to the Hulk.

When Caeira told Hulk she was with child, I was stunned. I had to put the book down for a second. Seriously, I just had to put the book down for a minute. Probably because I realized that things weren't going to end well at that moment. Hulk has always wanted to be alone, but on Sakaar he found a home, a place where he fitted in perfectly. It was so cool when he dived off the moon of Sakaar and came crashing down into the world, and Caeria was there waiting for him. He was so happy. We've NEVER seen Hulk like this. Hulk has never had a love of his own.

I don't even care about World War Hulk. I actually probably found the last issue disappointing, because I really, really didn't want Hulk to go back to Earth. I wanted him to stay on Sakaar. But then, I guess that is how effective the story is that it makes you feel so strongly about it.

Planet Hulk is a refreshing break from the stale storytelling of many superhero comics these days. Planet Hulk is the reason I read comics! Planet Hulk is like the Phoenix Saga for the Hulk! That's how good it is!
i think this was the best, however IMO the bar was not set very high
This story kicked so much ass. The ending was very powerful. It really made you feel for how the Hulk has been treated by the heroes of Earth. All I can say is Hulk is going to smash everybody when he gets back to earth.
It could be the best Hulk story ever, but to be fair there arent many good hulk stories. At least none that jump out at me. Future Imperfect was great but too short.

I will say though that as far as I am concerned the lack of Banner is not a good thing. Banner is an integral part of the Hulk. Banner is the base. He turns into the Hulk. Under all that gamma radiation Hulk is Banner.

A truly great Hulk story needs Banner. I mean, what did he feel about being stuck on this other world? What were his feelings about the people there and the Hulk being their king? Why is it that he was so docile and complicit when the Hulk 'let him out'

You ask me the Hulk is most interesting when Banner is struggling to contain the monster. When the Hulk reverts to Banner and poor Bruce is left to wonder what his uncontrolled rage (personified in the Hulk) has gotten him into now.

Now that i'm done complaining let me reiterate. Yes, Planet Hulk is probably the best Hulk story ever....but someone needs to remind Pak that Banner is the base, not the window dressing.
Planet Hulk was awsome! I hate the Hulk, and I actually enjoyed this story! I think that the Hulk is a crazy son of a B who lets loose on earth and kills to many people. His "accident" make it hard to like the Hulk as a hero, because it seems as if he's not even trying! Now when you send the Hulk to a distant planet with creatures that can match his strenght and now the Hulk's able to let loose and go full out? That is the best story ever. I would've liked the Hulk to stay there for a little longer, so I might actually like the Hulk!
I'm going to hold my vote only because I haven't read much of PAD's Hulk which many fans tend to hold high.

I will say that this was a very bold and new direction for a Hulk story.I still remember laughing at the idea of "HULK IN SPACE".

There have only been a select few of monthly Marvels I've been following for a year or more such as Cap and DD.Planet Hulk has been a very worthwhile read and I think it will remain one of the biggest stories of Hulk's 40+ year existence.Pak really condensed alot into each issue.Even though it was a 14 parter,his story was moving in a real hurry.

I found the Lopresti issues lacking,Pagulayan has become one of favorite new artists.I'm looking forward to the rest of his Hulk work after Frank's guest spot.
It is one of the best I've ever read. To be honest, he has every reason to kill a ton of people on WWH considering he found peace and even love as the Hulk.
I thought it made a good story, but i enjoy reading hulk comics. This series was simply a story where you take a hulking hero and stuck the hulk face on him. I enjoy banner and hulk. Planet Hulk was crap for a hulk story. Throughout the entire thing i was thinking. CAN THIS STORY WORK WITH SOME WHO LOOKS LIKE THE HULK CHARACTER? After the first 2 issues i was convinced that this story did not require the hulk.
I thought it made a good story, but i enjoy reading hulk comics. This series was simply a story where you take a hulking hero and stuck the hulk face on him. I enjoy banner and hulk. Planet Hulk was crap for a hulk story. Throughout the entire thing i was thinking. CAN THIS STORY WORK WITH SOME WHO LOOKS LIKE THE HULK CHARACTER? After the first 2 issues i was convinced that this story did not require the hulk.

