Gotham Gotham Season 1, Episode 16 "The Blind Fortune Teller" General Discussion

Barely saw the episode. Monaghan reminded me of Ledger voice and performance wise, while his face, reminded me of Nicholson's Joker. He did an awesome job in my opinion. This episode was great overall with the exception of the Barbara scenes.
Ha ok thanks.
I follow the show but not the news around it.
And yes, the actor was fine ( I know him from Shameless ).

Not a problem. Even though the teaser for this episoade said "no joke" it may have been just that - a tease. But not oficially of course. ;)


Gotham is a great show. My only beef is it almost collapses under its own weight of sub plots.

IMO it needs more two part shows, so it can focus on a few characters at once.
Gotham is a great show. My only beef is it almost collapses under its own weight of sub plots.

IMO it needs more two part shows, so it can focus on a few characters at once.

I agree. There's a LOT going on w/ many characters and their stories.

For example: I'm sure we'll see more of Jerome (Joker) but he's probably locked up in Arkham but then again in the comics, the Joker's past is tied to the Red Hood gang.(The Killing Joke)

I mean The Flash has had a few two-parters, so why not Gotham?
I agree. There's a LOT going on w/ many characters and their stories.

For example: I'm sure we'll see more of Jerome (Joker) but he's probably locked up in Arkham but then again in the comics, the Joker's past is tied to the Red Hood gang.(The Killing Joke)

I mean The Flash has had a few two-parters, so why not Gotham?

constant two parters won't make up for all of the background noise the show has produced. Fish is in the middle of a nowhere story. Penguin is going around in circles. Gotham is and always will be a craphole and Gordon doesn't get enough screen time in his own show.

That isn't even mentioning all of the mob stuff and other minor villains the show throws at us.

They need to tone down.

Ep.16 Review (The Blind Fortune Teller)
constant two parters won't make up for all of the background noise the show has produced. Fish is in the middle of a nowhere story. Penguin is going around in circles. Gotham is and always will be a craphole and Gordon doesn't get enough screen time in his own show.

That isn't even mentioning all of the mob stuff and other minor villains the show throws at us.

They need to tone down.

Ep.16 Review (The Blind Fortune Teller)

Well, let's hope Coblepot was right when he says there is a war coming.

This could eliminate some characters and finish a few stories. I like Fish's current story trapped in a dungeon with others used for spare body parts.
Another great episode. That kid was downright creepy, but brilliant all the same. Now let's see who the next Joker candidate could be...

Not alot of Bullock in this one, but at least we got some cute scenes between Leslie and Jim. :hrt:
The actor that played Jerome, seemed like he was simply doing an impersonation of Heath Ledger's Joker
By the way Robin is the child of young couples in the police station that said they name their child Jim. Dick Grayson. It's plausible. Just my $.02
Loved that they finally put the joker in a episode the actor really did a good job can't wait to see more of him and when he actually becomes the joker. My favorite batman and joker was the first batman movie with keaton and Nicholson
Loved that they finally put the joker in a episode the actor really did a good job can't wait to see more of him and when he actually becomes the joker. My favorite batman and joker was the first batman movie with keaton and Nicholson

Nobody said the guy actually WAS or will become the Joker. He just acted like him.They even said in the Promo fore this episode, that this week's villain "Is no joke."
Did you not hear about the statement by one of the producers where they said they would be showing a number of characters who "may or may not be" someone who would become the Joker.
This is one of those "might be" Jokers.
I'm certain they never will actually bring up a character and confirm "Yeah, this is the guy that will become the Joker".
Nobody said the guy actually WAS or will become the Joker. He just acted like him.They even said in the Promo fore this episode, that this week's villain "Is no joke."
Did you not hear about the statement by one of the producers where they said they would be showing a number of characters who "may or may not be" someone who would become the Joker.
This is one of those "might be" Jokers.
I'm certain they never will actually bring up a character and confirm "Yeah, this is the guy that will become the Joker".

What does your head and heart tell you? Mine says he's the Joker. Many criminals are bad people, but only the bone evil ones could murder their own mother.

Of course the kid in the show also had Psychopath like tendencies.

Psychopathic Personality Inventory

Boldness. Low fear including stress-tolerance, toleration of unfamiliarity and danger, and high self-confidence and social assertiveness. The PCL-R measures this relatively poorly and mainly through Facet 1 of Factor 1. Similar to PPI Fearless dominance. May correspond to differences in the amygdala and other neurological systems associated with fear.

. Poor impulse control including problems with planning and foresight, lacking affect and urge control, demand for immediate gratification, and poor behavioral restraints. Similar to PCL-R Factor 2 and PPI Impulsive antisociality. May correspond to impairments in frontal lobe systems that are involved in such control.

Meanness. Lacking empathy and close attachments with others, disdain of close attachments, use of cruelty to gain empowerment, exploitative tendencies, defiance of authority, and destructive excitement seeking. The PCL-R in general is related to this but in particular some elements in Factor 1. Similar to PPI Coldheartedness but also includes elements of subscales in Impulsive antisociality. Meanness may possibly be caused by either high boldness or high disinhibition combined with an adverse environment. A child with high boldness may respond poorly to punishment but may respond better to rewards and secure attachments which may not be available under adverse conditions. A child with high disinhibition may have increased problems under adverse conditions with meanness developing in response.
Because, as I mentioned, they've already said they would be introducing red herring Jokers, that may or may not be the Joker. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't, I don't know, and neither do you, but my heart tells me that it's likely we'll see more guys like him who could just as easily be the Joker before this show is done. You may believe he's the Joker, but that doesn't mean he is the Joker. There's plenty of psychos in the DC universe, the Joker isn't the only one.
The actor that played Jerome, seemed like he was simply doing an impersonation of Heath Ledger's Joker

Not for me, the actor seemed to be inspired by a more theatrical version of the character.
Haha, every Joker from here on out is apparently going to be viewed as a take on Ledger . :o
regardless of whether he is going to turn out to be the joker or not. that kid is an amazing actor. if you didnt pick it up, he covered all the jokers from Cesar Romero to ledger. there were differences in his voice and facial expressions, it was like he had multiple personality disorder with all the previous jokers.
side note: if he does become the joker, infuriated. the joker has no back story, never has. and this is what adds to the greatness of the character.
ps, ledger was balls as the joker. nolans films sucked ass
I was pretty positive that Jerome was just another one of their Joker teases. However I had a fun thought at the end of the Red Hood episode (showing that 'anyone' could be the Red Hood) that a kid like Jerome could easily pick up the hood some day.. all of these 'histories' merging together.. You know, the multiple choice, the choose your own adventure.. ;)

Honestly, as much as I was squeeing with excitement at the thought of seeing the Joker on Gotham, I would be happy with continued teasing and nothing ever definite.. Definite can get you sad.. definite can disappoint you, lol. And I have been enjoying Gotham thus far.. please keep the mystery alive. Don't cave to the pressure, oh producers..

Honestly I had an issue with Jerome when he finally revealed himself to be 'that guy' that killed his mother.
Maybe it was the anticipation, the suspense of already having guessed he had done it and just waiting for the reveal.. But I was cringing.

Sure, he does a good impression, that kid.. but overwhelmingly like an impression (as some have already stated). It was too much all at once, kind of turned me off. No subtlety, wasn't believable enough for me. Mayhaps I should give the episode another viewing. I WANT to appreciate what they did here..
Barely saw the episode. Monaghan reminded me of Ledger voice and performance wise, while his face, reminded me of Nicholson's Joker. He did an awesome job in my opinion.

Yes I love that mix. Couldn't have asked for much more from a TV show version of Joker.

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