G.I. JOE movie formula a la TRANSFORMERS movie: Joes/Cobra + BILLY = box office gold?


Sep 27, 2005
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Does anyone think that the G.I. JOE movie will follow in the same formula as the TRANSFORMERS movie? Part of the appeal and critical acclaim of TRANSFORMERS was that the story was about a boy and his car, so that audience can relate/empathize with a character. Sure this movie is gonna have all action, but don't true G.I. JOE fans want Billy - Cobra Commander's son - to be a main character in the movie? Is there any G.I. Joe fan that did not like the storyline of Billy in the G.I. Joe comics? I personally loved it and thought it was the most emotional. I know there might be too much to put in the movie, but they did it successfully with TRANSFORMERS. If Billy is treated with respect as in the comic book, he's not gonna be that annoying kid character. Billy is a great link to many of the fan favorite characters - such as Storm Shadow and Cobra Commander. And in the 80s comic and current one, Billy eventually is connected with both sides at some point.... I'm thinking that the Joes and Cobra characters are already established (sort of like in the first Joe comic - just throw them into action), but I like the idea of evolving Billy - to just a plain kid to eventually an eye-patched, metal legged kung-fu ass kicker. I don't mind if it's young Billy (80s Marvel) or older Billy (from the new G.I. Joe comics). For the movie to possibly taken seriously at some emotional level (as much emotional level as the Transformers movie of course), I don't think it's enough that the "side drama stories" going on with Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow or some Duke/Scarlett/Snake Eyes love triangle. I think that Billy is the one to bring the movie all together, just like Sam Witicky in the Transformers flick. He would be a great central character for this G.I. Joe movie and any sequels. (And in a unrelated note, this would also bring the reality of a G.I. Joe Billy action figure, which was never made. ;))

Anyone like this idea for this movie or sequels? Remember that this is gonna be a PG-13 film marketed towards the older fans and the kids. Why would the studio not have a kid character in this film? If they are gonna have to have a kid in the movie, at least choose the right one - Billy - to focus on.
Timstuff, isn't Duke basically the equivalent of Optimus Prime though? What are they gonna do with Duke? I thought Duke is just the kick-ass leader, but not the main underlying empasizing character. I'm not against Duke at all, but knowing Hollywood, how do you think they are going to develop Duke? If not Billy, I sure wouldn't mind the focus on Duke, but once again, knowing Hollywood, I'm afraid they are gonna create some totally new Joe (a character not from anywhere - not from the comics, the cartoon, the Sigma 6 - just a hollywood creation) of how he joins up the Joe team. That's my biggest fear with the Joe film. I'm trying to think of all the military films i've seen in the past, and all I can think of is that the focus is usually on the newly recruited private. Has there ever been a military movie where they focus on the sarge or the captain or the general?

If Duke is the focus, then I like the idea of him once being a high ranking army/navy/etc. official, only to be called up or convinced to lead the group of Joes. And if Duke used to be in the military, I like the idea that he made some serious mistake and is responsible for getting his troops killed. So, as the leader of the Joes, he has another chance to be responsible and not make the same mistake he did during a war...
Duke might be the leader, but he's not the most popular character, that was always Snake Eyes. Optimus Prime > Duke. But Snake Eyes' level of popularity is closer to that of Optimus.

Billy, I have no problem if they want to include Cobra Jr. in the movie. That'd be a lot better than Alex Mann or some of the other stuff we heard.

Just realize that Stephen Sommers is directing this, and remember the son in Mummy Returns :) .
I've been watching my G.I. Joe dvds lately and it seems that Flint is in more episodes than Duke. Or am I just on something?
Once again, Duke is no Optimus Prime. And yes a lot of other characters in GI JOE got more screen-time than Duke.
i just wanna see ol' chrome dome DESTRO
I'd say, the most popular GI JOE character of all time is Snake Eyes, the second being Cobra Commander.
I will vomit if they put "billy" in.

