Worst moments in movies

From Demolition Man:
"Wow, you really licked his ass!"
"...Kicked. Kicked his ass."

Most of those lines worked, but...that one irked me.
"Can we stop saying the word "dick"? It provokes my envy?"

-Blade: Trinity

WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?!? Horrible line :down:
Venom getting very little screentime in Spider-Man 3.:(
I'll name my top 5 worst comic book movie moments.

5. Mystique's death - X-Men: The Last Stand

Why did you have to kill such an awesome character? Why?

3. The Incredible Hulk fighting against......3 mutant dogs? WTF!? - Hulk

Seriously, the Hulk movie sucked, and this scene is just proof of it. I was watching it on TV and when that scene appeared, I just turned it off.

2. Peter's dancing - Spider-Man 3

I liked Spidey 3, but that stupid dancing almost killed me.

1. "Ice to meet you." "Let's kick some ice!" "You're not sending me to the cooler!" etc. - Batman & Robin

Pretty much any Mr. Freeze pun can be counted for number 1.

Did I miss the part when Mystique actually died?

Also, I've never understood the hate for Hulk. I thought it wasn't a bad movie. The mutant dogs were cool, damn it.

Peter's dancing was a hell of a lot better than the messy ending. It was all peterparkerohmygodyou'remissusiskidnappedbysandmanandvenomyoufightsthembutlerrevealstoharrysomenonsenseharrychangesmindandhelpsspideyandthenharrydies.

The end. The rushed ending was the worse part of the movie.

Oh, and sure...Batman and Robin DID suck, but I love my Arnold.
I'll name my top 5 worst comic book movie moments.

5. Mystique's death - X-Men: The Last Stand

Why did you have to kill such an awesome character? Why?

4. "Chicks dig the car."
"This is why Superman works alone." - Batman & Robin

This exchange of dialogue almost made me vomit.

3. The Incredible Hulk fighting against......3 mutant dogs? WTF!? - Hulk

Seriously, the Hulk movie sucked, and this scene is just proof of it. I was watching it on TV and when that scene appeared, I just turned it off.

2. Peter's dancing - Spider-Man 3

I liked Spidey 3, but that stupid dancing almost killed me.

1. "Ice to meet you." "Let's kick some ice!" "You're not sending me to the cooler!" etc. - Batman & Robin

Pretty much any Mr. Freeze pun can be counted for number 1.

The unnecessary, unmeaningful, and untimely death of Cyclops - X-Men: The Last Stand.
the pod race
jar jar
aniken skywalker
neo vs agent smith matrix 3
just for starters
I thought Transformers was pretty entertaining, but Bumblebee acting like Herbie got a little....bleh. Optimus' mouth/clumsiness wasn't that great either.
"laugh it up Miller, laugh it up." from Alien Vs Predator. worst line delivery ever.
Did I miss the part when Mystique actually died?

Also, I've never understood the hate for Hulk. I thought it wasn't a bad movie. The mutant dogs were cool, damn it.

Peter's dancing was a hell of a lot better than the messy ending. It was all peterparkerohmygodyou'remissusiskidnappedbysandmanandvenomyoufightsthembutlerrevealstoharrysomenonsenseharrychangesmindandhelpsspideyandthenharrydies.

The end. The rushed ending was the worse part of the movie.

Oh, and sure...Batman and Robin DID suck, but I love my Arnold.

Mystique died when she was shot with the cure. After that, she was only...human.
A truly horrible moment: Lord Cutler Beckett's "The immaterial has become... immaterial." I liked PIrates 3, but God that was a horrible line, and horrible delivery from the actor playing Beckett.
1: The killing off of Hicks and Newt. I know it's necessary, but I never cared for the idea of getting rid of them...especially not in the horrific way they went about doing it. (Alien3)

2: In spite of the tremendous effort and unwavering emotional stress suffered by John and Sarah Conner...turns out it was for nothing. Judgment Day was inevitable, and going to happen no matter what. If that's the case...WHY BOTHER TO MAKE A TERMINATOR 3!?!? (Terminator 3)

3: Predator 2's unneeded sub-plot of a Pred's hunting being linked to a drug war on the streets of LA...ughh (Predator 2)

4: Escape from LA, which should've just been re-titled "Escape from New York set in LA." Albiet a few changes, it was overall the EXACT same story as NY. Yet Carpenter DIDN'T want to do another Halloween? Obviously, Carpenter is not in touch with reality (Escape from LA)

the moments between when neo said "i'm not going to tell you how it ends" and when the credits rolled at the end of 3
At the end of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", when Hagrid barges into the Great Hall and everyone shuts up and stares at him. Then Harry says the nauseating line "There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid", hugs him, and everyone cheers. That came dangerously close to ruining an otherwise good movie.
"where did you get this motorcycle?"
"its a chopper baby"
"where did you get this chopper"
"who's zed?"
"zed's dead baby, zed's dead"
"where did you get this motorcycle?"
"its a chopper baby"
"where did you get this chopper"
"who's zed?"
"zed's dead baby, zed's dead"
hey! i like that line... that and

"they didnt have any blueberry pancakes" LOL

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