The Avengers Greatest moment of self-sacrifice in MCU Phase One


Shaper Savant
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
It is my opinion that each of these moments is what truly defines each of the Avengers as heroes. Choose the moment of self-sacrifice that stood out most to you.
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ah. i guess you cant edit polls. If its unclear, the Thor option refers to when the Destroyer backhands him in the Thor film.
ah. i guess you cant edit polls. If its unclear, the Thor option refers to when the Destroyer backhands him in the Thor film.

I edited it for you. Hope that works.
Should have had a choice up there, "Can't decide, they're all unselfish acts"
Thanks for the fix Sage!

HA! Not a bad idea Vartha. I had trouble deciding myself. Youre welcome to add it!
I had to go with Thor. I mean the guy died and then was resurrected for Odin's sake.
Thanks for the fix Sage!

HA! Not a bad idea Vartha. I had trouble deciding myself. Youre welcome to add it!
...Can't figure out how lol never edited a poll before lol.
eh. its just as well. People need to be more decisive.
Not entirely surprised at the results thus far. Those were probably the more gut-wrenching.
I'll argue Captain America since he pretty crashed the plane he was flying in order to make sure millions of lives were wiped out by Hydras super weapon. Not only does he risk his own live he's ends up getting a second chance but haing live 70 years out of his time where all the people he knew are pretty much dead.
I voted Stark with the missile because it meant more for his character. You expect self sacrifice from Rodgers, and Banner to a degree. Even Thor is more likely to initially sacrifice himself. Stark has always been 100% about himself. But for him to risk his life to save the entire city, that shows a deep change is his character's philosophy.
I voted Stark with the missile because it meant more for his character. You expect self sacrifice from Rodgers, and Banner to a degree. Even Thor is more likely to initially sacrifice himself. Stark has always been 100% about himself. But for him to risk his life to save the entire city, that shows a deep change is his character's philosophy.

Yeah. I actually marked Stark down for taking 3 movies to accomplish this. Cap and Thor have been in life or death situations and in wars, they know whats on the line. That's why I'm the one person who chose the Hulk -_- A normal man of science put into a situation where he could save thousands of lives but he's still going to have to fight to do it. He's my hero.
Tony had the most to lose.
Thor was depowered.
Bruce was about to be shipped off as a military guinea pig.
and Steve. . . well, it's like How it should've ended pointed out. There wasn't enough reason given for to not be able to get out of that.
Tony was rich as hell, loved by everyone, with a hot girlfriend, sweet suit of armour, and a new Hulk. And like Heat Kitchen pointed out, his story makes it more of an arc than Steve or Banner, and technically his was longer than Thor.
Hard poll to make a choice, but I had to give it to Tony.
My choice actually isnt on the poll, but Thor destroying the rainbrow bridge to save a race he previously hated and in doing so cutting him off from the woman he loves for god knows how long beats them all for me.
aw. See that's a good point. He does sacrifice something. Obviously i was focusing mainly on the life or death ones. Very interesting choice though.

Yinsen made a great sacrifice play in Iron Man as well. Not to mention he actually died, rather than just almost dying.
Banner's fall. Everyone had a slight chance of survival. Banner was "healed". When I was watching I was like "OH ****!!!"
Cap's was the most heart wrenching & I think it was the best.
Banner's fall. Everyone had a slight chance of survival. Banner was "healed". When I was watching I was like "OH ****!!!"

Yeah lol. I think we all said that right along with Ed Norton. Then he came out the ground like zombie Hulk
My favourite moment is Cap's. I think the radio conversation with Carter is really gut-wrenching and it makes the moment hit harder.

I actually think Thor's destruction of the Bifrost comes second. He knows exactly what he's doing and neither he nor the audience expect a last-moment save.
I knew that Cap was going to turn up alive in the future, and that Banner and Thor were going to make it, but oddly enough, a part of me thought that Tony wasn't, so I voted for him.
Yeah, I mean. We know they were all gonna survive. Stark was already on for IM3... its more about the concept of what they were thinking at the time. Picture each of their girl's faces during each moment.

"You don't even know if you'll change!"

"I'll show you how [to dance]. Just be there."

"It's not over..."


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