Infinity War Guardians vs Avengers

TONY: Oh look, they have a Hulk too. Except weaker and with metrosexual body paint.

DRAX: Die, you pampered aristocrat!

They clash. The other Avengers and Guardians advance toward each other, but are halted by Cap and StarLord, respectively.

PETER: Wait, you're not bad guys, are you?

STEVE: Nope. You?

PETER: Nope. So should we break them up?

Cap turns his head and sees Drax pounding dents in Tony's helmet.

STEVE: Nah, let's just let this play itself out.
I have a feeling Quill will get the better of him there, verbally at least.
Perhaps, but Quill can only reference 80s material when insulting Stark. I do expect a good verbal joust between the two though.

I can see a bromance between possibly Lang and Star Lord.
Quill to Iron Man...
In his best Ozzy Osbourne Black Sabbath era voice: "I am Iron Man. Wait, wait wait... You Are Iron Man." The second part said in a condescending tone.
They need a seen where everyone is matched with an opponent and Quill is fighting the Hulk or Thor. And stops the fight because he realizes he's horribly mismatched so he switches to another opponent and then the fight continues like nothing ever happened. :funny:
I'd imagine that Tony's first encounter with Rocket would be quite funny.
I just want to see a scene or scenes where Peter Quill is hopefully in Earth and looks at the pop-culture stuff.
Maybe Rocket will tell everyone he needs Bucky's arm in order to complete their mission.
I'd imagine that Tony's first encounter with Rocket would be quite funny.

"I ... is anybody seeing this too, or is it just me?"

"The talking raccoon? No, it's just you Tony."
I imagine they won't be able to communicate with anyone on Team!Avenger due to language barrier. Peter is the only one who speaks English. To understand the rest of the Guardians he has a translator implant. So unless the Avengers get those same transplants they won't understand anyone but Peter.
They'll probably approach the language barrier the same way they did with Thor - just pretend it doesn't exist.
I appreciated how Gamora commented that "the melody is nice" when listening to earth music, signifying that she doesn't actually speak English. :)
I appreciated how Gamora commented that "the melody is nice" when listening to earth music, signifying that she doesn't actually speak English. :)
Gamora might not speak English but she understands it, otherwise she wouldn't know what Peter says. What she says makes sense if you think about her life. She probably hasn't been around that much music, for one. But more importantly the meaning of the words is totally lost on her. I doubt she has ever been in love.
I always thought that every character in the movie actually speaks alien language, including Peter.
There's no mention of an all speak though. If I listen to a song I hear for the first time, I'd also say something similar to Gamora's acknowledgement.

Plus we hear her speak with and understand Peter who lived on Earth. Shouldn't it just be assumed that they are all speaking English? English COULD be the universal language, we may just call it English. Is there something that I missed?

Edit: Saw above comment. Is it canon that he had a language translator? Maybe they all do. Thor speaks English
Edit: Saw above comment. Is it canon that he had a language translator?
Yes it's canon. Because it's right there on screen. In the scene where Peter gives the middle finger to the Nova Corps. On the left they list all his information. And it says 'Enhancement: Translator Implant In Neck'. The aliens only speak English for our benefit. But the only one who actually speaks it is Peter. Hence this will be a problem in IW because none of the Avengers have those translators. So if the Avengers converse normally with the Guardians as if they all speak English, that will be major BS.
The Guardians don't speak english. There's your fight. The same thing happened in Earth's Mightiest Heroes when the Guardians came to get Korvac. Quill has a translator & he's human
The Guardians don't speak english. There's your fight. The same thing happened in Earth's Mightiest Heroes when the Guardians came to get Korvac. Quill has a translator & he's human
Yep, them not being able to communicate. Especially if Quill may not be around at the first meeting. Even if he is there he has not been on Earth in decades. He is lost when it comes to actual human interaction.
The translator issue may be one of those times where you shouldn't sweat the small stuff.

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