Flight of The Navigator

Yeah this movie was rad. It made time travel kinda eerie and depressing for a kids flick until he got in the ship.
imagine this film with updated special effects, with this same overall tone. I'd love to see this redone as well.

It'll be awesome, because if memory serves the effect were already really good in its day.
It probably be as well recieved as Total Recall, Conan and Dredd remake. But then again it is a disney flick and Witch Mountain had Minor success with the Rock. They should get Andy Serkis to voice the Pilot
That theme song always tugged at the heartstrings.


Yeah, miss the 80s scores. I am digging that alot of flicks are using more synth and 80s throwbacks nowadays. Looking forward to how M83 will score Oblivion.
I own the original movie on DVD. It was given away free with a national newspaper here in Britain not too long ago.
Blomkamp’s OATS Doing “Navigator” Remake?

Garth Franklin -

Wednesday, November 22nd 2017 8:57 pm
In a series of tweets by filmmaker Neill Blomkamp (“District 9,” “Chappie”), it has been revealed that his OATS Studios is developing the remake of the 1986 sci-fi feature “Flight of the Navigator” currently in the works.
Randal Kleiser (“Grease”) helmed the original. which follows a twelve-year-old boy who is abducted by a UFO and reappears eight years later, at the exact same age and with no memories of what happened. When NASA officials spot a connection between the boy and a recovered UFO and try to ensnare him, the kid tries to unravel the intergalactic mystery while trying to reunite with his family.
At last report two months ago, The Henson Company and Lionsgate were developing the new take with “Lucifer” showrunner Joe Henderson penning the script.
It looks like (but hasn’t been confirmed) that Blomkamp will helm the project himself, the tweet indicating that this will be the first official feature length project of his OATS Studios label following the release of a series of impressive short films over the past few months. Blomkamp is also making a sequel to his highly regarded short “ADAM”.
is nothing sacred?

*points at signature*
Blomkamp’s OATS Doing “Navigator” Remake?

Garth Franklin -

Wednesday, November 22nd 2017 8:57 pm
In a series of tweets by filmmaker Neill Blomkamp (“District 9,” “Chappie”), it has been revealed that his OATS Studios is developing the remake of the 1986 sci-fi feature “Flight of the Navigator” currently in the works.
Randal Kleiser (“Grease”) helmed the original. which follows a twelve-year-old boy who is abducted by a UFO and reappears eight years later, at the exact same age and with no memories of what happened. When NASA officials spot a connection between the boy and a recovered UFO and try to ensnare him, the kid tries to unravel the intergalactic mystery while trying to reunite with his family.
At last report two months ago, The Henson Company and Lionsgate were developing the new take with “Lucifer” showrunner Joe Henderson penning the script.
It looks like (but hasn’t been confirmed) that Blomkamp will helm the project himself, the tweet indicating that this will be the first official feature length project of his OATS Studios label following the release of a series of impressive short films over the past few months. Blomkamp is also making a sequel to his highly regarded short “ADAM”.

Oh FFS!!
I would be all for this and I was in the target demo when it arrived. While a fine film I can't pretend it was a true kids classic in my view. And with BlomKamp involved I think it would be a real visual treat. And... I think this is the kind of story that would show some versatility on his part were he to direct it. Certainly he needs a big crossover hit if he wants to do larger big budget passion projects in the future.

All that said... If there's one true cult classic I think he should helm... It's THE LAST STAR FIGHTER.
Loved it as a kid, and still find it enjoyable as an adult. A remake would be great, especially if they stick to the same tone, etc.

See, these are the kinds of properties Disney should be focusing more on. Movies that had a good premise and great potential, but were either really rough around the edges or weren’t executed as well as they could have been. I still like it, but I think there is definitely room for improvement and a chance to still do some interesting stuff.

I will say, I still hope they maintain the existential dread and slight horror vibes from the original. Him finding someone else living in his home after waking up, seeing his parents and brother have aged while he hasn’t changed, the mysteriousness of the ship communicating to the computers through him during that exam, traveling back in time through that hellish void, etc. The idea of something looking and feeling familiar yet being a little off still gets to me.

Also, between this and the 20,000 Leagues remake they’re doing, seems like they’re digging into their old live action catalogue. Wouldn’t mind “The Black Hole” getting a do over as well. Has some great ideas and atmosphere, but could definitely benefit from a much better script and execution.
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Flight is probably one of my all time fave childhood movies it still holds up VERY well both plot and visuals
I had a toy of the ship as a kid, interested to see how this develops as I liked Bryce's work on The Mandalorian.

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