The Dark Knight Heath ledger Joker and Harley Quinn

the last son

Aug 23, 2012
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Anyone else get goosebumps just thinking of how this would have played out. I mean Joker sitting in a room interviewed by Quinn. Ledger just being as creepy and dangerous and just peeling back the layers of Quinn's mind to corrupt her. Then after he gets her just thinking about how Ledger would have been going from yelling at Harley to sickly laughing and making jokes with her while torturing someone. I mean I think Ledger would have truly frightened the actress who would have played Harley by his bipolar behavior around her. It would have been a work of art to watch that take place. Oh, well. Just was wondering do other people feel the magic that Ledger's Joker would have had with Harley. It would have been special.
For another sequel it might have worked. But Harley had no place in TDK.
It would have fit to have a (big) scene with Harls and Mr. J, but I'll have to agree with The Joker - In a different movie, different place. The only main concerns I'd ever have about Harls lighting up the big screen is a poor choice of actress.
For another sequel it might have worked. But Harley had no place in TDK.

Agreed, Harley Quinn had no place in TDK and TDK just needed to focus on Batman and Joker for the time it did.

Maybe a sequel if Ledger was still alive, but even then, ehhh....there are better choices and TDKR was just fine in using Bane.
The only way Harley Quinn would work in the universe Nolan constructed is if she was characterized as she was in Birds of Prey: as a Moriarty-like psychologist manipulating behind the scenes. The moment she starts behaving like a kid as she did in TAS, the illusion is broken.
watch the joker blogs or the call me mr j series.

might help " fill the void ", lol
Yeah, the song is awesome, I've been listening to it for the past hour without a break.
The only way Harley Quinn would work in the universe Nolan constructed is if she was characterized as she was in Birds of Prey: as a Moriarty-like psychologist manipulating behind the scenes. The moment she starts behaving like a kid as she did in TAS, the illusion is broken.

But thats certainly an important trait of the character. You just need to develop it to fit this world. She is still dangerous, you just need to display that and combine it with her playful nature.

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