Batman Begins Gordon line in Begins


The Oldest Geek
Jan 5, 2004
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I'm just now watching Begins (just got TDKR today, I'm having my own personal NolanBat marathon)and I noted, in the scene where Batman meets with Gordon outside Gordon's house (A storm's coming) at the end of the scene Gordon says "I think you're trying to help ... But I've been wrong before." is that a reference to anything in particular, or is it just a throwaway line?
I think he refers to corrupt police officers like Flass or the system in general. Gordon as a character could be naive and easy on trusting people during his youth, hence all the experience and the "i've learned from my mistakes" attitude.
I can see that, but I'm just wondering because it sounded to me like it might been a specific reference to something in the Batman mythos regarding Gordon's history. I'm proably just reading too much into it, though.
I don't think it was a nod to the comics; always assumed it was about corrupt police or politicians that seemed like they wanted to help Gotham, but didn't.
I reckon he just meant he's bad some wrong judgements before about things. Nothing else.
It was meant to show how he still had reservations about Batman.
I'm just now watching Begins (just got TDKR today, I'm having my own personal NolanBat marathon)and I noted, in the scene where Batman meets with Gordon outside Gordon's house (A storm's coming) at the end of the scene Gordon says "I think you're trying to help ... But I've been wrong before." is that a reference to anything in particular, or is it just a throwaway line?

He's a middle-aged world-weary cop who's one of the few honest men in a broken and corrupt system. I'd assume it's just about getting his hopes up before and then seeing them dashed, or trusting the wrong person.

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