For all that have seen it, can you please tell me one thing...


Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
How did the way Cyclops is handled affect the rest of the film for you guys?

It is a "this whole part of the story is ruined" type of thing?

Or is it more of a "well, I wish it didn't happen, but time to move on" type of thing?

Having not seen the movie yet (I see it tonight at midnight), I just view this move as the one thing that, won't neccesarily ruin the movie / trilogy, but will somewhat taint the trilogy.

Just knowing, watching Cyclops bark out his orders in X-Men, knowing what's in store for him...

But now for you guys, having actually seen the movie, how did it play out for you guys? And did the Phoenix Saga still feel like the Phoenix Saga?
Well, to me it seemed like they totally forgot who he was, and there was no tears for him, wolverine even rides his bike after he dies

and it didnt feel like the phoenix saga really, felt like the wolverine saga
I admit Cyclops was handled fairly poorly in the movie. He was great at reminding the audience of the impact Jean's death had and acting as a link to X2 with the shots of her in the lake calling him. His death was fairly sudden though and he was barely given an afterthought. Xavier's death has the biggest emotional impact. Cyclops' death was a good idea only to show how schizo and dangerous Jean/Phoenix is but I think her killing Xavier was enough to show that. I really don't think Cyclops needed to die at all tbh. Having said that it didn't ruin the movie for me but I can see how the movie could maybe be ruined for big Cyclops fans.
it ruined alot of the movie for me, felt unrealalistic that no one would care about his death after it happened, plus wolverine being Jeans saviour, he's known her for like 10 days, so how stroing can his love be........
It happened quickly in that the scene with him reunited with Jean seemed too short.

He did get mentioned in the movie after that... several times, people seemed shocked. Even Wolverine kept mentioning Scott to Jean.

But neither Scott nor Jean were mentioned at Xavier's funeral. I am not sure why that was.

For me, it didn't ruin the movie. In every film you get those moments where you think 'i wish that...' or 'Why didn't they...' but the movie as a whole works very well.

i already knew he died when i went in, and i have heard all the stuff about parameters and politics, so i was sort of braced for it. But none of the other people who were there at this preview screening - we chatted afterwards - mentioned Cyclops death as being badly handled at all.

What's more shocking is Magneto's treatment of Mystique...
yeah...that scene looked so rush...nobody every asked for him on the movie, nobody cried. The Professor used himto provoke jean's anger in her house, but nobody else
Nell2ThaIzzay said:
How did the way Cyclops is handled affect the rest of the film for you guys?

It is a "this whole part of the story is ruined" type of thing?

Or is it more of a "well, I wish it didn't happen, but time to move on" type of thing?

Having not seen the movie yet (I see it tonight at midnight), I just view this move as the one thing that, won't neccesarily ruin the movie / trilogy, but will somewhat taint the trilogy.

Just knowing, watching Cyclops bark out his orders in X-Men, knowing what's in store for him...

But now for you guys, having actually seen the movie, how did it play out for you guys? And did the Phoenix Saga still feel like the Phoenix Saga?

It didn't ruin the movie for me

i am a great cyke fan ..and of the phoenix saga..for me deep inside that is a shame , the sense have changed ....

but that said , it add some depht much needed to the movieverse Jean/phoenix ( Famke help her part too even if is really underwritten )Mardsen was good , really good whith what they had given him , his scene with Jean is good ( but too short like a lot of scene in the movie sadly) fact for the first time personnaly , James and Famke imo had chemistry , for the first time i could believe that they were really in love , that there were passion between them ,that they had an history together..beautiful..

when later in the movie ,in the infirmary Jean crack down because of the memory of cyke , that is really a touching moment(Famke again is great , you feel the love that she has for him imo ) and cyke presence is felt ..there are some scene when people mention him but it didn't come so strong for me ..i dunno , that's maybe things were moving too fast , that there were so much information..

All in all , again , it didn't ruin the movie for me ..But,i think that if the movie was just longer , if it took a little more its time , maybe his death would have more weight..
Nell2ThaIzzay said:
How did the way Cyclops is handled affect the rest of the film for you guys?

It is a "this whole part of the story is ruined" type of thing?

Or is it more of a "well, I wish it didn't happen, but time to move on" type of thing?

Having not seen the movie yet (I see it tonight at midnight), I just view this move as the one thing that, won't neccesarily ruin the movie / trilogy, but will somewhat taint the trilogy.

Just knowing, watching Cyclops bark out his orders in X-Men, knowing what's in store for him...