I had trouble deciphering this. But I think what you mean is, you think Hulk wasn't... Hulk enough??
I had trouble deciphering this. But I think what you mean is, you think Hulk wasn't... Hulk enough??

I think what he's trying to say is that the story was without any depth, that you could have interchanged the Hulk with another strong hero of a similar power class and the story wouldn't have been any different. I wouldn't know though, didn't read Planet Hulk.
I am seriously considering picking up the trade.

When is the trade released?
I think what he's trying to say is that the story was without any depth, that you could have interchanged the Hulk with another strong hero of a similar power class and the story wouldn't have been any different. I wouldn't know though, didn't read Planet Hulk.

I'd disagree with that. The story had alot of themes common with the Hulk. The whole "monster" theme, for example, was a constant throughout the story. The whole thing of whether Hulk is the Sakaarson or the World Breaker - how is that not Hulk's whole lifelong struggle summed up?
I'd disagree with that. The story had alot of themes common with the Hulk. The whole "monster" theme, for example, was a constant throughout the story. The whole thing of whether Hulk is the Sakaarson or the World Breaker - how is that not Hulk's whole lifelong struggle summed up?

Don't ask me, ask storyteller. I was just deciphering his post.
For me personally, the best Hulk story has never seen print in comics form...it's a novel by Peter David called "What Savage Beast?", and it is extremely cool.

That said; Planet Hulk is DEFINITELY one of the best Hulk stories...most certainly the best the book has been in nearly a decade....

Looking forward to World War Hulk, and watching old jade-jaws take Stark's new world order apart.....

Piece by piece. :word: :hulk: :up:
This was excellent, I actually liked the lack of banner, it's like he's showing that he can make good, he can build instead of destroying without Banner convincing him or using someone to convince him I. E. Betty. Even though they're tied or bonded, he showed that all of the good was with him, and as banner, his smarts couldn't save him alone, this is a planet that's dangerous to even the hulk, he'd be wiped out quickly. You really got the vibe, that hulk has matured and learned through the ages. I highly doubt you could switch out the hulk for another character of the strength class etc; it's the whole monster/hero theme as kaindamo said.

Think about it, all the time people are saying hulk is a monster who causes nothing but destruction, but he defeated a tyrant, made a band of brothers from fellow "monsters", saved(fixing the tectonic plates) and united a planet using his own form of diplomacy. Who didn't love the scene where he convinced Miek and the girl to stop fighting? The shot where he's head to toe in weapons was powerful. In this story he did what many hope to do and fail, for all their talk about heroism and what not, Ironman and co haven't united a whole planet into brotherhood...
This was excellent, I actually liked the lack of banner, it's like he's showing that he can make good, he can build instead of destroying without Banner convincing him or using someone to convince him I. E. Betty. Even though they're tied or bonded, he showed that all of the good was with him, and as banner, his smarts couldn't save him alone, this is a planet that's dangerous to even the hulk, he'd be wiped out quickly. You really got the vibe, that hulk has matured and learned through the ages. I highly doubt you could switch out the hulk for another character of the strength class etc; it's the whole monster/hero theme as kaindamo said.

Think about it, all the time people are saying hulk is a monster who causes nothing but destruction, but he defeated a tyrant, made a band of brothers from fellow "monsters", saved(fixing the tectonic plates) and united a planet using his own form of diplomacy. Who didn't love the scene where he convinced Miek and the girl to stop fighting? The shot where he's head to toe in weapons was powerful. In this story he did what many hope to do and fail, for all their talk about heroism and what not, Ironman and co haven't united a whole planet into brotherhood...

That's a very valid point. :up:
I actually shed a tear in that last issue.

How could they end it like that?

Why can't he be happy for something spanning YEARS instead of this crap!

They did the Hulk right by this storyline,... The character was the best version in my opinion,... A lil bit of all of him including banner,.. with the change apparently voluntary,...

