moments in movies that made your jaw drop

The ending to Halloween. You think Michael's dead, you see his body lying on the ground. But then when the camera cuts to Loomis checking for himself, the body is gone. And cue quick cut scenes of the empty house. which leaves a sense of fear that Michael could be anywhere. One of the best endings to a film in my opinion.
Independence Day Scene where Randy Quaid kamikazees into the spaceship's giant plasma cannon thus destroying the ship. I don't know if my jaw dropped but I definitely got a hell of a buzz off of that scene and still do to a certain extent.

Die Hard John McClane tosses a wad of C-4 down an elevator shaft to stop the bad guys from killing more LAPD cops. BOOM! My jaw was on the floor. This was also the 1st movie I ever went to without my parents so it has a special place in my heart.

LOTR:FOTR The Balrog scene, best movie monster scene I've ever beheld.

LOTR:TTT Opening scene with the continuation of the Balrog fight with Gandalf. Best opening to a movie ever.

LOTR:ROTK Charge of the Rohirrim & the Mumakil charge.
The whole of TF (in fact, that movie had me speaking in tongues)
spider-man the final swing
The first murder in Zodiac, the sudden gunshot made me jump from my seat. The rest of the scene is very Scorsese-esque, with music playing in the background the entire scene, and when the violence begins, the music becomes louder. Like over the ocean in Goodfellas and Nobody but me in The Departed.
Tripods emerging from the ground and killing everyone in war of the worlds
Neo vs Agent Smith in Matrix Revolutions
Again, great proof of how great Scorsese is.

Instead you should say: "great proof of how faithfully Scorcese makes a remake" Infernal Affairs is superior in many ways, The Departed did nothing that surpassed the original. But thats offtopic :)

The original elevator scene & ending in Infernal Affairs was a WOW moment for me. None of the sappy good prevails of The Departed.

When the blonde girl got shot by the bad guy
in the remake of Assault on Precinct 13, that really got to me for some reason. Passion of the Christ gave me the same feeling on many occasions.

It's not in the same league with Saving Private Ryan though. The opening was a WOW moment, but the thing that really struck me was something else.
During the final battle two soldiers a fighting on the ground while another is slowly dying. The german soldier is quietly talking to the american while he drives the knife into his chest.
That scene was so real and depressing, it left me gutwrenched. It's a feeling I've never had since and before in the hundreds of movies I've watched.

In Terminator 2 when the T-1000 walks through the bars and when he "points" his finger at John's fosterparent.
My last WOW moment was the opening of Transformers. Blackout = mayhem :D, reminded me of War of the Worlds, but in a good way..

how the hell have you managed to watch this film already?

I saw it 3 times already, what kind of country do you live in? ;)

i really hate it when people can't speak proper english.


fight club, simply amazing on my formative 8th grader mind.
borat, the hotel fight sequence[insert .]

more to come...

Calling BerserkerHilf. Get off your high horse please..
Se7en: With Victor, the "Sloth" victim gasps, revealing he's still alive.

Episode III: The Anakin vs. Obi Wan/Palpatine vs. Yoda Lightsaber duel combo.

Batman 1989: Seeing Keaton as Batman for the first time, unfurling his cape.

Superman: The Movie: Kal-El turning back the Earth. Scientifically impossible? Yes. Did I care? Absolutely not.

Saw: When Jigsaw reveals that he was in the room the ENTIRE time!

Cabin Fever: When the Blonde guy goes back to the cabin, finding all his friends dead from infection. He cheers that he survived...only to be shot to death! I laughed really hard at that one to.

The Entirety of Superman IV: The Quest For Peace...but my jaw didn't drop for positive reasons...

Thomas Wayne alive & fatherly - 'Batman Begins'

The Joker card reveal at the end - 'Batman Begins'

The destruction of the military base by 'Baracade' - 'Transformers

The arrival of the Autobots - 'Transformers'

...other literal jawdrops...??
The exclusion of the 1986 Transformer's Theme from the End Credits of Bay's film...

:wow: :wow: :wow:

Everything in Transformers.:word:
The church scene in Spider-Man 3 gave me goosebumps.
Se7en: With Victor, the "Sloth" victim gasps, revealing he's still alive.

Episode III: The Anakin vs. Obi Wan/Palpatine vs. Yoda Lightsaber duel combo.

Batman 1989: Seeing Keaton as Batman for the first time, unfurling his cape.

Superman: The Movie: Kal-El turning back the Earth. Scientifically impossible? Yes. Did I care? Absolutely not.

Saw: When Jigsaw reveals that he was in the room the ENTIRE time!

Cabin Fever: When the Blonde guy goes back to the cabin, finding all his friends dead from infection. He cheers that he survived...only to be shot to death! I laughed really hard at that one to.

The Entirety of Superman IV: The Quest For Peace...but my jaw didn't drop for positive reasons...

Spoilers, man!
Oldboy: The corridor fight.
Once upon a time in the west: The Ending.
when i went to see the martix and the lady at the ticket window told me that admission was now 8 dollars.

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