Grown Ups 2

I liked the first one, really dissapointed Schnieder isn't in this one.
Good to see they're still using that "chocolate wasted" joke from the first movie in the trailer for this. Damn it all.
Because it wasn't funny enough the first hundred times I saw when trailers for the first one were polluting my television.
The first one was awful, I didn't laugh a single time and this looks even worse. I'm surprised the first film made as much money as it did.
It looks terrible, but at least it doesn't look awful like That's My Boy ended up being. Damning with faint praise, but it's a considerable step up.

But I feel bad for Andy Samberg. Boy, I feel sorry for the guy.
That's my Boy and Jack and Jill were cinematic treasures. Can't wait to see what Sandler has in store for this one! Time to make some more memories, everyone!

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I feel like I am the only person on earth that actually enjoyed That's My Boy, compared to everything else Sandler has done in the past 6 or so years I thought it was hilarious.
I have an instant aversion to anything with Sandler. What a clown. What an unfunny, stupid clown.
Steve Buscemi was the only good thing about the first film

and seriously, no Rob Schneider? this new one must really suck for him not to come back
how is it that Taylor Lautner came across more funny than any of the so called comedians lol
how is it that Taylor Lautner came across more funny than any of the so called comedians lol

He didn't. And the rest didn't, aswell. It's sad to see Adam Sandler at this point. I liked him, but he keeps making crap after crap.
I like That's My Boy. Hated Grown Ups. Watched it on a date and promises were made that little miss thing never followed through with and I've associated this movie and it's general unfunniness with that night.
lol! ^

That statement alone was funnier than the s**t that was in That's My Boy, Grown Ups, and Jack & Jill.
what a piece of ****... like seriously the movie could use some real spice, teh puffy kind I like to add to threads.

Overall this trailer is not of wanting to be seen... Allah's name please stop them
I like That's My Boy. Hated Grown Ups. Watched it on a date and promises were made that little miss thing never followed through with and I've associated this movie and it's general unfunniness with that night.

The fact that she would promise you something for Grown Ups should've clued you in.
The fact that she would promise you something for Grown Ups should've clued you in.

Maybe she was actually going to do it for him, but then she saw Grown Ups and was turned off. No bj's for him.
I gotta give props to That's My Boy for the sheer audacity the writers had to include that "twist" in the end.
That twist had M. Night's name written all over it. In s**t. It was written in s**t and smeared all over.
M. Night wishes he had thought of something as ballsy and preposterous as that.
I don't wanna get into specifics but things were going good before that movie. Pretty, pretty good. We even stopped watching for a minute and headed to the bedroom for a little bit and then started it over. I was told if I "behaved" that when the movie was over well, its something I'd have sure enjoyed. Anyways, movie was over, I was ready and given how into things she seemed earlier I felt comfortable enough to just be like bloop!! There it is! And she just looked at it! "Maybe some other time. It's late. Can I have a ride home and oh can you take me to go get a milkshake?" Yea, **** that movie.

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