God,.. he's not real but I felt what he did when his WIFE died in his arms.

Marvel needs to get up off it and have him get peace in some fashion.

If just FOR A WHILE.

For me personally, the best Hulk story has never seen print in comics form...it's a novel by Peter David called "What Savage Beast?", and it is extremely cool.

That said; Planet Hulk is DEFINITELY one of the best Hulk stories...most certainly the best the book has been in nearly a decade....

Looking forward to World War Hulk, and watching old jade-jaws take Stark's new world order apart.....

Piece by piece. :word: :hulk: :up:

It's funny that you mention that. That novel has sat on my shelf, unread, for years (I think I got it at 1/2 priced books), and just yesterday, I threw it in my book bag to read. Now, I'll definately give it a whirl.

Planet Hulk has been very good. It has pushed Hulk to the top of my list where it hasn't been for a long time. The only run that pops into mind that I thought was better was PADs run when McKone was on art. A fantastic run, even though I can't think of one particular storyline that sticks out...well, maybe the bachelor party!
It's funny that you mention that. That novel has sat on my shelf, unread, for years (I think I got it at 1/2 priced books), and just yesterday, I threw it in my book bag to read. Now, I'll definately give it a whirl.

Planet Hulk has been very good. It has pushed Hulk to the top of my list where it hasn't been for a long time. The only run that pops into mind that I thought was better was PADs run when McKone was on art. A fantastic run, even though I can't think of one particular storyline that sticks out...well, maybe the bachelor party!

That's cool. Have you ever read any of Bill Mantlo's run? From around Hulk #250 through #273 or so? GREAT stuff!
Best ever? I gotta go with no. Personally, and others will surely disagree, but World War Hulk IMO represents the true ending of this storyline so I won't be calling it the best anything just yet.
replace Ben Grim with Hulk, you would of gotten the same story. It was a smash fest, Peter david wrote better hulk stories in his sleep, this story was very entertaining, but so was the fantastic 4 movie. Hell Ang Lees Hulk movie, was thousand times better then this this sotry arc, because it had many things Planet Hulk lacked, a struggle between man and monster, both internally and externally. The mind of a man, living with a monster inside, his emotional and physcial abuse as a child, and how it effected him as a man, and how it also lead to the hulk.
I don't think it's the best Hulk story because Planet: Hulk almost completely lacks any of the elements that make the Hulk an interesting character. There's almost no real conflict with Bruce Banner, no hunting of him, and all of it is about the nature of the Hulk itself as opposed to Banner.

I agree with Eros. It's a great Conan story but hardly the BEST Hulk story. This is a retelling of the Ben Hur mythos. Very good "archetypical" and Campbellian storytelling so that its an AWESOME story but the point of the Hulk is largely absent from it.

Oddly, I still think the greatest Hulk story was the pilot of the television series. That or the Ultimates first trade paperback. Maybe the issue where he fights the Champions.
I don't think it's the best Hulk story because Planet: Hulk almost completely lacks any of the elements that make the Hulk an interesting character. There's almost no real conflict with Bruce Banner, no hunting of him, and all of it is about the nature of the Hulk itself as opposed to Banner.

I agree with Eros. It's a great Conan story but hardly the BEST Hulk story. This is a retelling of the Ben Hur mythos. Very good "archetypical" and Campbellian storytelling so that its an AWESOME story but the point of the Hulk is largely absent from it.

Oddly, I still think the greatest Hulk story was the pilot of the television series. That or the Ultimates first trade paperback. Maybe the issue where he fights the Champions.

Yeah, but why re-visit the Banner/Conflict & Army/Hunting scenarios for the umpteenth time? Maybe that's why the book has been a low seller this past decade...fans have seen that time and again. And while "barbarian Hulk in a strange land" is hardly original, it's still a hell of a lot more fresh than watching Hulk and Banner mind screw each other while running from the army and/or "shady government operation of the week" routine.

This arc had drama, humor, action, pacing, excellent supporting cast, new villains, and TONS of heart, which are elements that have not been presented as a total package in a Hulk book for a LONG time.
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