Has anyone read the Joss Whedon comic series "Fray"? I thought it was an awesome new direction for the Buffyverse. Joss recently said in an interview that Fray is NOT over and that he has plans to continue it.
Fray is one of my favorite comic books, bar none. I would recommend it to anything with a pulse and most things without.
The red golden scythe?
Fray is one of my favorite comic books, bar none. I would recommend it to anything with a pulse and most things without.
Frayed knot. It was red in the show, too.Well yeah in the comic it is red...but in Buffy it was gold.
Good point. Whedon should get to writing.Maybe not so long now that writers can't do **** for Hollywood anymore...
That's because you suck and Whedon wasn't personally involved with Angel that much. You recommending Angel would be like a Catholic recommending someone go to a Lutheran church.Ask me sometime when Corp isn't looking if I would recommend Angel season 3 to anyone.
Ask me sometime when Corp isn't looking if I would recommend Angel season 3 to anyone.
Frayed knot. It was red in the show, too.
Yep, on crack.oh noies im angel I'm all EMO AND MY SON IS EMO AND HE'S GROWED UP Wesley whiney whiney nihilist crap with hamburgers.
Yeah it was the best thing ever.
You wouldn't recommend Angel season 3? Son, you're on crack.