But now for you guys, having actually seen the movie, how did it play out for you guys? And did the Phoenix Saga still feel like the Phoenix Saga?
It was crap! :( I was dissapointed i hate it :(. Cyclops was soon forgotten
Cyclops' death could have been handled better. But you have to remember there is a war going on, not enough time to sulk over lost ones.
chaseter said:
Cyclops' death could have been handled better. But you have to remember there is a war going on, not enough time to sulk over lost ones.
The question is not there imo..war or not there is too much going on with that running time to really care a lot ( and again i liked the movie , and i was kind of touched by cyke death..thanks to Famke and James especially)
X-Maniac said:
What's more shocking is Magneto's treatment of Mystique...
i agree.. again too short imo... spoiler : and i didn't like her betrayal on the video..they played it like a gag..i would have loved to see others (and longer) moments of mystique reactions to the fact that he abandonned her..
Maze said:
i agree.. again too short imo... spoiler : (and i didn't like her betrayal on the video..they played it like a gag..i would have loved to see longer mystique reaction to the fact that he abandonned her)

I agree! I really didn't like how they showed her on video, telling officials where Magneto's base was, that was stupid, I really wanted to see and hear Mystique get her revenge on Magneto. I actually liked Magneto's abandoning of Mystique though, it was the right length and imo showed how fickle Magneto was with her.
Maze said:
i agree.. again too short imo... spoiler : (and i didn't like her betrayal on the video..they played it like a gag..i would have loved to see longer mystique reaction to the fact that he abandonned her)

I don't know if it was too short..maybe a bit. But it was so horrible what he did... You really felt for her, and even the way Pyro looked at him said what they all thought of how cold and callous it was...
X-Maniac said:
I don't know if it was too short..maybe a bit. But it was so horrible what he did... You really felt for her, and even the way Pyro looked at him said what they all thought of how cold and callous it was...
yeah Magneto was out of order to mystque!
X-Maniac said:
I don't know if it was too short..maybe a bit. But it was so horrible what he did... You really felt for her, and even the way Pyro looked at him said what they all thought of how cold and callous it was...
Yup that too ..Anyways i don't like the way Magneto part was written there ..he could have hiden his "pain" to inspire fear and respect to the others brotherhood members , but at the same time be really touched, conflicted with all that he shared with her ..he just became inhuman at that moment imo..and that is a Magneto slightly less interesting to me..
Maze said:
Yup that too ..i don't like the way Magneto part was written there ..he could have hiden his "pain" to inspire fear and respect to the others brotherhood members , but at the same time be really touched ..he just became inhuman at that moment imo..and that is a Magneto slightly less interesting to me..

I think this film did show his true terrorist side... the way he crushed those cars etc... This was his attempt to show what he was capable of. He was horrible to Xavier in front of Jean (then we saw his regret over what happened)...

I really like how the emotions played out in the film. I wonder if this is it for Mystique, or whether they would use the human version in a future movie?
X-Maniac said:
I think this film did show his true terrorist side... the way he crushed those cars etc... This was his attempt to show what he was capable of. He was horrible to Xavier in front of Jean (then we saw his regret over what happened)...

I really like how the emotions played out in the film. I wonder if this is it for Mystique, or whether they would use the human version in a future movie?

This film was intensely emotional imo, which I loved. I was honestly holding back the tears for the Jean vs Xavier scene, particularly the end where everything freezes and goes quiet. I'm welling up just thinking about it!
X-Maniac said:
I think this film did show his true terrorist side... the way he crushed those cars etc... This was his attempt to show what he was capable of. He was horrible to Xavier in front of Jean (then we saw his regret over what happened)...

I really like how the emotions played out in the film. I wonder if this is it for Mystique, or whether they would use the human version in a future movie?
Yup that's true , i understand the intent ..But at the same time now that you mention those scenes with Xavier i dunno , even with those regrets,he appeared much of the time one dimensionnal too me ..(that said he was beginning to be that way in X2 ) really more like an evil guy..I understand the progression of the character , but still it makes for a more interesting character imo to keep more human traits ( even if it is subtle )
Cyke's death was very quick and could have been handled better, but it is mentioned throughout the movie. It didn't ruin the movie.
X-Maniac said:
I really like how the emotions played out in the film. I wonder if this is it for Mystique, or whether they would use the human version in a future movie?

they sure could..( and in France people say that they saw an alternate ending with her visiting Erik in the park :confused: dunno if she is anew a mutant or not )
amazingfantasy15 said:
Cyke's death was very quick and could have been handled better, but it is mentioned throughout the movie. It didn't ruin the movie.

people ussualy soil themselves after dieing, do you think cyke did???
Storm22 said:
This film was intensely emotional imo, which I loved. I was honestly holding back the tears for the Jean vs Xavier scene, particularly the end where everything freezes and goes quiet. I'm welling up just thinking about it!
yeah i must say that scene was really emotional! I nearly cried lol
Storm22 said:
This film was intensely emotional imo, which I loved. I was honestly holding back the tears for the Jean vs Xavier scene, particularly the end where everything freezes and goes quiet. I'm welling up just thinking about it!

I farted really loud during Storm's speach at xavies funeral, everyon heard it and laughed........ it was pretty funny:eek:
Ps: Nell . Spoiler : i'm not sure if you're gonna like how at the end Wolverine suddenly became a leader that actually rally everybody : ( i hated the line that he gave to the Xmen in the basement .." we are Xmen"so cliched) again i know that Logan progression in the movie justify that , but i dunno it feel just so sudden ,He has so many things to deal with, i didn't believed it anymore..i couldn't believe that he would be so confident ( he really actually souded like cyke there)i would have actually prefered the" she might not come home "line..

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