ONE mistake with transformers was partially making it like the comic. when the cartoon was more popular.
GIJoe was more popular via the cartoon as well. I mean to be honest the RIGHT director could even put in the "Knowing is half the battle" and make us laugh our asses off.

I AM however leery of making Cobra commander attached to Cobra-La. EYE would know what its all about but the average movie goer would be like WTF?
Cobra-La didn't come along until the animated movie.

I don't see how the Transformers movie was more like the comic. It was like a Michael Bay more more than anything.
Just saying, Duke is not a character who is as popular as Snake Eyes or Optimus Prime for Transformers.
Well, the reason why they focused on Sam on Transformers because the Transformers are...well, they're Transformers. They're huge bloody robots. Apparently, you need to focus a bit on a human to make it more relatable.

Now, I may be wrong, but, I'm pretty sure G.I. Joe and the rest of them are human and not robot, so I don't think it needs a focus on a small-time character like that.
Well Sigma 6 still introduced an annoying as **** kid that was Hawk's son and a bunch of annoying as **** school friends, and an annoying as **** robot dog named SPUD that defeated Cobra by taking a robot piss ala Bumblebee in the Transformers movie.

And the Transformers cartoon still had Spike Witwicky and his dad, that weren't nearly as annoying and stupid as the human characters in the Transformers movie.
Well Sigma 6 still introduced an annoying as **** kid that was Hawk's son and a bunch of annoying as **** school friends, and an annoying as **** robot dog named SPUD that defeated Cobra by taking a robot piss ala Bumblebee in the Transformers movie.

And the Transformers cartoon still had Spike Witwicky and his dad, that weren't nearly as annoying and stupid as the human characters in the Transformers movie.

I liked Transformers. A lot. :o

The GI Joes are human, so unlike the Transformers, they do not need a character that bridges the gap between the audience and the heroes.
no kids in this movie please.

you want the human-connection? have one of the female Joes captured by Cobra. maybe Scarlett, and her connection with Snake-Eyes can then really be noticed.
I like now that mediocrity like Transformers is hot, people are saying "What are we going to do with ass kicking leaders like Duke? We need a boy to empathize with," to paraphrase. The story doesn't need a Peter Parker crossed with Elliot from ET (met with smartass TV star personality).

I'm not expecting much from this movie, but if it tried to keep the characters interesting and not go for the cliches, which is impossible, I would be impressed. As it stands hopefully it can avoid some of the falls that Transsformers had, but since it was a success the producers will probably gallop towards them, then.
Snake Eyes = the Wolverine of this franchise.. So of course they will focus on him mostly..

But I wouldn't mind Duke being devoleped the correct way..

on a brighter note who is all for a Sgt. Slaughter cameo? lol
I dont think I want to get too into Cobra Commanders origin quite yet.

I've said it before and I'll say it again...GI Joe WAS my childhood. It was my only interest during my formulative (and personally tough) years. I do not like the direction this movie is going at all.
This movie feels like it's going to be like the Street Fighter movie, international armed forces team verse international terrorist organization, with a whole bunch of colorful characters on both sides.
And why cant it just be a war movie about homegrown terrorism?

Oh yeah...that would make too much sense.
Duke might be the leader, but he's not the most popular character, that was always Snake Eyes. Optimus Prime > Duke. But Snake Eyes' level of popularity is closer to that of Optimus.

Billy, I have no problem if they want to include Cobra Jr. in the movie. That'd be a lot better than Alex Mann or some of the other stuff we heard.

Just realize that Stephen Sommers is directing this, and remember the son in Mummy Returns :) .

Snakes Eyes has indeed alway been the most popular Joe-verse character, followed by Cobra Commander.

As to the thread starter; i can't see 'the boy and his car type' formula working for G.I Joe. How a kid can get caught up in the war of Joe vs Cobra, and not have it come off as being absolutely ridiculous, is beyond me. But then again, this is being directed by the same guy who directed Van Helsing, so.......

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