there are just so many I could list, but I am going to do the same kind of thing, list a few that have something in common, this time, non-action moments that give you that special rush, the hairs standing on the back of your neck Van De Graff generator superhero buzz, that makes you wanna run out into the street and try to be a superhero...
A couple of these moments will take place around and after action scenes, but will not actually involve the hero in action at that moment, ok? ok...
- Unbreakable: When David Dunne has followed the orange man home, and is standing under a streetlamp, the music swells up, he lifts his head to the light, his face partially shrouded, as he realises finally that this is his true moment of baptism, why he was put here, and what he has to do. I'm getting a rush just typing that one up, this simple moment conveys the grand superhero persona better than any other of the usual sh films with their sfx and colorful and ornate costumes, and all it is is a guy in a poncho standing under a lampost.
also from Unbreakable, when he stands up in front of the kids after they rescue him from drwoning in the pool, thier wee faces looking up at him in awe, somehow they can just sense this is no ordinary man.
Kick-Ass - the moment when KA tells the gang that he'd rather die than leave the guy on the street.
The Dark Knight - That moment when Batman picks himself up from being thrown from the Scarecrow's truck, dusting himself off for another go, standing poised to drop ontop of it, as the fake Batman looks on, mouth agape at seeing his hero in action. just that moment inbetween the action though, not an action scene!
- The almost unnoticable roll of the eyes Logan gives the guy in the bar when he demands his money back, classic.
- From superman: The Movie...When young Clark tells the car full of girls and jocks that 'he ran', I could also have included that in my 'funny moments' list, always gets a laugh out of me, but is cool as f at the same time, it's like, the first time Superman ever did something cool in his life, and then immediately has to apologise to his pa for doing it, so that makes it doubly funny.
- When Marv flops all of the ropes off after taking a beating from the women in Sin City, and their reaction, again, funny as well as cool.
- Kovac's 'I'm not trapped in here with you, you're trapped in here with me!' moment in Watchmen. Even if you are one of the hard-hard-hard-hard-hard-core WM fans who did not think the book should have been adapted at all to film, you have to admit, it is great to see that scene, as opposed to it merely being described in the book. It lives up to whatever you could have imagined in your head I think.