Worst moments in movies

The part in Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome where Mad Max goes beyond Thunderdome. Ironically, living up to the title makes the movie fall apart--Bartertown's where the story's interesting. I don't care about a tribe of lost children--we already had the excellent Feral Kid, and you can't beat child co-stars as far as he's concerned.
I can't believe this wasn't posted.

Everything about Citizen Kane and Lawrence of Arabia..and this is what people consider classics. I'll watch I come in peace all day before i watch those boring pieces of shyt again
Listen up man!
I think superman circling around the globe to turn back time
Was very thoughtful and original because it's never been done before
That’s what great movie nowadays should be all about
And not making stuff that’s has been done before like in superman returns!
Even batman begins wasn't original at all
Because, I have seen most the scene in other movies scenarios before.
Hmmm...the moment in Mission To Mars (2000) when they find out that egyptian like aliens on mars sent capsules to earth and created life, then gary sinsese leaves with the aliens in a water filled glass tube.
Hmmm...the moment in Mission To Mars (2000) when they find out that egyptian like aliens on mars sent capsules to earth and created life, then gary sinsese leaves with the aliens in a water filled glass tube.

Maybe not the whole leaving with the aliens in glass tube part but the rest of that I felt was the best part of that movie. I thought it was a cool idea on evolution and how we came to be. I can understand if your religious thuough and find it ridiculous or something.
Maybe not the whole leaving with the aliens in glass tube part but the rest of that I felt was the best part of that movie. I thought it was a cool idea on evolution and how we came to be. I can understand if your religious thuough and find it ridiculous or something.
I'm an athiest so the whole thing is just totally silly to me.
I'm an athiest so the whole thing is just totally silly to me.

Aren't athiests people who don't believe in religion but evolution? Correct me if im wrong, been awhile since I've looked up the definition.
Aren't athiests people who don't believe in religion but evolution? Correct me if im wrong, been awhile since I've looked up the definition.
Athiests don't believe in any personal god, or any higher power for that matter whatsoever.
Athiests don't believe in any personal god, or any higher power for that matter whatsoever.

Exactly, evolution. The ending was just showing that their race was dying off and leaving, as a last resort they left their DNA/genetics on Earth to see if it would evolve to start a new civilization. The Aliens weren't exactly a higher power, they were basically us but at a higher evolution.

I just felt it was a kind of cool "what if" scenario, especially since the universe is infinite which is why I do believe there is other inteligent life out there somewhere.

Hey sorry if I got you going there.LOL. Its just an opinion. There not my types of films. Tedious. But you probably find them to be great. I actually think I come in peace is damn good,so theres no accounting for taste. Ha ha
The part in Starship Troopers where you first see the name of Carmen's ship as the Rodger Young. The only part in any movie to date that has made me swear out loud. That's the moment when it sinks in that not only is this a terrible movie, it's just going to get worse.
Aren't athiests people who don't believe in religion but evolution? Correct me if im wrong, been awhile since I've looked up the definition.

No, an atheist just believes that people don't have a higher power, and don't need a higher power. The Theory of Evolution has just been turned into this bogeyman for fundamentalists trying to combat secular lifestyles. It's not like atheists build shrines to Darwin.
No, an atheist just believes that people don't have a higher power, and don't need a higher power. The Theory of Evolution has just been turned into this bogeyman for fundamentalists trying to combat secular lifestyles. It's not like atheists build shrines to Darwin.

I know that believing in Evolution doesn't mean you worship or build shrines to Darwin. Was just saying in fact it's one or the other.............we were either created or we evolved. I believe in evolution. So let me get this straight, if an atheist doesn't believe in a higher power and supposedly don't believe in evolution.............what do they believe in, in terms of how we came here??????

As for staying on topic, I would have to say either the lame "hip" :whatever: rave (supposed dancing) scene in Matrix Reloaded or when Blade finds out Frost is banging his mom. Liked the movie(Blade) but that was too cliche and lame for my tastes. Should have kept her dead from childbirth or whatever and not brought her in as a surprise in the ending. I was seriously rolling my eyes at that scene, reminds me of the cliche long lost twin brother factor for some reason.
Hmmm...the moment in Mission To Mars (2000) when they find out that egyptian like aliens on mars sent capsules to earth and created life, then gary sinsese leaves with the aliens in a water filled glass tube.

Just curious but what was your problem with that...in a sci-fi movie? Also, I don't think it was supposed to be water since he could breathe it.
Listen up man!
I think superman circling around the globe to turn back time
Was very thoughtful and original because it's never been done before
That’s what great movie nowadays should be all about
And not making stuff that’s has been done before like in superman returns!
Even batman begins wasn't original at all
Because, I have seen most the scene in other movies scenarios before.

It was stupid because there should never be any problems if he can just turn back time by circling the earth. There was no need for sequels.:hehe:

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