Girl on bond gives judge the finger, gets 30 days in prison

Not very smart gal, I imagine. :doh:
I once went to a court for a traffic violation and I saw a judge throw a man in jail because he wouldn't go to the back of the line.
Why did he up it to $10,000 for saying "Adios"? Is that too casual or something? And does he really think he is helping the situation by making this already ****ed up girl owe more money? Both Judge and girl were being dumb imo.

For the record, I understand him punishing her for the bird. Regardless of how angry you are there is a time and place for that and the court ain't it.
The judge reminds me of a very portly Most Interesting Man in the World from the Dos Equis commercials.
Why did he up it to $10,000 for saying "Adios"? Is that too casual or something? And does he really think he is helping the situation by making this already ****ed up girl owe more money? Both Judge and girl were being dumb imo.

For the record, I understand him punishing her for the bird. Regardless of how angry you are there is a time and place for that and the court ain't it.

I don't think it was for the "Adios." He had already warned her to stop laughing and take things seriously. When he said "bye-bye" she laughed again and said Adios rather cavalierly. I don't think he felt she was taking things seriously still.
it's funny, but it's also a bit of abusive power. She needs to lawyer up
it's funny, but it's also a bit of abusive power. She needs to lawyer up

In the US, Judges are god in the court room for the most part. They can charge you with contempt for a funny glance. I doubt a lawyer will accomplish anything.
Personally, I would've given her a full 2 months behind bars for contempt.
This whole video is one elongated facepalm.
What a stupid tart. She deserved all she got...

The look on her face when he doubled her bail and then sentenced her was priceless.
It's amazing how many people think they can act like they are on a street corner when they are in court. All it would have took was 2 minutes to keep her mouth shut and do nothing....but now she has 30 days and another $5000 to think about that.
Yeah, I'm in the judge's corner on this one.
I'm sure the defendant is a ***** but I don't understand how being a smartass warrants a month in jail.
lil b$&& should have gotten more azz

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