G.I. Joe Forum Anyone?


Member of the NRA
Aug 29, 2003
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Just curious if we are getting a G.I. Joe forum anytime soon. I figure if they considered James Bond and superhero then the Joes deserve a forum. At least they are a comic book character if nothing else.

Come on We Want G.I. Joe!!!!!!!!!!
Yo Joe, A forum is a good Idea. Now, someone actually said that G.I. Joe are not superheroes...correct. However the unit includes ninja, a female Sgt. wearing a bathing suit and tights, utillizing mini crossbows, katanas, throwing stars, laser pistols, and driving high tech vehicles which do not exist. G.I. Joe is military/fantasy, close enough to superheroes (Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Destro, Zartan), to have a forum.
The casting for the movie is in full-swing, and I'm pretty happy with most of the choices. A G.I. Joe forum is both halves of the battle! G.I. Joooooooooooeeeeee!
Yo Joe, A forum is a good Idea. Now, someone actually said that G.I. Joe are not superheroes...correct. However the unit includes ninja, a female Sgt. wearing a bathing suit and tights, utillizing mini crossbows, katanas, throwing stars, laser pistols, and driving high tech vehicles which do not exist. G.I. Joe is military/fantasy, close enough to superheroes (Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Destro, Zartan), to have a forum.

Punisher isn't a superhero either but has his own forum
I support a G.I.Joe forum. Since many of the major casts have been announced, this is the best time to create one so fans can start discussing about them.

Hey, new member here. First post.

Would love if you added a GI JOE forum.

That is all. Carry on.
Set Pic? At least the got serpentor right :indy:
Yup, first set pic. Zartan looks AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zartan creeped me out when I was younger for some reason :o

That rest of the photos in that album are quite.....odd to say the least
The forum needs support, Hunter. That awesome set pic should get it done.

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